HIIT before strength training...thoughts?



  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Doing 15 min of cardio on a treadmill will have no effect on anything, regardless of when or how it is performed.
    15 min of cardio =/= HIIT training

    If they are properly doing HIIT training- then yes- a 12 min HIIT session will greatly impact a high volume squat session.

    And what's described in the original post isn't HIIT. It sounds like a reasonable warm up to resistance training though.

    That said, I'd generally agree that if one is really going to do a HIIT session, then it's a self contained session and not done in conjunction with anything else.

  • tdecel
    tdecel Posts: 48 Member
    I tend to do 40 to 45 minutes of weights followed by 40 to 45 minutes on the elliptical (Precor AMT) with a 30 second-90 second and repeat HIIT session. I really go very hard the last 10 to 15 minutes increasing the resistance way up high so that by the time I finish, I am so hot and sweaty, that all I can do is go into the sauna to "cool" down.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    My guess is OP lifting routine is a bunch of circuits. No way you lift heavy after HIIT workouts.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Not for me because hiit done properly will take a lot out of me.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Not for me because hiit done properly will take a lot out of me.

    It should for everyone when done correctly and training anaerobics.
  • BeginnersBootcamp
    BeginnersBootcamp Posts: 90 Member
    Whatever your focus is, do that first. If your goal is fat burning and calories so hiit first. If you want muscles do lifting first. That's "dumbed down language" but you get the point :)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Whatever your focus is, do that first. If your goal is fat burning and calories so hiit first. If you want muscles do lifting first. That's "dumbed down language" but you get the point :)

    You would be surprise for fat burning which one is better to do first.

  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Whatever your focus is, do that first. If your goal is fat burning and calories so hiit first. If you want muscles do lifting first. That's "dumbed down language" but you get the point :)

    That's just incompletely true too.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,859 Member
    There's also a very real psychological consideration. For example, I despise cardio, but love lifting. If I do cardio first, no matter how tired I am I will still lift. If I lift first and am tired after, there's a better than even chance I'll talk myself out of doing cardio. Thus, I like to do cardio first to make sure I get it in.

    That said, if I know I'm going for a PR that day, I might severely limit the cardio to not tire me out before my lift.
  • jnoegrah
    jnoegrah Posts: 119 Member
    Is 10 min enough to consider it an HIIT 'workout'? just wondering. (OP does a walk, then interval run, then cooldown)

    I have always been under the impression that HIIT is a workout in itself and with the intensity of it, would be pretty beat to do a full workout.

  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    Based on everything I've heard or read, there's no accepted, definitive answer to whether you should do cardio or strength training first; it seems to pretty much be dealers choice. I usually prefer to do strength training first if I'm doing a killer cardio workout, because I don't want to be so tired that my form suffers. But if what you're doing is working for you, I see nothing wrong with it or any reason to change it.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    biziebun wrote: »
    I'm 33 male 6'3" 285lbs

    So here's my routine.

    15 mins on treadmill, which consist of:
    -2.5 mins walking
    -10 min of ...60 sec speed 7 and 60sec speed 3.5, but I don't let my HR drop below 140
    -2.5 min walking cool down
    I build up a good sweat going and I do enjoy it.

    Then off to strength training for 50mins.

    I would say that what you are doing is really cardio level of exertion. Not trying to be smart or anything here.

    To get to HIIT, it is a 90% and above heart rate max application. HIIT is so draining on your system that lifting isn't really gonna be a desire.

    My HIIT workout is 3 min warm up and then 30 seconds at 14 or so mph on cardio glide for 30 seconds. That gets me up to around 92-97 % HRM

    I do 7 rounds of that. It is only 21 minutes of actual HIIT but it is all out effort. 3 minutes of cool down

    It is a sweat dripping off your elbows workout

    I get around 155-165 heart rate spikes during the sprints.

    My trainer started me on that program and no lifting that day. When you really slam it hard on the HIIT, that is gonna do

    Again, no disrespect here, just I think you are a bit below HIIT intensity.

    Try that little 21 minute HIIT cycle. It seems so easy. Just 21 minutes... I scoffed at it myself.

    But it kicked my butt hard.

    Good luck.
  • biziebun
    biziebun Posts: 24 Member
    edited July 2015
    biziebun wrote: »
    I'm 33 male 6'3" 285lbs

    So here's my routine.

    15 mins on treadmill, which consist of:
    -2.5 mins walking
    -10 min of ...60 sec speed 7 and 60sec speed 3.5, but I don't let my HR drop below 140
    -2.5 min walking cool down
    I build up a good sweat going and I do enjoy it.

    Then off to strength training for 50mins.

    I would say that what you are doing is really cardio level of exertion. Not trying to be smart or anything here.

    To get to HIIT, it is a 90% and above heart rate max application. HIIT is so draining on your system that lifting isn't really gonna be a desire.

    My HIIT workout is 3 min warm up and then 30 seconds at 14 or so mph on cardio glide for 30 seconds. That gets me up to around 92-97 % HRM

    I do 7 rounds of that. It is only 21 minutes of actual HIIT but it is all out effort. 3 minutes of cool down

    It is a sweat dripping off your elbows workout

    I get around 155-165 heart rate spikes during the sprints.

    My trainer started me on that program and no lifting that day. When you really slam it hard on the HIIT, that is gonna do

    Again, no disrespect here, just I think you are a bit below HIIT intensity.

    Try that little 21 minute HIIT cycle. It seems so easy. Just 21 minutes... I scoffed at it myself.

    But it kicked my butt hard.

    Good luck.

    I would agree it's not HIIT level...I just didn't know what else to call it. Also when I said strength training I meant compound workout. Sorry for the choice of words/description isn't the best, as this is all new to me.

    However I did try compound workout today for 45mins and didn't have the energy and my leg were shaking that I could barley run.

    So I think in conclusion, I'm going to break my workout in sessions. 1 day will be full cardio and the next will be compound training. My main goal is to shed some unwanted weights and from what I've read, strength training is the way to do it

    Any input on that?
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    biziebun wrote: »
    biziebun wrote: »
    I'm 33 male 6'3" 285lbs

    So here's my routine.

    15 mins on treadmill, which consist of:
    -2.5 mins walking
    -10 min of ...60 sec speed 7 and 60sec speed 3.5, but I don't let my HR drop below 140
    -2.5 min walking cool down
    I build up a good sweat going and I do enjoy it.

    Then off to strength training for 50mins.

    I would say that what you are doing is really cardio level of exertion. Not trying to be smart or anything here.

    To get to HIIT, it is a 90% and above heart rate max application. HIIT is so draining on your system that lifting isn't really gonna be a desire.

    My HIIT workout is 3 min warm up and then 30 seconds at 14 or so mph on cardio glide for 30 seconds. That gets me up to around 92-97 % HRM

    I do 7 rounds of that. It is only 21 minutes of actual HIIT but it is all out effort. 3 minutes of cool down

    It is a sweat dripping off your elbows workout

    I get around 155-165 heart rate spikes during the sprints.

    My trainer started me on that program and no lifting that day. When you really slam it hard on the HIIT, that is gonna do

    Again, no disrespect here, just I think you are a bit below HIIT intensity.

    Try that little 21 minute HIIT cycle. It seems so easy. Just 21 minutes... I scoffed at it myself.

    But it kicked my butt hard.

    Good luck.

    I would agree it's not HIIT level...I just didn't know what else to call it. Also when I said strength training I meant compound workout. Sorry for the choice of words/description isn't the best, as this is all new to me.

    However I did try compound workout today for 45mins and didn't have the energy and my leg were shaking that I could barley run.

    So I think in conclusion, I'm going to break my workout in sessions. 1 day will be full cardio and the next will be compound training. My main goal is to shed some unwanted weights and from what I've read, strength training is the way to do it

    Any input on that?

    That is just about exactly what I paid a trainer to set me up on.

    Over 18 months I have lost 125 lbs net and have around 12 pounds of added muscle mass from the initial Polar Body Comp analysis when I joined the gym

    I will share that I was told to eat maint calories on hard lifting days. That way I have enough calories those days to build muscle

    Defecit of 500 calories and burn of 500 minimum calories on cardio days.

    The math works out to around 1.5 lbs a week loss of fat and the opportunity to add 1/4 lb of muscle per week.

    The cardio days are way more than 500 burnt off

    Today was a 1512 calorie burn bike ride. It will work. It is just hard work.


  • foursirius
    foursirius Posts: 321 Member
    That's not hiit that is just interval training.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Form really is my foremost concern, even with my piddly bodyweight workouts, so I prefer to do them first as well. just because if I do them after even a moderate interval cardio session on a machine, I'm more likely to get sloppy.