


  • positivepolli
    positivepolli Posts: 23 Member
    Amen! Don't hate the only thing you have to work with, YOU! You were created to be amazing, now it's time to challenge yourself and bust through your self made limits!! Your body will crave salt and sugar when there is a vitamin and mineral deficiency. The first step is to throw all the junk food away in your house. Next you need to eat clean, whole foods, and take vitamins. This will help your cravings. It sounds like you are lacking a plan. No plan=no change. You got this! Feel free to add me!

    Thanks for the motivation! :)

  • positivepolli
    positivepolli Posts: 23 Member
    LilannB wrote: »
    Junk food is hard to give up because it tastes good. It's also good to remember that food is food just some foods are more calorie dense then others. I found making little changes over time helped to make those changes permanent. For example I love soda and use to drink about 1.5 liters a day everyday. I've reduced that to having about a glass of soda once or twice a week. I still have the Coca Cola I love but I fit it into my calories for the day. Most days I don't have Coke because I would rather spend the calories on something else.
    I don't struggle with pop so much but it is sooo good once in awhile! Thanks for the advice!
  • positivepolli
    positivepolli Posts: 23 Member
    jaga13 wrote: »
    I find it helpful to prelog my meals and snacks. In a few Minutes I'm going to prelog most of tomorrow's food. It gives me a plan and it can include whatever I want as long as it meets my calorie and macros (within reason). Of course I'm human and sometimes change my mind. That's ok. I edit as needed but the more I've preloged the better I've become at sticking to my decisions.

    I really like this idea! Thanks for the advice
  • positivepolli
    positivepolli Posts: 23 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    I read an article once that addressed the commercialism of selling a product. Many snack foods and frozen foods have changed up their formulas so they can ADDICT you even more to their product. These foods were already good, people were eating them, but they needed to SELL more, so they made it more enticing by adding more chemicals to keep you satified. I hate that fact that they are using us as consumers this way. So I try not to consume products whos ingredient lists are hard to pronounce. Eating junk food is pretty much empty calories, and won't do this old lady any good!

    makes sense! I went Vegan for a month and after the month I ate a chip and it was so gross! Of course after awhile I got use to the taste again :/ and here I am. But the chemicals are disguisting to think about.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    I read an article once that addressed the commercialism of selling a product. Many snack foods and frozen foods have changed up their formulas so they can ADDICT you even more to their product. These foods were already good, people were eating them, but they needed to SELL more, so they made it more enticing by adding more chemicals to keep you satified. I hate that fact that they are using us as consumers this way. So I try not to consume products whos ingredient lists are hard to pronounce. Eating junk food is pretty much empty calories, and won't do this old lady any good!

    makes sense! I went Vegan for a month and after the month I ate a chip and it was so gross! Of course after awhile I got use to the taste again :/ and here I am. But the chemicals are disguisting to think about.

    I remember reading up on Doritos, and how they had made them even MORE orangey goodness....disguisting but hey, you can use the orange as eye shadow after consuming...hahaha
  • positivepolli
    positivepolli Posts: 23 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    I read an article once that addressed the commercialism of selling a product. Many snack foods and frozen foods have changed up their formulas so they can ADDICT you even more to their product. These foods were already good, people were eating them, but they needed to SELL more, so they made it more enticing by adding more chemicals to keep you satified. I hate that fact that they are using us as consumers this way. So I try not to consume products whos ingredient lists are hard to pronounce. Eating junk food is pretty much empty calories, and won't do this old lady any good!

    makes sense! I went Vegan for a month and after the month I ate a chip and it was so gross! Of course after awhile I got use to the taste again :/ and here I am. But the chemicals are disguisting to think about.

    I remember reading up on Doritos, and how they had made them even MORE orangey goodness....disguisting but hey, you can use the orange as eye shadow after consuming...hahaha

    haha too funny

  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    You'll do it when you are ready and if you want it. But next the motivation comes, try changing your mindset and your approach to it. Instead of it just being about losing weight, think of it in terms of changing the way you eat so that you can sustain the weight loss into the future. If you eat healthy, you tend not to get fat in the first place. I know its a fair bit of effort involved but healthy food can be delicious. It is easier to find it delicious if you are not eating junk on a regular basis. I'd suggest that junk food shouldn't be in your life more than once a month. To be eating healthy, you need to be eating quite a lot of vegetables. And vegeatbles can be interesting and yummy if you cooking them in an intersting way. But most people have to learn how to do this and i'd suggest getting some cookbooks and working through some recipes so you can learn how to do it wihtout a recipe. Look to the europeans, especially those around the mediterranean for good nutritious food and recipes. Middle east has great recipes too.

    But i know what you are saying about what you want to eat right now. I've been there. I used to be addicted to sweets. In fact i still am but don't eat them any more at will. (Except when Im travelling). If i want to eat healthy, i have to quit sweets. But like you i wasn't ready to make the changes as soon i thought i wanted to. It was some months before a whim took me and there and then, i made the change. Perfecting my diet is as on going thing. I started at the beginning of 2014 and did plenty or research and experiments along the way. I started out with my own thing but did low carb, fasting, and now I'm doing veganism but the latter is firstly for ethical reasons, I was a vegetarian before.

    But your moods set you down the path of comfort eating and then eating high carbs or hyper flavoured foods set up some devilish systems in your body. Its hard to understand what's going on if you don't research and learn about hormones and healthy eating and so on. Its important to try to work on your mood so that it gets up and happy and this can trigger motivation. A low mood, and stress triggers bad eating usually. Chronic stress leads to depression. All these things lead to lack of motivation and bad eating. Looking after your mental health is key.

    Well i've said enough.