What made y decide to get healthy?

Tamm04 Posts: 182 Member
Oops my title should be 'what made YOU decide to get healthy?"

I remember gaining weight the summer before entering 5th grade. I gained throughout the years and my highest was after the birth of my 2nd daughter. My husband has always worked out, since he was a young teenager, so it'sstrange he married an overweight woman and watched her grow larger over the years! Yes, love looks beyond weight and to the person beneath.

Anyways, he had a talk with me one day (I can't pinpoint the date) about how sexy I am, he loves me, but wants me around a LONG time for him and the girls. He asked me to start losing weight and getting healthy. I didn't scream, argue or be upset. I took it with a grain of salt and thought about it a bit. I then realized I wanted more and needed more...deserved more! So did my family and those around me.

For me it's still a progress, 7 years later. I've taken time off here and there, but I'm still not at where I wish to be physically. It truly is a process.

What was your 'ah ha! I need to change this now' moment?


  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    Being diagnosed diabetic was the slap in the face that I needed and now I feel like a new person.
  • johnglenn1973
    I saw a picture of myself and couldn't believe that was me....ugh.
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    a breakup
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    I saw myself on a video someone had taken and could not believe that it was actually me.... from that moment on I changed my life.... 62lbs and 12 sizes gone!!!
  • Miss_Meliss86
    Miss_Meliss86 Posts: 372 Member
    My weight loss journey didn't originally start off as one where I aimed to lose weight, but had more to do with the fact that I was having some severe stomach issues and could not pinpoint what it was. Neither could my doctor. I decided to do some research on my own and opted for a healthier lifestyle and approach when it came to food.

    I had gained quite a bit of weight in my first and second year of my undergrad and didn't feel all that comfortable in my own body. While I was doing research into my stomach issues, I also did some research on fitness. I decided I wanted to be able to bike long distances, swim far, and run without feeling like I was going to die. The weight loss is a by-product of all this. It wasn't a diet, but more of a lifestyle change. I love the way I feel after a good workout/run/bike ride/swim/etc. etc. and couldn't picture myself sitting on a couch in front of the TV as my main means of entertainment.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    we thought my mom had a heart attack. my papaw had one at 36, my mom ws 42. i had gained since overcoming anorexia, and was going from hypoglycemic to prediabetic. i pounded energy drinks and stackers. My wake up call was the same as my moms. We were doomed to repeat history. three generations of heart disease was tyrning into four and five.

    my mom is now 65+lbs lighter, and im at 21% bodyfat. i found out i have a cardiac arrhythmia-it would have killed me if i hadnt changed when i did.
  • JenniferCirba
    Turned 49 last week. I'll turn 50 next year. I have the time now. All our children are flying on their own. It's my time and I need to take better care of myself. Starting today.
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    I was feeling completely miserable ALL THE TIME; to my fiancé, my daughter (which is not right) and with myself. I saw pictures of myself and I couldn't believe how big I looked. For those reasons and for the biggest reason of all, for my little princess :)
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    My riding instructor tactfully told me that I would probably progress more with my riding if I were fitter. I was also surrounded by lots of slim young ladies and 'to be fair' wasn't looking great in jodhpurs.

    1 year later I'm 35lbs lighter, can run 5 miles and have just started lifting.

    I can also spend an hour trotting and cantering without going purple, so all good!!
  • prdavies1949
    prdavies1949 Posts: 326 Member
    My wife took this photo. When, how, did I get so big?

  • Patti1023
    Patti1023 Posts: 78 Member
    For me, as I put on weight over the years, I didn't notice even notice the small gains. A few years back (probably 10 yrs or so ago) one day I looked in the mirror at my body (something I really don't do that often)... and was mortified. At that point in my life I felt like it was an insurmountable feat to try to get in better shape, there are too many foods I like & don't want to completely give up, my mom & practically every woman in my family is overweight (might be in the genes, right? lol), I just wasn't ready to tackle it because I was sure I couldn't do it (for one thing, I knew nobody in my household back then would support me & it would be so hard to do it entirely alone). Since my divorce a couple years ago I started thinking I was finally almost ready so I created an acct here but didn't start using it, then last year I knew I was ready to do whatever it takes (as long as I didn't have to completely give up certain foods). I started logging for a couple weeks just to see how things looked, I've always said "I don't really eat that much" and was surprised to discover that although I wasn't eating a lot, almost everything I was eating was high calorie / high fat, etc.

    Overall I think my "aha" moment was - not a lot of quality single men would want an almost 50 yr old overweight woman, there really aren't a lot who are willing to look beyond the first impression to see the inner person. Combined with that was my own mental picture of what my life was going to look like as a single woman. My parents are retired and my mom is very large, she just sits all day on her couch, gets no exercise, etc. I knew that was NOT what I wanted so if I didn't want that to be me in 30 years, I needed to re-invent myself, & the new me had better be in better physical shape & not a couch potato.
  • majica8
    majica8 Posts: 210 Member
    A couple of things. I've hated pics of myself for years but never had the motivation to do anything. I've also had no confidence for years but again never had the motivation to do anything. I've also always felt that it's just me, my family. My brother is bigger, my mum is, grandma, he brother and dad etc. It always made it seem like a massive task (which it is, but it seemed impossible before)
    We went to Oz for 3 weeks a year ago and I gained some weight, I think for the first time ever I was over 17 stone. That was a bit of a kick of in the right direction. As well as getting fed up of hating myself.
    The biggest reason, and this may sound high-school-ish or something, was a guy. Pretty much fell in love with him, but he was (and still is) just an amazing friend, one of my only friends tbh. I'm not and never have been doing this to impress him, he's taken and happy, but I felt like my lack of confidence was making me miss out. I'd never want to go anywhere or do anything because I was too scared. In the end I got more scared that my lack of social interaction with him (and anyone else) would lead to me losing friends. So that plus the other things gave me the motivation I needed and it's still going strong :)
  • Gdeeaz
    Gdeeaz Posts: 60
    I decided to lose weight and get healthy because I realized that my life was passing me by. There are a lot of things I don't do because of my weight and that is not the way I want to live anymore.
  • ForumSamurai
    My love-handles didn't properly accent my rhinestone Speedo.
  • Ladina1990
    Ladina1990 Posts: 137 Member
    my moment was when i took a picture with my fiance and realized that my arms and stomach was getting larger, then i took a before picture and it startled me at what i was seeing, i couldnt believe my fiance was sexually attracted to me, granted yes i did have a child and it took a toll on my body, but i realized that i wanted to be so much more then just the responsible mom, i wanted to be a sexy one
  • blissy_girl
    blissy_girl Posts: 45 Member
    bump, so I can read the responses later. :-)
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Ending up in the ER with vertigo and a host of other issues and having the diagnosis of "no known origion" and the doctors shrugging thier shoulders.

    Did it for me.
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    I love the title of this thread: "get healthy" rather than simply "lose weight." For me that's what it is--getting healthier. If the numbers on the scale go down, that's just a bonus.

    I found that I was getting winded trying to keep up with my girls on a walk. I would end up with back and/or neck pain just from picking up a large bag of dog food (would end up getting two of the smaller bags so I wouldn't hurt myself and end up with a migraine after). I felt tired and sluggish, and irritable, all the time.

    Well, after being at this off and on (mostly on, but with some breaks thrown in), I now have more endurance, though I'm still not quite where I want to be. I'm definitely stronger (the other day I lifted that same big bag of dog food out of the car and slung it under my arm like it was nothing). While I'm still tired a lot of the time (hey, I have three kids and a full-time job) I'm not as sluggish and irritable, and my migraines are fewer. While I'm still not at my goal weight, and I know I might never get there, I'm OK with that because I feel better than I have in years. Best of all, I hope I'm setting a good example for my daughters.
  • davidlo421
    davidlo421 Posts: 144
    .. When my son asked me if I was pregnant.
  • sisterparker40
    sisterparker40 Posts: 11 Member
    Age also is a motivator for me. I just turned 40 and want to shed some of these pounds.