Are you a positive person?



  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I tend to be optimistic, but will not go along if I think what you are saying is a mistake. I will not attack you for your opinion, but will supply the correct information.

    Like "no food is the enemy" or "too much of anything is bad" and what I always tell people "what works for me may not work for you because everyone is different" then of course offer what works for me.

    On the other side, I get very busy and am not always the most supportive. However, at this point I need to be more involved as I slipped back. So I will send a friend request, but and leave it up to you :)
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    Oh and I almost forgot to say this:

    Life is way too short to focus on the bad, stop and smell the roses. There is a rainbow behind every storm cloud, you just have to look harder to find it sometimes.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm completely for meeting a person where they are in the journey, offering well wishes, and letting them know they're not alone.

    I don't think it's fair though, to call constructive criticism "negativity." If someone is doing something that isn't working (e.g. taking "miracle" fat burners), then why shouldn't we give them that information straight? If someone thinks they're going to lose weight without eating on a deficit, they should probably know that this isn't going to work.

    This is coming from someone who has been trying to lose weight since waaaaaay before MFP existed. I've been fed almost every piece of misinformation that has ever been advertised as a "diet strategy". I would have loved to have saved just a little of the amount of time I've wasted on the ideas like "fat makes you fat," "carbs make you fat," "calorie counting is for losers," or "drink this shake and solve all of your problems." Getting this information a little earlier would've saved me so much pain.

    I don't necessarily care about the form of package this information comes in as long as it isn't personally insulting, such as, "You wanker, you're an idiot for weighing in ounces and not in grams," or similar language. I left MFP once because I did run into that sort of attitude - and trust me, the average poster on here right now, tough or not, does not exude anything close to that level of negativity.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Options's the thing: It's not usually someone who IS "accomplishing their goals in a different way." It's more like someone who wants to launch into some foolish or ineffective method that at best unnecessary or at worst harmful, or has already implemented said method and can't figure out why it isn't working.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    edited July 2015
    Options's the thing: It's not usually someone who IS "accomplishing their goals in a different way." It's more like someone who wants to launch into some foolish or ineffective method that at best unnecessary or at worst harmful, or has already implemented said method and can't figure out why it isn't working.

    Agreed. The last poster I was "tough" on was someone who takes Phentermine with Red Bull (heart attack waiting to happen), goes days without eating, and when she does, she eats gas station food. She wants to find another "magic" fat/carb blocker and has no interest in logging correctly or eating a balanced diet. This is a moribidly obese person who needs to get healthier now. When the advice started pouring in (some with perfectly pleasant language), she ignored it and argued. She doesn't need positivity. She needs to have her eyes opened.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    This thread comes up so regularly that I have a standard copy/paste answer for it. Would you like to read it? I really don't care; I'm posting it anyway:
    It's been my experience that every helpful poster on these forums, every single one, will be called rude, mean, negative, troll, bully, etc. at some point or another no matter how carefully they phrase their advice. Posts like this tend not to be very helpful. When every helpful poster is called out as mean at some point or another, then making a post like this without examples or qualifications just ends up pointing fingers at everyone.

    There is some actual rudeness that goes above and beyond what should be acceptable here. Report it (use the actual report function not the flags) and let the mods deal with it. But posts like this just add to the negative atmosphere that you're trying to combat instead of solving anything.

    Honestly, I have a copy/paste set-up for a lot of the advice that I give on these forums. Because after the 13th time PER DAY that I've been shouted at by someone who didn't really want advice or obliquely insulted by threads like this one, no, I'm not able to stay very positive. And I've been called negative/mean/bully/troll for using copy/paste advice. So, there really is no winning for anyone who's active on this site.

    If that wasn't positive enough for you, well, you're welcome to block me. Just as soon as the ignore function comes back. We've been waiting for it's return for about 9 months now.

    This, so much.

    This is a public forum. If you don't want advice, don't ask for it.

    It's also impossible to infer tone from text alone. Most likely, the negative "tone" you hear is yourself projecting your own issues and insecurities into whatever you're reading. Just because the advice is not what you want to hear, doesn't mean that it's negative or that it's condescending or mean.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    OP only wants unicorns and rainbows. Got it!!! ;)

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    This thread comes up so regularly that I have a standard copy/paste answer for it. Would you like to read it? I really don't care; I'm posting it anyway:
    It's been my experience that every helpful poster on these forums, every single one, will be called rude, mean, negative, troll, bully, etc. at some point or another no matter how carefully they phrase their advice. Posts like this tend not to be very helpful. When every helpful poster is called out as mean at some point or another, then making a post like this without examples or qualifications just ends up pointing fingers at everyone.

    There is some actual rudeness that goes above and beyond what should be acceptable here. Report it (use the actual report function not the flags) and let the mods deal with it. But posts like this just add to the negative atmosphere that you're trying to combat instead of solving anything.

    Honestly, I have a copy/paste set-up for a lot of the advice that I give on these forums. Because after the 13th time PER DAY that I've been shouted at by someone who didn't really want advice or obliquely insulted by threads like this one, no, I'm not able to stay very positive. And I've been called negative/mean/bully/troll for using copy/paste advice. So, there really is no winning for anyone who's active on this site.

    If that wasn't positive enough for you, well, you're welcome to block me. Just as soon as the ignore function comes back. We've been waiting for it's return for about 9 months now.

    So much this

    But also positivity for positivity's sake makes me throw up in my mouth a little

    Jus' saying ...takes all sorts
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited July 2015
    Serah87 wrote: »
    OP only wants unicorns and rainbows. Got it!!! ;)

    I don't think she could handle unicorns ..they're like spikey ponies
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    And finally


    I think you dropped this

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Dianne well smart aboyt the cut and paste. I much prefer good accurate information rather than misleading inaccurate rubbish.

    The vast majority of the people who offer advice are positive and wnat others to succeed by losing weight in a safe healthy sustainable way.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    Options's the thing: It's not usually someone who IS "accomplishing their goals in a different way." It's more like someone who wants to launch into some foolish or ineffective method that at best unnecessary or at worst harmful, or has already implemented said method and can't figure out why it isn't working.

    Agreed. The last poster I was "tough" on was someone who takes Phentermine with Red Bull (heart attack waiting to happen), goes days without eating, and when she does, she eats gas station food. She wants to find another "magic" fat/carb blocker and has no interest in logging correctly or eating a balanced diet. This is a moribidly obese person who needs to get healthier now. When the advice started pouring in (some with perfectly pleasant language), she ignored it and argued. She doesn't need positivity. She needs to have her eyes opened.

    *spit take*
    Holy crap. People be crazy.

    Update: I guess hearing that "tough" advice helped. She admits she got defensive, but now she's starting to listen to what people are saying.
  • Iron_Mommy
    Iron_Mommy Posts: 25 Member
    Just to be clear, I wasn't referring to me asking for advice and not liking what I was getting. I've actually never asked advice on here specific to my eating and exercise. (I save that for a local personal trainer in my town, whom I trust and know well.) I use MFP, as most people do, for logging my food and exercises and for encouragement from other people like myself.

    What I WAS referring to was, someone had asked how to stay away from sweets. Everyone was offering their advice and I had commented that what works for me was to just make healthier versions of of the sweets that I enjoy. Simple as that.

    But a very negative, judgmental person came in and basically said all the advice that was given wasn't good enough and that the poster should do what she does, which is eat everything she likes just in moderation. (Which is good advice I guess, but there was no need to put every else down.)

    Anyway... I'm enjoying all my new friendships I've already gained from this post. I love all of the encouraging messages. I'm just going to skip away from everything else on my beautiful rainbow while I fart flowers and sunshine...tra la la :)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Iron_Mommy wrote: »

    But a very negative, judgmental person came in and basically said all the advice that was given wasn't good enough and that the poster should do what she does, which is eat everything she likes just in moderation. (Which is good advice I guess, but there was no need to put every else down.)

    So this entire thread exists just to hate on one specific person and try to make them feel badly, and you feel that's justified because you didn't like that person's posting attitude.
  • Iron_Mommy
    Iron_Mommy Posts: 25 Member
    edited July 2015
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    Iron_Mommy wrote: »

    But a very negative, judgmental person came in and basically said all the advice that was given wasn't good enough and that the poster should do what she does, which is eat everything she likes just in moderation. (Which is good advice I guess, but there was no need to put every else down.)

    So this entire thread exists just to hate on one specific person and try to make them feel badly, and you feel that's justified because you didn't like that person's posting attitude.

    No, I wouldn't say that. I was only trying to attract some more positive friends on here. And I have, so I'm happy. I was only wanting to clarify that I will happily accept criticisms if I actually ask for them.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited July 2015
    err its the internet and on forums there are different people with differing opinions. Some of them are idiots and some people are blunt or rude, some are quite reasonable but may disagree with you. Maybe dont be so sensitive or stick up for yourself.
    I will happily accept criticisms if I actually ask for them.

    If you post stuff on a public forum then people are allowed to comment.
  • Iron_Mommy
    Iron_Mommy Posts: 25 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    err its the internet and on forums there are different people with differing opinions. Some of them are idiots and some people are blunt or rude, some are quite reasonable but may disagree with you. Maybe dont be so sensitive or stick up for yourself.
    I will happily accept criticisms if I actually ask for them.

    If you post stuff on a public forum then people are allowed to comment.

    I never said you shouldn't comment :) But I wasn't actually asking for fitness advice, just positive, friendly supporters. Because that's what I need in my life.