Looking for a workout partner.

destinysangel83 Posts: 3 Member
edited July 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello I am looking for a workout partner in Conway, SC. I just moved down here from NH and I don't know to many people. My work outs will mostly be late at night bc I work full time during the day and then need to wait for my husband to get home to watch the kids. Also can do weekends anytime. I'm really easy to get along with. My normal workout consist of the elliptical, the bike and the weights. When I used to go to the gym in NH I got up to 15 mins on the elliptical which is a big deal for me. When I started I could barely do 5 mins. But its been a while and I know I'll have to work back up to that. I'm looking for a friend that can help motivate and push me. Just don't push to hard at the beginning I don't respond well to that. In the end we will motivate each other. I look forward to making some new life long friends and workout buddy. :smiley: