
ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
I've been lifting for about 3 months now. I did it several years ago and worked up to squatting 90 pounds. This time around, I can barely get above 40. I can get down low but then it's almost like my hip flexors get stuck and I have a hard time getting back up. I do legs 2 days per week with a few days rest in between. I intend on continuing to squat, but is there something else I can add in to help? I'm really getting frustrated not making progress. All other exercises I have steadily been able to increase weight. Form issues perhaps? TIA

Oh and I squat on a smith machine. It's the only thing my gym has.


  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    It could very well be form issues. If your form is off the body will compensate and put extra work other places. Get on the google and find vids and articles of people explaining form, ques and techniques and see what seems to apply to you. Also google "glute activation".
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,404 Member
    ladybg81 wrote: »
    Oh and I squat on a smith machine. It's the only thing my gym has.

    'Smith Maching' - That's a big problem to start with....... You'd benefit from learning new variations of the squat by using dumbbells instead. i.e. Sumo or Goblet Squats.

    It doesn't allow for the proper movement which can lead to minor or major injuries.