need to increase my iron



  • scalebeater
    scalebeater Posts: 65 Member
    I've struggled with iron for years. I hated the pills. There's not enough iron in food if you are really low on iron, even if you inhale spinach and kale, as I do. What worked for me was Spatone iron water. They're packets of iron rich spring water from Wales. Take them with juice/something with Vitamin C for absorption. I took them every day until my levels were good, now every 2nd or 3rd day. No longer tired, no hair falling out, no creepy crawlies. I can tell when my levels go too low so I just take them more often.
  • kitkatkarr
    kitkatkarr Posts: 97 Member
    I get my iron from Total cereal and other vitamins as well
  • skidda85
    skidda85 Posts: 2 Member
    I have never heard of black strap mollases or post grape nuts but have ordered some of both. :) I knew marmite was good for b vitamins and supposedly warding off mozzies but not the iron so thanks.

    Have tried the floradix and agree it is hard to swallow! I was advised spa tone when I was pregnant which went down a treat but was quite expensive (although just looked and its come down a lot since then!)

    I will also be looking for some cast iron cookware too

    I usually eat copius amounts of cereal I can't get enough of it. Partly why I'm on a diet now. So I guess that's helped with my nutrients and iron up till now. Was just looking for healthy alternatives and got some great ideas on here thank-you so much everyone
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    What the heck is marmite? And mozzies?

    Cast iron skillets are cheap. Don't get enameled cast iron. You want regular, black cast iron. Lodge makes great ones.

    There are many different ideas on how to season it. If you go the route of coating it with oil and baking it upside down for an hour, don't put too much oil on. It'll just get all sticky.
  • klrenn
    klrenn Posts: 245 Member
    A suggestion for calcium - Mineral water...I drink San Pellegrini. different brands have differing levels of minerals.
  • kidcuba176
    kidcuba176 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm old school, use a cast iron pan. Your welcome. Thank me later.