Fitbit help please

Hello everyone, I'm new to mfp and fitbit so please bare wwith me if my uqestion seem a bit strange. On fitbit My calorie in is 1032 and my calories out is 1780. Fitbit says that I am over my budget by 78 what does that mean? Is it a bad thing. Or am I actually overeating?
I am 25. 5'6" and 191lb I'm trying to go down to about 130 - 135lbs


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Ignore Fitbit's food plan area and just follow MFP.

    All Fitbit is saying, is that if your day continues to as it is that you will be 78 calories over your goal for the day. So if your goal is set for a deficit of 500 calories, today it will be 422. This can change depending on how active or inactive you are up until midnight.

    Also, these estimates will get more accurate with time as the Fitbit learns your activity patterns. If your new to it, it's estimating based on the average person with stats similar to yours.
  • KeliseJackson
    KeliseJackson Posts: 25 Member
    Ok. Thank you for your assistance. :-)
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Your Fitbit burn is TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), the calories necessary to maintain your current weight. If you eat at a reasonable deficit from that, you will lose weight. (But you still need to log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly.)

    Connect your accounts at

    Enable negative calorie adjustments in your diary settings:

    Set your goal to .5 lb. for every 25 lbs. you're overweight:

    Ignore your Fitbit calorie goal and follow MFP's, eating back your adjustments. You can learn more in the Fitbit Users group: