Second go around, needing some motivators.

Kalapini Posts: 5 Member
I've done this whole fitness thing once before, actually went really well, lost 15+ kilos and started getting into shape and was enjoying life. Then the people I'd been going to the gym with and using as support slowly bailed and I ended up falling back into bad habits. While I haven't put anywhere near the weight back on I know it's creeping up on me so I want to get back into running and weights again, I want to love moving again. Since I don't have the same support I did I was hoping some of you guys would lend a hand with some motivation and I'll do the same back :)


  • cassiz91
    cassiz91 Posts: 15 Member
    Music helps when you workout alone. Get your favorite tracks and eventually you'll be lost within the music and realizing you whipped through your workout quickly :)
  • madd4luke
    madd4luke Posts: 6 Member
    cassiz91 wrote: »
    Music helps when you workout alone. Get your favorite tracks and eventually you'll be lost within the music and realizing you whipped through your workout quickly :)

    Great advice! This works for me!!
  • Kalapini
    Kalapini Posts: 5 Member
    Music definitely helps, I've always got something blasting when I'm working out :)
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    feel free to add me, I workout at home. my motivation is my kids and wanting to be healthy so I can keep active with them as they grow up. I use workout videos on youtube and my elliptical.