Something(s) you wish you knew when you first started working out?



  • ElisaJtsu
    ElisaJtsu Posts: 97 Member
    I wish I had bought food scales right away - estimating does NOT work! And I wish I had taken 'before' pictures - do it NOW! Also, if you're short on time & money, the 'couch to 5K' plan fits in nicely and it's free. Good luck!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member

    Wish someone gave me that website when I 1st started, its life changing imo

  • msfoxy_25
    msfoxy_25 Posts: 40 Member
    Hours of cardio will only make me ravenously hungry.
    Walking and weight/strength training is all you really need to do.
    Weight loss is more about diet than exercise.
    Skipping meals or saving calories for events is a bad idea, it leads to overeating typically on junk.
    It's ok to have a cheat day.
  • beauchampsara
    beauchampsara Posts: 19 Member
    edited July 2015
    I've made some progress since I've started. Almost two months of tracking & gym however, I do wish I realized two months ago that:
    1. Eating 1200 calories and then burning 600 with exercise would hurt my weight loss and isn't good for my body since you need to fuel and nurture your body with the right foods to see results
    2. Cardio isn't the end all, be all to lose weight
    3. You can treat yourself once in a while without ruining your progress
    4. Lift weights from the start - in such a short amount of time I've noticed changes in areas of my body just from incorporating lifting into my routine*****
    5. Don't stress yourself out over the scale. Sometimes you'll see changes in your body before the number on the scale changes. It's about how you feel, how your clothes fit, how you progress and get better, and about living a healthy life
    6. This isn't a diet - this is a lifestyle change so NEVER give up, once you start don't stop
    7. Motivating and encouraging others is actually good personal motivation
    8. Weight loss is slow and some people lose weight quicker than others

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Patience and good form. I learned the form by watching videos, mostly on I am still working on patience.
  • beauchampsara
    beauchampsara Posts: 19 Member

    Wish someone gave me that website when I 1st started, its life changing imo


    Just looked into this. Starting this on Monday. Can't wait!
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    That it wouldn't do me a damn bit of good if I didn't have my eating straightened out. Lots of wasted attempts at weight loss that way.