Surgery changing my maintenance phase?

Down 55 lbs. currently 150 to 152 depending... am so happy with my weight, not losing too much but toning up nicely (I have a butt again!). My gallbladder up and stopped working on me and now I have gallstones. Surgery next week and two week recovery. Girlfriend was telling me I am going to gain weight no matter what I do because I don't process fats like before. Doctor would only say "that's possible". Has anyone experienced this? I do not eat a lot of fat. My fats come from avocados, dairy, nuts, and grains nothing fried and no trans fats. What am I going to need to do differently?


  • hncary
    hncary Posts: 176 Member
    I don't have a lot of knowledge on this, but I do know that my sister had her gallbladder taken out about a year or so ago and she eats out a decent amount (so probably gets a lot more fats in her diet than what you are saying you do) and she hasn't had any troubles with gaining weight. A lot of greasy foods leave her running to the restroom quickly, but that's the only side effect she has had.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    I see threads about this in the weight loss forum all the time (or maybe it feels like all the time since I'm putting off surgery and read them all). Have a search and read some if you want, but the main gist is: It doesn't affect weight at all (don't know why your doctor said it was possible, except to cover himself if you traded fats for sugary carbs). Lots of people mentioned losing large amounts of weight without a gallbladder.

    BUT I have read numerous stories of people who are unable to eat much fat without running to the bathroom, and I recall one post where someone said they keep extra underwear on them at all times. So maybe reintroduce fat into your diet when you're home for the day.

    My mother and other relatives are all able to eat fat just fine, but my mom can't eat any spicy food anymore.
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    edited July 2015
    My doctor had me eat lean chicken, rice, and fruits and vegetables for the first month after surgery. You will quickly learn what you can and cannot tolerate. The recovery was quick for me and I was able to run after five or six days. But I still have trouble digesting a high-fat meal. I eat nuts, avocados, and full fat dairy without trouble. Fatty cuts of meat give me the most trouble. I recommend a digestive enzyme with each meal for the first few months. I think I used one for a whole year after. I cannot eat low carb, high fat, but am not low fat either. And I gained no weight after the surgery until over a year later when I had another unrelated health issue. Hope your surgery goes well!
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    I had my gallbladder out 11 years ago; my surgeon said I could eat whatever I wanted starting the moment I left the hospital. Green beans are the only thing that give me any GI issues.

    I get about 40% of my calories from fat, and have had no problems losing weight.