On a 6 month maintenance roll and hi :)

sharlsg Posts: 10 Member
Um wow these forums are great! I've been using this fabulous app for years and never really engaged with the community but now I'm glad I've found you guys. Always better to stay accountable with a team right behind you.

So as for me I'm from Melbourne, Australia and I was finding it incredibly difficult to maintain my ideal weight. I spent 4 years trying everything under the sun starting with the 17 day diet, calorie counting, eating clean to quitting sugar and yes while I lost weight i could not maintain for more than a week.

I was then introduced to a nutritional cleansing system by my best mate, who has never dieted before, and asked if I wanted to do this 30 day cleanse with her. I said yes why not as I've tried everything else what's one more fad diet!

As a result of the first 30 days I released 5.5 kgs and then another 2 during maintenance. Now im putting on weight in lean muscle. If a have a couple weeks off the scales don't move which is a dream. But that was not at all the best part, I never expected to have all this energy in the mornings! I was waking up ready to go which lasted all day, I was going to bed later and waking up feeling the same. All this mental clarity came back and I was so sharp at work. So these never before felt changes made me realise this is by far a fad diet and more a lifestyle shift. I've been 51-52kgs for the last 6 months now (I started at 58.5).

It's such an elevated feeling being your ideal weight long term! I use this amazing app to help with portion control and after just discovering this community I'm looking for motivated people to flood my newsfeed :) so if you are positive and motivated would be awesome to become friends!


  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    Amazing, 7 kgs is a big achievement. What is this 30 day program you tried? I'm actually actually more focused in a lifestyle change now, but is good to always have a good start
  • sharlsg
    sharlsg Posts: 10 Member
    Hey! I'll send you a message...its 12:30am where I'm from :) back to it tomorrow!