This's for me!

VirtuousJoy Posts: 34 Member
edited July 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Gained weight, lost weight, gained weight, lost weight again, and gained it all back..and then some. The difference between then and now is this time I'm not doing it for a special occasion, or some boy, or so people will like me, I'm doing it for myself and my health! I can't do it on my own though! I need your encouragement and your inspiration! Feel free to add me! Let's do this thang and encourage one another to be better for ourselves!


  • kisamekick
    kisamekick Posts: 47 Member
    Even if you mess up one day just make sure you log it! I used to have cheat days and not log them, then I'd think I'd failed myself and give up but logging all your food is the key. You see what you've eaten the past week and realise how much you actually eat vs how you think. You can do this! :sunglasses:

    Logging is key!! :star: