Fat2Fit? Hypothyroidism?! Help!

I'm moderately active, I run/jog/walk 3-4 days per week and also do some strength training as well.
I dropped mt dew, I was drinking 3-4cans per day and now I'm down to 1 can per day and slowly trying to do without and only have one a couple times per week. I'm eating around 1200-1500 calories per day and I recently started reading about Fat2Fit. I have hypothyroidism and hearing so many different ways to lose weight I just don't know what to listen to!
When I was younger I lived at the YMCA I also worked there so I ate decent and was always active and stayed around 125-140 at all times. Now I'm 25years old at around 192 several years later after having a child and being diagnosed with hypo and I'm just at a loss. I'm 5'2" by the way and I'm a 'thicker' person if that makes sense, bigger boned.
I have always thought dropping your calories and exercising was the way to go but I'm seriously tired of feeling like I'm starving! I try eating the 5-6 smaller meals a day and always having protein with these meals but I'm still feeling hungry. I'm eating a lot more fruits and vegetables more than anything and just looking for some guidance.

I would love to hear from those using Fat2Fit and tell me why you think it works? How its working for you? Negatively or positively, just want some straight honest answers.

I'm taking the generic levothyroxine and thinking about trying Armour, but I'm just at a loss as to what I need to be doing!


  • blackgirlfit
    blackgirlfit Posts: 120 Member
    Im not diagnosed BUT for the past year or so I have been experiencing all except 1 of the PCOS symptoms (deals with hormones too) I lost 50 lbs 2 years ago using a VLCD. I was successful but with that came horrible symptoms. The major ones r insomnia (diagnosed), hair loss, acne (diagnosed), mood swings (diagnosed), elevated anxiety (diagnosed) , vertigo (fell down a few times )and not one did they try to link this to my nutrition.

    It wasnt until last week I realized I was netting at 600 and maintaining. That scared me because I knew from this point on the only way to lose was to reduce calories more or excessively exercise more which is unhealthy. So I went to em2wl, fat2fit and did research this whole weekend. I went to body builders.com and watched laynes videos. And started to increase over my BMR

    this is what happened over the past 2 days. Ate over 1700 both days upped my calories 1000 more (from 700 net to 1700 net) and did not gain. Actually weight loss. I am sleeping 8 hrs a night peacefully. Not hungry. I feel happier.

    This all ties down to hormones and I know you're condition is linked to hormomes. the goal is to be able to burn fat at the highest calories your body enables you to. Your body is a machine that needs gas. 1200 works but not for long im a witness.
  • nsj240
    nsj240 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you, the more I read the more I believe I'm going to stick with a lower calorie goal. When I thought about it I remembered I was eating 2000+ calories a day even though I understand it wasnt the best food but I have always been active and still wasnt working. I understand the reasoning behind Fat2Fit more now but believe I am going to stick with a 1500 calorie goal to START, but eat healthy nutritious foods as much as I can. :)
    Good Luck with your weight loss!