2 Week Vacation- How do you eat?



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    I started here mid-Feb with a goal to lose as much weight as I could on a NET 1250 cal diet by mid-June ... 4 months. I didn't really have a weight number in mind until I got to about mid-May and knew what would be possible.

    I stuck firmly to that goal and lost 15 kg. :)

    And then, mid-June ... I went on holidays. :smiley:

    While I was gone, I ate whatever I wanted to eat, and lots of it. But I also exercised a whole lot. In 3 weeks, I cycled about 390 km, including riding a century one day (161 km = 100 miles). I walked about 64 km, including a 9.5 km hike to the top of a mountain. And I went sea kayaking!

    Losing the weight prior to going on holiday allowed me to do those things much more easily than I would have if I had not lost the weight.

    I hoped I would not gain more than 5 kg, and I estimated that I might gain 2.5 kg, which would be all right. The day after I arrived home, I had gained 2.5 kg, but the next day I dropped 0.5 kg, and the following day I dropped 0.6 kg ... so I think some of that was water weight. A total gain of about 1.5 kg is not bad at all. :) And since mid-Feb, I have still lost 14 kg.

    Now I'm taking a couple weeks to ease back into it again, and in a couple week's time, I'll be back onto a NET 1250 cal diet until the end of September when I'll reassess the situation.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I go on a lot of vacations so I try not to over do it when I'm gone. I now have a pretty good idea of how much I should be eating everyday so I try not to have any huge meals. If I know I'm going over I try to be more active. I'm not gonna turn down having icecream with my kid but I only get one scoop now in a cup vs a cone. I just tone it back a little bit while still having a good time. I've taken 3 weeks of vacation since I started in April and I've still been able to lose 35 pounds in that time. I'm going on a cruise in a couple of weeks and I will still have a good time. All you can eat doesn't mean you have to pig out. That's part of training ourselves to be more responsible eaters.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    If you're flying, you may retain some water,so don't wig out too badly if the scale has gone up a few pounds.

    If you're eating out, all you can do is try to pick the healthiest stuff on the menus.

    Have a good time!
  • tschlach
    tschlach Posts: 33 Member
    I'm currently on a 2 week vacation. We are on the go daily. I eat cereal in the morning and take plenty of water when we leave our resort. Then we hike, bike ride, sight see throughout the day. I usually eat a late lunch always a salad with a entree. Fill up on salad then add protein. Later at night I'll have a snack of some sort usually cereal. Yes I eat plenty of cereal. We went on another vacation 3 weeks ago and when I got home I weighed myself and list 4 lbs. I'm hoping the same happens this time. Best of luck.
  • simonelatoya
    simonelatoya Posts: 3 Member
    When eating the local fare, eat in moderation. Have light protein packed breakfasts so that you can have more energy and spare more calories for dinner and alcohol. Eat 'local fare snacks' in between your activities. Still allow yourself a couple cheat days where you aren't counting calories. You'll probably end up losing weight considering you'll be more active during your trip. I'm certain that because your mind is already programmed to eat right, you'll do fine.