STRESS leads to weight gain & that leads to more frustraions

Hi everyone....So I'm alone at work, and I've been running my office all by myself for 6 weeks now, and I will continue to be alone at least for another 3 weeks. I'm doing the work of 3 people and am being pulled in 8 different directions. I haven't lost a pound this WHOLE time and I'm pretty sure it's because I'm stressed, because I'm still working out and eat right. What do you guys to to cope with stress? I am really frustrated about the 1-2 lbs weight gain and not seeing any more loss. That in combination with the stress at work; I just don't think i'm going to make my goal weight for my vacation at the end of July.... HELP! :( I need NOW 12-13 more lbs to loose before July 31st. Anyone have any suggestions? :(


  • pattycakes_bakersman
    pattycakes_bakersman Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there,

    I just put on 20+ pounds due to stress. I am doing what I did before to lose weight which is to go to a low carb diet and supplement my workouts with yoga. I have already lost 4 pounds and feel much more relaxed.

    The thing that works about yoga is the deep breathing, not the exercises and stretching itself. Taking long deep breaths like in yoga class clams the nervous system. So, if you don't have time for yoga class, then maybe taking a few minutes a day to just take some deep breaths may do the trick.

    Another thing to try is aromatherapy. Aveda makes this product called blue oil. You can put a drop in your hands and rub them together to release the aroma. Then breathe deeply.

    Another trick I do when I am really stressed out is "pillow screaming" - I stick a pillow over my mouth and scream as loud as I can into it. I look ridiculous but it is very, very satisfying.

    Hope this helps,
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    I take pills for stress and anxiety but that really doesnt help too much with diet it actually increases my appetite lol so i wouldnt suggest pills. I would suggest maybe like one rest day or maybe a few hrs just some you time maybe do some yoga or some light reading or something you find relaxing and just calm down and that will probably help a little. And maybe when you get home from work try to forget about the work troubles and the stress from work and just worry about you and your home. That will cut down stress in half lol I hope I am being helpful. Not really too many things that help. Oh and a nice shopping day helps me out too lol good luck hope you make your goal.
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member

    Hopefully that helps get more people to see this and help you out! :)
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    You're creating stress by NEEDING to lose 12-13 pounds In 3 weeks--on top of your work stress. What exactly will happen on July 31st if you don't lose the weight? Is it a life or death situation? Sometimes putting things in perspective and accepting the situation for what it truly is will help reduce the stress.