The more support the better!

vantastic852 Posts: 7 Member
edited July 2015 in Introduce Yourself
hi everyone! My name is Vanessa and I have finally decided that enough is enough. That old saying that I'm sick of being sick, heck yea! That being said I also truest believe I'm an athlete stuck in a fat girls body!
So this is where my journey starts. Family on board, check! Goals set, check! A promise to myself , check! The only thing I'm missing is people to talk to about this whole journey.
People that are going through this also, people that have gone through it already, people that can coach, that's who I need in my corner.
I do not have friends that are willing to give things up , or even go walk with me, so doing it myself. The support I need I hope I get from this community!

I would love to become friends to motivate each other , give words of wisdom when necessary, work out with me virtually, and heck just kill it!!!!

I hope I hear from ya'l‼️‼️


  • stefannyb26
    stefannyb26 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I'm totally on board too! I have family and friends supporting me but none of them going through it like me, and it would be such a relief to have people to talk to about this.

    I'm also sick and tired of being a subpar version of the me I know I truly am. This time is THE time I will succeed and keep it off! Let's do this together :smile:
  • Tami_H
    Tami_H Posts: 67 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm always here and I am committed to finally reach and maintain a healthy body weight. I love this app and all the healthy friendships it brings.
  • kellylynn_30
    kellylynn_30 Posts: 4 Member
    I am with you 100%. I look at myself and I literally want to puke. I am so disgusted that I have let myself get this way. Send me an add, would love to go through this with others as well and not by myself. Thanx!