Meal replacement shakes, yes or no???



  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    alyhuggan wrote: »
    alyhuggan wrote: »
    alyhuggan wrote: »
    alyhuggan wrote: »
    Nope nope nope. You shouldn't really be replacing food for any reason...


    Why? Why would you? That's the real question.

    A 200 calorie shake will not fill you up anywhere near as much as 200 calories coming from something like beef.

    As stated above:

    yes with slimfast. I was generally hungry and my pee smelled like slimfast. Take that for what it is worth.

    Not to even mention the price of some of these things. There is no reason to spend lots of money on products to lose weight. A calorie deficit is all that's needed. Weight loss isn't actually a complicated process. People funding companies like this is why it has become a complicated process for many people.

    Why would you?
    Well for me it fits in with my life and my method of weightloss. It also give you a more rounded source of nutrition than making a meal of the same calories.

    You're right, you don't have to but that doesn't mean the tools that cost money are automatically invalid. They're tools to lose weight.

    Believe it or not weight loss is complicated. You have to understand potion size, what's in the food you're eating, how that effects your hunger, how much to exercise and what that burns. Yes it's a matter if cutting calories but how it's done is really important.

    You've just made it complicated. Eating less than you burn will result in weight loss. That is not complicated what so ever. All the factors you involved are to help with health while cutting. I was specifically referring to weight loss in which none of that is relevant if you know your TDEE.

    And people who don't understand that a packet of pop tarts is not a portion will log it as a portion and then wonder why they're not losing weight. But hey who cares about accurate logging? That's got nothing to do with weight loss. Oh wait...

    If you are accurately logging you should really be using scales and measuring in grams. Your packet of pop tart analogy makes no sense. I'm sure anyone with basic mathematics skills would know to get the calories of one pop tart would be the total packet calories divided by the amount of pop tarts. Plus as shown below myfitnesspal usually doesn't have that problem...


    Wait did you just complicate it with food scales? So it's not 'just' eat less then is it.

    Edit: I'm sorry op I've hijacked your thread. I'll be quiet now.

    So you are saying putting some food on a food scale is too difficult for the average person so you may as well buy a meal replacement shake? That logic!
  • derri78
    derri78 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you all for your response xx
  • demoiselle2014
    demoiselle2014 Posts: 474 Member
    I make a shake for myself in the morning: banana, protein powder, peanut butter (here's the danger zone for calories), and almond milk. For whatever reason, I don't get hungry for a meal until really late in the morning, and I do much better with my eating if I drink my breakfast.
  • derri78
    derri78 Posts: 18 Member
    I've never been one for breakfast, however with the vi shakes I find it goes down better than cereal or porridge x
  • KenziesFrenzies
    KenziesFrenzies Posts: 1,014 Member
    I used to do Herbalife shakes long ago, but I recently tried going back to them, and they make me sick! I get super nauseous, with mega digestive issues, my body just flat-out rejects them now. My boyfriend's theory is that I eat super clean now, so putting in all the artificial ingredients doesn't agree with me anymore. Whereas the last time I did Herbalife, I was still eating like crap, so my body did fine.

    I do, however, dig my Optimum Nutrition Whey protein powder, I've been doing that for dinner every night after my workouts. So I guess it's technically a meal replacement. :)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I wonder how many more "Ya, go for it" replies this thread will get from posters with their 1st or 2nd post.
  • MrsAllyn
    MrsAllyn Posts: 63 Member
    edited July 2015
    I use special k..taste great and my.pee doesnt smell :-). I also drink smoothies. Put flaxseed and chia seeds in them to curve my appetite. I did the military 3 day diet for 3 weeks ( on 3 days and off 4). I lost 20 lbs. Now I'm not as hungry... So the special k and smoothies are working for me 3 times a day. I need to lose another 30lbs. When I do eat food... I eat clean and healthy.
  • derri78
    derri78 Posts: 18 Member
    That's a great loss!!.. I've lost 3 stone since last October.. However I'm still a big girl, so lots more to come off.. Its good to hear how other people have been doing it..
    Keep it up xx
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    alyhuggan wrote: »
    alyhuggan wrote: »
    alyhuggan wrote: »
    alyhuggan wrote: »
    alyhuggan wrote: »
    Nope nope nope. You shouldn't really be replacing food for any reason...


    Why? Why would you? That's the real question.

    A 200 calorie shake will not fill you up anywhere near as much as 200 calories coming from something like beef.

    As stated above:

    yes with slimfast. I was generally hungry and my pee smelled like slimfast. Take that for what it is worth.

    Not to even mention the price of some of these things. There is no reason to spend lots of money on products to lose weight. A calorie deficit is all that's needed. Weight loss isn't actually a complicated process. People funding companies like this is why it has become a complicated process for many people.

    Why would you?
    Well for me it fits in with my life and my method of weightloss. It also give you a more rounded source of nutrition than making a meal of the same calories.

    You're right, you don't have to but that doesn't mean the tools that cost money are automatically invalid. They're tools to lose weight.

    Believe it or not weight loss is complicated. You have to understand potion size, what's in the food you're eating, how that effects your hunger, how much to exercise and what that burns. Yes it's a matter if cutting calories but how it's done is really important.

    You've just made it complicated. Eating less than you burn will result in weight loss. That is not complicated what so ever. All the factors you involved are to help with health while cutting. I was specifically referring to weight loss in which none of that is relevant if you know your TDEE.

    And people who don't understand that a packet of pop tarts is not a portion will log it as a portion and then wonder why they're not losing weight. But hey who cares about accurate logging? That's got nothing to do with weight loss. Oh wait...

    If you are accurately logging you should really be using scales and measuring in grams. Your packet of pop tart analogy makes no sense. I'm sure anyone with basic mathematics skills would know to get the calories of one pop tart would be the total packet calories divided by the amount of pop tarts. Plus as shown below myfitnesspal usually doesn't have that problem...


    Wait did you just complicate it with food scales? So it's not 'just' eat less then is it.

    Edit: I'm sorry op I've hijacked your thread. I'll be quiet now.

    So you are saying putting some food on a food scale is too difficult for the average person so you may as well buy a meal replacement shake? That logic!

    Nope. Reading comprehension FAIL.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    alyhuggan wrote: »
    Nope nope nope. You shouldn't really be replacing food for any reason...


    why would you even question eating real food????

    Define real food. I dare you.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    alyhuggan wrote: »
    Nope nope nope. You shouldn't really be replacing food for any reason...


    why would you even question eating real food????

    Define real food. I dare you.

    if you don't know what real food is, then this conversation is over. As you are now just trying to argue with me for the sake of arguing.

  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    I do a MRS (GNC Total Lean 25) about every morning for the last year and a half right after I work out. I add some fruit to it. Good source of protein and other good stuff. Sure is a lot better than my former breakfast of sugar cereals and or high carb pancakes, bacon/sausage
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    I used the protein world meal replacement shakes on my cutting days. I'm doing a form of Intermittent fasting and they're useful for getting all my daily nutrient needs in on the two days a week I eat less than 600 cals. The rest of the time I eat to maintenance.
    So I'm cutting while learning how to eat. I like this method. It doesn't feel like I'm constantly on a diet.

    Similar approach worked for me. MRS were a good way to manage calories for me and I enjoyed them.

  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    derri78 wrote: »
    Hi all
    Have any of you tried the meal replacement , weight loss, fad diets, vi shakes, JP ect... Do they work ??...

    Ask yourself this: Do you enjoy these shakes as much as, say, pizza? Or cheese? Or chicken, beef, pork, candy, fruits, vegetables, or whatever licorice is made of? If the answer is "no" to any of these, I'd say put the shake down and chew something. That's just my weird logic though.

    Also, if you'd call it a "fad diet" I'd hope you'd realize that those do come and go (mostly because they don't work).
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    Ask yourself this: Do you enjoy these shakes as much as, say, pizza? Or cheese? Or chicken, beef, pork, candy, fruits, vegetables, or whatever licorice is made of? If the answer is "no" to any of these, I'd say put the shake down and chew something. That's just my weird logic though.

    Also, if you'd call it a "fad diet" I'd hope you'd realize that those do come and go (mostly because they don't work).

    I actually enjoy the shakes in the morning with some fruit added. That was key to sticking to using them and helping me lose weight.

  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    edited July 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    alyhuggan wrote: »
    Nope nope nope. You shouldn't really be replacing food for any reason...


    why would you even question eating real food????

    Define real food. I dare you.

    if you don't know what real food is, then this conversation is over. As you are now just trying to argue with me for the sake of arguing.

    All food is real. Even my meal replacement protien shakes are real food. I just wanted to know what your definition was.
  • derri78
    derri78 Posts: 18 Member
    I've just started having the shakes in the morning, I like the fact of having fruit with them.. For some reason it makes me feel healthier and refreshed..
    I have for meals chicken, salads , steak, pork. I snack on veg, fruits ...
    The thing I know that it's a life style change. Xx
  • MrsAllyn
    MrsAllyn Posts: 63 Member
    edited July 2015
    Derri78 ...If u do not feel full...add flaxseed and chia seeds
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    MrsAllyn wrote: »
    Derri78 ...If u do not fee full...add flaxseed ice cream and chia seeds peanut butter

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Do they work?

    Yes if your definition is lost some weight

    No if your definition is lost some weight AND kept it off.

    Meal replacements teach you nothing about your current eating habits. The vast majority of people who are overweight have bad eating habits.

    Slim Fast is sugary crap. It's not even filling. Measuring portions of regular food takes an effort....but you learn a lot along the way.