Pre-log, or log as you go?



  • DCruz83
    DCruz83 Posts: 99
    I've never ever prelogged, not even the first time I decided to lose weight, I just don't see how it would make sense to me. I'm not working at the moment, neither was I back then, so I have time to check stuff and try to eat whenever I'm hungry. I try to even things out here and there, maybe add a treat if I can spare a few calories but overall it worked the first time and it's working now. I could probably pre log my breakfast though as I nearly always have the very same thing!
  • Depends on the day. Sometime it's easier to pre-log my day, or even an entire work week just to remove any need to worry. Nice to just look at what is for lunch today? If something changes, easy to fix. Othertimes it's nice just to log as I go. Though I find hitting all macros (specially sodium) is easier to hit if I pre-log the day.
  • i pre-log. otherwise i find myself eating too much and being hungry at the end of the day. if i can plan my meals out ahead of time i have a better sense of where my calories are being eaten and am more apt to stick to my plan
  • I usually pre-log. I do my grocery shopping every Sunday and I meal plan for the week before I go, so it is easy for me to pre-log my lunches and dinners for he week ahead. I usually eat the same thing for breakfast so I just copy that from day to day, and then I add in snacks as I eat them.

    It definitely helps me stick within my calories.

    agreed! :)
  • b61983
    b61983 Posts: 5
    i log as i go but sometimes i just go off what i did the day before
  • kittycatmeowmeow
    kittycatmeowmeow Posts: 90 Member
    It's really interesting reading how everyone logs! I tend to prelog the whole work week - kind of like a week long menu plan and then tweak it if need be. Saturday and Sundays I have no idea what I am doing so there is no point in doing that.
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    I'm pre-logging because I'm using it to plan what I need to cook for the work-week, and it helps me know how much of snacks and things I need to buy when I go grocery shopping for the week. On my days off, I'll usually pre-log breakfast the night before, or any restaurant meals we might be planning on, but otherwise log as I go.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    I pre-log to the extent that I don't take a bite until I've logged the meal.

    But never the day before or for a whole day or anything like that. If I plan a big meal later I will check the DB and peek sometimes though.
  • shortie_sarah
    shortie_sarah Posts: 177 Member
    I'm a stay-at-home mom so I don't really have the need for pre-logging. I basically log it as I'm preparing it. Then when I sit to eat it, I make sure that it's all logged in, then I enjoy
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 643 Member
    I always plan my food and prelog. I usually eat the same lunch and breakfast all week so it's quicker to add and copy it and then edit the serving sizes (eg. 60 g of spinach instead of 70). I'm never caught unawares against my calorie limit so I'm a strong believer in this method. It also makes it easier to a) stick to you resolve and say "no" to random treats" or b) know that you have 250 spare kcal kicking about to use on a treat.

    You fail to plan, you plan to fail.
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    I pre-log during the week. Meals first, then snacks to use the leftover calories. Sometimes things change but it's easy enough to delete stuff. Weekends aren't as planned (i do mealplan during the week) so I don't tend to pre-log.

    I do pre-log exercise that is going to make a big difference to my calorie allowance (such as my cycle commute) so I can plan my food accordingly. Otherwise I was not eating enough and getting shaky and faint. Smaller amounts I only log after.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    During the week, I generally pre-log my breakfast
    that gives me a general sense of what wiggle room I have for dinner. I think pre-logging food helps me - I've got a plan and you know already what I'm going to eat and stops me from making not great choices throughout the day. However, I *never* pre-log exercise. I only log it after I'm done and actually earned it.

    On the 3 days a week I work from home, I prelog as much as I can before eating anything. It's not etched in stone, but when I sub/swap, I try to swap out for similar macros.
    On the 2 days that I work onsite, I prelog b'fast and the work cafe lunch (so grateful most of their stuff is already in MFP DB; they are how I heard of MFP in the first place!) Dinner is sometimes a wild card, but I will prelog if I'm eating leftovers.
    Weekends are anything goes... some pre-logging, some retro-logging, but the latter usually screws me up.
  • afgrpa
    afgrpa Posts: 10 Member
    I have been pre-logging, I find when I 'wing it' I am way off track. Usually end up making bad choices. Pre-logging I can see my intake and see if I should alter one food for something different. I can't track that in my brain as I go. I've also found it helps me from cheating because I plan out three meals and two snacks.

    I also track my exercise for the day in the morning so I'm sure to calculate in those calories too. Plus...then I feel obligated to do my evening workout because I've already ate the calories!! Sometimes I have to trick myself into these things ;)
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    During the week I tend to eat the same things, so it is easier for me to pre-log. I try to make sure I have pre-portioned meals for dinner, so I don't have to worry about that either. Weekends are a little different, because I usually have more time to cook.
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    I log my meals during the work week in advance because I prep and cook them every Sat and/or Sun, divide them into portion sizes per my recipes, then refrigerate. Planning my meals ahead of time also helps me decide what needs to be taken out of the freezer to thaw in the refrigerator for cooking.

    Meal planning for the weekends is more flexible now that the weather is warmer (mountain bike rides occur more frequently). Sometimes I cook ahead of time, sometimes I don't.
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I pretty much log as I go. However, if I'm going out to dinner, I will research the restaurant and plan my meal. Then I will adjust for the calories I will be eating in the evening.
  • tanyadolan1
    tanyadolan1 Posts: 55 Member
    I normally log after every meal and if I have a snack. That way I remember to log it all incase I forget
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    I have a set amount of calories in mind for each meal so I plan as I go and try to keep within my limit. Save more for dinner and wine.
  • Livdoesketo
    Livdoesketo Posts: 38 Member
    I prelog my breakfast/lunch/dinner but it's very rough and changes throughout the day depending on how hungry I am. It lets me know that if I have a snack I need to get rid of x/y/z from my dinner or I can't have it.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    i pre log in the mornings and change it according to what i actually eat during the day but this way i have an easier time planning my snacking