I am always starting over?

EmilyStartzman Posts: 4 Member
edited July 2015 in Getting Started
I can't seem to stick to my diet, and I have started over more then the pounds I have lost. What has kept you guys from starting again and again?


  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    Starting over assumes there's a finish line. There is no finish, you just keep going. Goals will change and life will happen so go back to making the choices you need to make to accomplish the goals you've set.
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    I can't stick either!
    I have been trying to get back on track for like a month! My profile pic is me at my smallest and I have gained all my weight back...about 25 pounds. I am so depressed and mad and sad and stressed and have so much going on in my life.....I cannot get back on the wagon.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Starting over assumes there's a finish line. There is no finish, you just keep going. Goals will change and life will happen so go back to making the choices you need to make to accomplish the goals you've set.

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I start fresh every morning :)
  • MassageLadie
    MassageLadie Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe because you keep starting over. Starting for what? It's a journey, we all make mistakes, learn from them and keep going. No pitty party needed :-)
  • vedra_b
    vedra_b Posts: 135 Member
    I feel the same way I have so often threw in the towel when I over ate. Today 20 pounds down if I over eat well I remind myself of my goal and try again. Good luck
  • DeWoSa
    DeWoSa Posts: 496 Member
    edited July 2015
    You have to make eating and exercising a priority. There is no other way. I'm in the same boat -- lost weight, gained back fat because I didn't make it a priority.
  • thecoker
    thecoker Posts: 34 Member
    Everyday is a day to start again. Here's a quote to put on your fridge, mirror, etc: "Don't forget you're human. It's okay to have a meltdown, just don't unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where you are headed." We all have our days where we overeat/don't workout/feel down/etc, etc... but take a deep breath, look at your goal, and say, "OK. I can do this!" How do fire ants consume a whole elephant? ONE BITE AT A TIME!!!!! ;)
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    Starting over assumes there's a finish line. There is no finish, you just keep going. Goals will change and life will happen so go back to making the choices you need to make to accomplish the goals you've set.

    This ^^ absolutely!
  • taentea
    taentea Posts: 91 Member
    I can't seem to stick to my diet, and I have started over more then the pounds I have lost. What has kept you guys from starting again and again?
    I just make sure my promises to myself are doable and sustainable in the long run and then I stick to them as if the option of breaking them does not exist.

    For example I can not commit to exercise, at least not at this point of my life, so it's not a part of my plan. I do exercise actually, but I consider it a bonus not an obligation. I also do not exclude any products from my diet. I tried excluding some groups for couple of weeks and it went alright, I could do it. But I also knew my patience would run out at some point. I'd rather not leave that space for failure in my plan, because once I start failing, failure tends to snowball.

    So I made rules that aren't too harsh but I also made myself a promise to follow them 100%. I log my food. Everything I put in my mouth. And I don't cheat. Whatever goes into my mouth, goes into my diary. I believe that honesty is what makes winners and losers. It's hard to do anything on a shaky ground.

    I also don't go over my calorie allowance. For me it's 1200 as I find it comfortable but it could be anything. What matters is not asking myself a question of whether it's ok to go over today or not. It's important for me to know it as something I just don't do. If 1/5th of the banana I'm going to eat does not fit, I cut it off and feed someone around me or put it into the freezer. I have a bit of a 'plan B' for situations when I need to go over on particular day (logging extra calories to the following day, so I can keep my 'not going over' chain and make sure excess is compensated asap) but I haven't needed to use it even once so far. 'Plan A' works just fine.

    We usually fail when the challenge we pick is too hard for us or when we leave the failure as an option that we have to actively choose against every moment of our lives. I tried to 'fix' these problems from the start and it seems to work for me so far. 40lbs down and not any tempted to stop.
  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    I have struggled with this too. I think I'm right this time though. It's all been in my head. Something went 'click' and all the things I used to find hard about losing weight were all just excuses.

    Log what you eat. If I have run out of calories, I move a bit more to fit it in. I can't commit to regular exercise - life is too hectic and plans change on any given day working full time, hubby is a shift worker and kids. But I can find a way and I do find a way. Extra calories I 'earn' from exercise are a bonus.

    Unfortunately there is no magic pill or potion. If you want it, the power is in you.
  • NotThatGirlAnymore
    NotThatGirlAnymore Posts: 50 Member
    Starting over assumes there's a finish line. There is no finish, you just keep going. Goals will change and life will happen so go back to making the choices you need to make to accomplish the goals you've set.

    I love this... well said & so true! :)