Why is it getting harder



  • FabianRodriguez94
    FabianRodriguez94 Posts: 221 Member
    Something similar happened with me during the Insanity program. Weeks 1-3 were nothing but improvement and I could feel my stamina and strength increasing. Then week 4 came and I was barely making it through each day. Then when the rest week came and the next set of workouts started, my energy levels were back to normal and I was pushing through and felt stronger than ever. For me, I feel that the rest periods for the program may have not been enough, so if you feel you could use an extra day of rest then you should definitely take it. Not resting could eventually lead to injuries and weaker workouts. Good luck!
  • mgonyer123
    mgonyer123 Posts: 74 Member
    Roughly 1100-1200 a day on average.

    I could have sworn I read that you were supposed to do it for 5 days, have a rest day. Rinse and repeat. On days I hike I typically do not do 30 day shred.

    Thanks so much for the insight!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    mgonyer123 wrote: »
    Roughly 1100-1200 a day on average.

    I could have sworn I read that you were supposed to do it for 5 days, have a rest day. Rinse and repeat. On days I hike I typically do not do 30 day shred.

    Thanks so much for the insight!

    Is this net calories or total calories? I did 30 Day Shred for a while, but I was eating back my exercise calories and still had off days. I cannot imagine trying to keep up it up on 1200 calories or fewer.

  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    jaga13 wrote: »
    Sounds like simply not enough rest days, as others said. I've never done this program, but I know how tired I am after a tough run. I can't imagine doing that 6 days straight before a rest day. I would take a day or two "off" but stay active with some lighter activity (like walking) and see if that helps.

    Although it is a short workout, it is reasonably challenging. I'd say it must be very difficult for anyone who is just beginning to work out regularly. I don't quite understand why people seem to do it daily, rather than alternating with something else.

    When I was starting off with Ripped in 30, I'd do it five days in a row, two day break, and wouldn't do anything more strenuous than walking a bit in the evenings. Six or more days in a row, hell to the naw.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    You are eating way too little.

    Increase your activity level greatly while decreasing your energy input to the minimum and yes, you are going to have a dip in energy and find things hard to do.

    Fuel your workouts. Be healthy.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    mgonyer123 wrote: »
    Roughly 1100-1200 a day on average.
    I could have sworn I read that you were supposed to do it for 5 days, have a rest day. Rinse and repeat. On days I hike I typically do not do 30 day shred.

    Thanks so much for the insight!

    What was your prior calorie consumption? How quickly did you drop to this range? And how long have you been at this range? My guess is this right here is your culprit. Your body needs fuel to do the activities you are describing. I think you ran your tank empty.
  • mgonyer123
    mgonyer123 Posts: 74 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'd guess my average calorie consumption used to be about 2300 calories on average.

    I've been eating this lower calorie for a little over 3 weeks and basically over night. I'm staying satisfied and rarely hungry so I thought I was doing ok. (I did A LOT of late night tv snacking)

    I'm worried about eating back my exercise calories because I know that MFP grossly overestimates. I have plans on getting a fitbit in a couple weeks and planned on starting then.

    Have I been doing this all wrong?
  • mgonyer123
    mgonyer123 Posts: 74 Member
    So taking a few days break then increasing my calories and I should be good to go again?

    Anyone have an opinion of how many days? 3? Less? More?

    Once I start back how often should I have rest days?
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    No - you're right about the MFP calories, I cut them in half when I log and that seems safe to me. Sometimes less than half if I did 'modified' moves or took breaks. I think you're doing fine but probably not getting the fuel you need. Your body may adjust or you may keep feeling worn out - if so, either more food or more sleep, preferably a bit of both :)
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    mgonyer123 wrote: »
    So taking a few days break then increasing my calories and I should be good to go again?

    Anyone have an opinion of how many days? 3? Less? More?

    Once I start back how often should I have rest days?


    Calorie-wise, this has helped me.

    As far as rest days, I take one full rest day a week, but that's just me. Maybe you need two. You'll have to pay attention to your energy levels.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    mgonyer123 wrote: »
    So taking a few days break then increasing my calories and I should be good to go again?

    Anyone have an opinion of how many days? 3? Less? More?

    Once I start back how often should I have rest days?

    Nobody can really answer these things for you. You'll have to employ a bit of trial-and-error. Maybe take a couple days rest, then start working out every other day and see how that goes?
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    I would take 1-2 days and just do some walks. Not hikes, walks - keep moving but don't strain yourself. Make sure you're using your calories to fuel your activity - nutrient dense, protein etc. And maybe try some extra sleep.

    I felt very tired during my workout yesterday. Just couldn't lift as much as normal and felt totally shattered. I'd worked out hard twice a day the two previous days and I think I'd just had enough. It happens. I have a schedule of one rest day a week and another day where I just do yoga and cardio (no weights). Some weeks I don't need the rest, other weeks I do and I drop the cardio from a run to a stroll. I think you just need to listen to your body. It's different for everyone and it'll change depending on what exercise you're doing.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited July 2015
    mgonyer123 wrote: »
    Roughly 1100-1200 a day on average.

    I could have sworn I read that you were supposed to do it for 5 days, have a rest day. Rinse and repeat. On days I hike I typically do not do 30 day shred.

    Thanks so much for the insight!

    Is this net calories or total calories? I did 30 Day Shred for a while, but I was eating back my exercise calories and still had off days. I cannot imagine trying to keep up it up on 1200 calories or fewer.

    I'm doing it on that, gross calories. What's slowing me down is that I have to give my shoulders a chance to strengthen between each go round because I have tears in them.

    I don't think increasing calories will help that much. I could be eating 3x as many and couldn't do it faster.

    I'm also walking/jogging 4.5 miles a day + 10,000 steps, or I'm doing 20k steps just walking. On my days off, I'm doing pilates or weightlifting. I'm now doing the shred once every 3 days because of my shoulders.

    If you start at a low level of fitness, I could imagine it would be the same. A LOT of the 30-Day Shred is strength training. Strength training on the same muscles more than every other day, even as a beginner, is often counterproductive.

    If I dropped EVERYTHING else, I still couldn't Shred faster. It's harder on me than bench press.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    mgonyer123 wrote: »
    Roughly 1100-1200 a day on average.

    I could have sworn I read that you were supposed to do it for 5 days, have a rest day. Rinse and repeat. On days I hike I typically do not do 30 day shred.

    Thanks so much for the insight!

    Is this net calories or total calories? I did 30 Day Shred for a while, but I was eating back my exercise calories and still had off days. I cannot imagine trying to keep up it up on 1200 calories or fewer.

    I'm doing it on that, gross calories. What's slowing me down is that I have to give my shoulders a chance to strengthen between each go round because I have tears in them.

    I don't think increasing calories will help that much. I could be eating 3x as many and couldn't do it faster.

    I'm also walking/jogging 4.5 miles a day + 10,000 steps, or I'm doing 20k steps just walking. On my days off, I'm doing pilates or weightlifting. I'm now doing the shred once every 3 days because of my shoulders.

    If you start at a low level of fitness, I could imagine it would be the same. A LOT of the 30-Day Shred is strength training cardio with weights. Strength training on the same muscles more than every other day, even as a beginner, is often counterproductive.

    If I dropped EVERYTHING else, I still couldn't Shred faster. It's harder on me than bench press.


    Also, a nearly 50% reduction in calories, along with a dramatic increase in activity level. OP, you made a very dramatic change to both sides of the equation. I agree with the above, it will be some trial and error to get it right. Not surprised you are experiencing energy issues. Give it time, make some adjustments, maybe eat a little bit more and add a little more rest, and adjust further as more time goes by.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Not to sound inane, but it's hard because it's hard. Because it progresses every day, it gets harder. Me, I would rather go to the Y and do the treadmill and stationery rowboat and at home, walk my dog and ride my exerbike. That's not too hard but it works :) Except for walking my dog, I do push myself to do more and more, but I don't have a 30-day deadline. Best of luck to you!