13lbs to loose to reach my goal weight!

Supena Posts: 5 Member
Hello everyone, I have been using this app for a little over a year now. I was 270 at my heaviest weight and tried everything to loose only to gain it back double time! I had type 2 diabetes and my glucose levels were always out of control. I decided to have bariatric surgery in June 2014 and it has changed my world. People assume when you get surgery you took the easy way out and that you don't have to do anything else, but that is a huge myth! I eat right and work out atleast 5 days a week. I'm currently down to 158lbs and my goal weight is 145! This app had really helped me to manage my calorie and protein intake and has been an excellent tool for tracking my weight loss and exercise. I am now diabetes free and feel fabulous!!
