I am so excited

I have been using MFP for years and have been really into tracking my food the past 100 days.

A few years ago I began competing in the NPC in bikini. I was in a different state and I liked it but I decided I would "bulk" for 2 years and get that booty that they are looking for in bikini.

I have been prepping now for 14 weeks, and my show is coming up on Saturday. When I first decided to get back on it, I was 131 pounds (5'3.5 height). I was MISERABLE and scared I would never ever be able to get my body back without losing muscle and all that fat I had put on.

I put my mind and heart to it. I moved states in June to cohabitate with my Army boyfriend (who is super supportive) and I am down to 112.5lbs without losing muscle. I was so excited to lean out and see my muscle mass that I worked for 2 years to put on!

I did this all alone (I am a trainer too) with my own keto dieting (except for my carb cycle the last 2 weeks or so). I am super motivated and it is crazy what is possible when you put your mind to it!

When people ask about carbs and calories on here, I want to respond to everyone to make sure that they are not just randomly eating only 1200 or less calories because the computer figured that out. I want them to also know that carbs are not necessary at all times like people think. I loved the keto dieting and it really worked for me.

Also, I believe it is 100% diet in the weight loss, but if you want to look good, you have to lift and get proper cardio in too! Since I am a trainer, one of my number 1 gripes is when people are making a lot of mistakes in the gym. They are lifting incorrectly, training with no intent or just going for a little and giving up. Go ahead and buy yourself a trainer for a bit. Make sure that they are awesome at the job, and stick to what they say. When I did have a trainer years ago, I spent a lot, but it was an investment in my health and happiness that I am glad I spent.

Also, all you people with diet questions, maybe speak to a professional too. I never invested in a dietitian, but I did talk to endocrinologists to make sure I was getting when I need for my own body and hormonal fluctuation that I personally experience.

Lastly, I am so excited to compete in a new state, so wish me luck. Hopefully this booty grew and will look better than it did 2 years ago!