Why can't I see my abs?!?!?!



  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Abs are overrated anyhow. "Hey look at me, I have abs"..... but can you lift a car? (much cooler, imo)

    Why not both? :)
  • emzywemzy86
    emzywemzy86 Posts: 13 Member
    That should give you a rough idea as to what you want to see and what percentage of fat you should aim for. Although the 10-12% in my opinion isn't healthy. But if that's how you would want to look then go for it :)
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    You can do 300 crunches and 300 leg raises a day to BUILD the muscle. But, if you don't shed the fat overtop of the abs, they won't show.

    And no, you can target reduce fat from a certain area. Fat loss happens on random spots, and it's different for every individual.

    Abs are overrated anyhow. "Hey look at me, I have abs"..... but can you lift a car? (much cooler, imo)

    I don't think I said anything about losing fat in a certain area. I'm 5'6" and 120 lbs don't have a lot of fat to lose but thanks for assuming I do.
    I also have read and done enough research and lost weight enough times to know that you can't lose fat in certain areas it happens where it happens.

    Also in my opinion I could care less if a guy can lift a car but show me some sexy Channing Tatum abs and hello!!!

    I'm just wondering if doing the vidoes is enough or if I should add something else in too? I also use an elliptical and run (outside when I can and also on a treadmill).

    Defensive much?

    It doesn't matter if you're in a healthy weight range. It's all about body fat percentage. If your body fat percentage is low enough, you'll have visible abs. If it's not, you won't.

    I've been lifting for over a year and dropped down to 116 lbs (at 5'5") and still didn't have visible abs. I'll likely have to bulk in order to build the muscle and then cut to shed the layer of fat on top. I'll probably never get around to doing that, so I've come to the conclusion that visible abs will probably never happen for me. I'm not really willing to lose anymore weight just for shredded abs - I like food too much. Also, visible abs aren't easy to maintain. You have to keep your body fat percentage really low or you'll lose them.

    There's a chance that genetically you have a difficult time building enough volume in your abdominal muscles to make them show. My abs have tons of volume, but my delts refuse to grow thanks to genetics.

    Yeah, that's what I figure. My weight was evenly distributed when I was heavier (I didn't "carry" it all in my hips, legs, etc.), but my midsection just doesn't want to let go of the softness that's still there. I don't want to blame it all on genetics, but I don't think I'm destined to be as lean and ripped as I once hoped I'd be. I'll settle for being leaner and stronger than the average woman, though. It's all good.

    I know I COULD get there if I really wanted it, but the ends don't really justify the means for me at this point. I'm not looking to compete, so I'd rather eat a lot, lift, and worry more about strength gains than my abs. Not that I have anything against those that want the abs.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    After being pregnant for much of the last 4 years I'm just happy to see my feet. I'm not even going to worry about abs. ever.
  • jlbrown1985
    jlbrown1985 Posts: 136 Member
    Thank you! Some of you have been very helpful. I think the 20-22% range looks great and I would be happy with that! I'm also going to do some research on how to measure body fat and what at home tools/equipment is needed.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Thank you! Some of you have been very helpful. I think the 20-22% range looks great and I would be happy with that! I'm also going to do some research on how to measure body fat and what at home tools/equipment is needed.

    It doesn't really matter what your goal BF% is, as long as you get the look you want. If you measure at 18% to get the look you want or 23% who cares what the %. Most ways of measuring are just estimates and can be quite a bit off. I would suggest using the mirror and progress photos.
  • jlbrown1985
    jlbrown1985 Posts: 136 Member
    Well I thought I was done asking questions but I guess not. Once again please excuse me if I say/ask something stupid.

    I know that to lose weight you have to eat at a deficit. I am at my goal weight and don't want to lose anymore but in order to reduce body fat you have to burn more than you consume, correct? If I burn more than I consume won't I continue to lose weight? Is it all about exercise now? How much and what I do?

    Once again I know some of you are probably rolling your eyes and laughing at my stupidity but some say "eat this eat that or don't eat this or don't eat that" "do this exercise or that exercise" I'm just confused because there is so much conflicting information out there. Is it just about finding what works best for you? Trial and error?

    I'm not big on heavy lifting. I like the workout DVD's that I do and I like running but I am open minded to lifting. I use to do it in high school. Even then my muscles were not defined. Probably because I wasn't eating right. What are some other ways to get muscle definition without heavy lifting?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    edited July 2015
    Well I thought I was done asking questions but I guess not. Once again please excuse me if I say/ask something stupid.

    I know that to lose weight you have to eat at a deficit. I am at my goal weight and don't want to lose anymore but in order to reduce body fat you have to burn more than you consume, correct? If I burn more than I consume won't I continue to lose weight? Is it all about exercise now? How much and what I do?

    Once again I know some of you are probably rolling your eyes and laughing at my stupidity but some say "eat this eat that or don't eat this or don't eat that" "do this exercise or that exercise" I'm just confused because there is so much conflicting information out there. Is it just about finding what works best for you? Trial and error?

    I'm not big on heavy lifting. I like the workout DVD's that I do and I like running but I am open minded to lifting. I use to do it in high school. Even then my muscles were not defined. Probably because I wasn't eating right. What are some other ways to get muscle definition without heavy lifting?

    I lose weight you have to eat less calories than your body needs per day over an extended period of time. To lose fat you have to eat less calories than your body needs per day over an extended period of time, get adequate protein and challenge your muscles (progressive resistance training).

    Since you said your goal is visible abs (slightly visible or very visible, either way) you need to have adequate lean mass and low body fat. You do this through eating less calories than your body needs per day over an extended period of time, getting adequate protein and challenging your muscles.

    You said you are open to lifting. You don't have to "lift heavy" to do it, but you need to continue to challenge your muscles over time. This could be increasing difficulty or increasing weight. I suggest looking into New Rules of Lifting for Women or even You Are Your Own Gym as a place to start.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    You need to get your body fat to a certain percentage to be able to see abs. I can almost see mine but my body fat is only approx 12%, I think in a woman to see and you need it around the 6-8% mark which is pretty dangerous, but this is what a lot of the bodybuilders do :)

    The bodybuilders/fitness competitors don't stay at that level for a long time.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    You can do 300 crunches and 300 leg raises a day to BUILD the muscle. But, if you don't shed the fat overtop of the abs, they won't show.

    And no, you can target reduce fat from a certain area. Fat loss happens on random spots, and it's different for every individual.

    Abs are overrated anyhow. "Hey look at me, I have abs"..... but can you lift a car? (much cooler, imo)

    You can be a skinny meth addict and have visable abs. For a sign a guy is strong look at the traps.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    You can do 300 crunches and 300 leg raises a day to BUILD the muscle. But, if you don't shed the fat overtop of the abs, they won't show.

    And no, you can target reduce fat from a certain area. Fat loss happens on random spots, and it's different for every individual.

    Abs are overrated anyhow. "Hey look at me, I have abs"..... but can you lift a car? (much cooler, imo)

    I don't think I said anything about losing fat in a certain area. I'm 5'6" and 120 lbs don't have a lot of fat to lose but thanks for assuming I do.
    I also have read and done enough research and lost weight enough times to know that you can't lose fat in certain areas it happens where it happens.

    Also in my opinion I could care less if a guy can lift a car but show me some sexy Channing Tatum abs and hello!!!

    I'm just wondering if doing the vidoes is enough or if I should add something else in too? I also use an elliptical and run (outside when I can and also on a treadmill).

    OP sounds very inconsistent. You lost weight enough times then talk about seeing abs after doing a workout dvd.

    What am I reading? so in.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Thank you! Some of you have been very helpful. I think the 20-22% range looks great and I would be happy with that! I'm also going to do some research on how to measure body fat and what at home tools/equipment is needed.

    To be honest anything you can get to measure bf at home is not very accurate. The NFL uses the Bod Pod for testing at the Combine. Many hospital/university wellness programs have them and will test for $20-$50. There are some other methods but tend to be pricier.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    You can do 300 crunches and 300 leg raises a day to BUILD the muscle. But, if you don't shed the fat overtop of the abs, they won't show.

    And no, you can target reduce fat from a certain area. Fat loss happens on random spots, and it's different for every individual.

    Abs are overrated anyhow. "Hey look at me, I have abs"..... but can you lift a car? (much cooler, imo)

    I don't think I said anything about losing fat in a certain area. I'm 5'6" and 120 lbs don't have a lot of fat to lose but thanks for assuming I do.
    I also have read and done enough research and lost weight enough times to know that you can't lose fat in certain areas it happens where it happens.

    Also in my opinion I could care less if a guy can lift a car but show me some sexy Channing Tatum abs and hello!!!

    I'm just wondering if doing the vidoes is enough or if I should add something else in too? I also use an elliptical and run (outside when I can and also on a treadmill).

    wow...you asked for help, get help, and then say you have all the answers..

    if your abs are not showing it is a combination of too much body fat, not enough ab development, and genetics..
  • wfrazjr
    wfrazjr Posts: 43 Member
    I have to leave the cookies alone and I will see my abs.
  • jlbrown1985
    jlbrown1985 Posts: 136 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »

    OP sounds very inconsistent. You lost weight enough times then talk about seeing abs after doing a workout dvd.

    What am I reading? so in.

    Do you mean that I sound inconsistent because I said I have lost weight more than one time? If so just to clarify I have had two children so yes I have had to lose weight more than once.
  • paris458
    paris458 Posts: 229 Member
    Well I thought I was done asking questions but I guess not. Once again please excuse me if I say/ask something stupid.

    I know that to lose weight you have to eat at a deficit. I am at my goal weight and don't want to lose anymore but in order to reduce body fat you have to burn more than you consume, correct? If I burn more than I consume won't I continue to lose weight? Is it all about exercise now? How much and what I do?

    Once again I know some of you are probably rolling your eyes and laughing at my stupidity but some say "eat this eat that or don't eat this or don't eat that" "do this exercise or that exercise" I'm just confused because there is so much conflicting information out there. Is it just about finding what works best for you? Trial and error?

    I'm not big on heavy lifting. I like the workout DVD's that I do and I like running but I am open minded to lifting. I use to do it in high school. Even then my muscles were not defined. Probably because I wasn't eating right. What are some other ways to get muscle definition without heavy lifting?

    I like your questions. it was a lot of the same ones I had. just follow the good advice you are getting. I didnt use to like to lift weights when I first started losing weight, and I cannot lift very heavy. Now I love weights and its all I want to do. try it, you might actually like it.
  • jlbrown1985
    jlbrown1985 Posts: 136 Member
    paris458 wrote: »
    I like your questions. it was a lot of the same ones I had. just follow the good advice you are getting. I didnt use to like to lift weights when I first started losing weight, and I cannot lift very heavy. Now I love weights and its all I want to do. try it, you might actually like it.

    Thank you!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - you may want to check out this link:


    also, have you ever considered a progressive lifting routine like strong lifts, all pro beginner, new rules of lifting for woman?
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    You can get visible abs by doing workout DVD's and tracking your calories. So if that is what you enjoy, then go for it! Jillian's DVD's are what helped me lose 10/15 lbs and my abs are pretty visible. I also have added lifting into my routine and enjoy it a lot. When you start seeing more results, you will love it even more!

    I had my BF% tested last year by a PT at a gym. He seemed to know what he was doing and it was 15.5%, that seemed pretty accurate based on some of the pictures people post on here. I didn't eliminate anything from my diet, either. Pasta, bread, beer, wine, desserts, etc....just tracked accurately and used CICO.

    Have you tried some of Jillian's other workouts? Six Week Six Pack uses weights and is a really great workout. Some of my other favorites are Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, No More Trouble Zones, just to name a few. I don't just go through the motions, I really bust my *kitten* and have really enjoyed my results.

    I agree with the others, try lifting along with your cardio and you should see results! Good luck!
  • Steve_ApexNC
    Steve_ApexNC Posts: 210 Member
    edited July 2015

    I know that to lose weight you have to eat at a deficit. I am at my goal weight and don't want to lose anymore but in order to reduce body fat you have to burn more than you consume, correct? If I burn more than I consume won't I continue to lose weight? Is it all about exercise now? How much and what I do?

    Once again I know some of you are probably rolling your eyes and laughing at my stupidity but some say "eat this eat that or don't eat this or don't eat that" "do this exercise or that exercise" I'm just confused because there is so much conflicting information out there. Is it just about finding what works best for you? Trial and error?

    I'm not big on heavy lifting. I like the workout DVD's that I do and I like running but I am open minded to lifting. I use to do it in high school. Even then my muscles were not defined. Probably because I wasn't eating right. What are some other ways to get muscle definition without heavy lifting?

    It seems like you are confusing a some things. The first is body composition - that is to say the ratio of your body that is fat vs the ratio of your body that is lean body mass. One person can weigh 130 pounds and have a different fat:LBM ration than another person who also weighs 130 pounds. So when you say you are at your goal weight, but that you can't see your abs then the issue is in this ratio. There isn't going to be some magic number weight that anyone can give you that will result in you seeing ab muscles.

    BTW - saying you have to lose fat in order to see your abs is not the same thing as saying you are "fat" or unfit. Honestly, you sound pretty darn fit. Still, anatomically, we all have body fat (and for good reason evolutionary speaking). We all have a layer of fat on our belly that sits on top of the ab muscles. You won't see those muscles until either that layer of fat is small enough to see the muscles or the muscles are big enough to show through.

    The thing is, losing weight and gaining muscle are two different cats who don't play well together. It seems to me that you probably need to select which aspect you want to focus on first to improve your fat:LBM ratio. If you choose to lower the left side of the ratio (burn fat), then you are going to have to eat a calorie deficit. However, that alone doesn't mean you will lose 100% fatty tissue. Since you already seem to have a low level of body fat, that last bit of fat is going to be darn tough so you may have to sweat the details much more than a beginner. For example, inducing your body to burn more fatty acids than carbs through weight training. You can learn a lot about fat loss and these sort of details at http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/ I admit the man can ramble and repeat himself a lot, but if you take the time to work through his articles, you will learn a lot. His work is based on science and not in marketing fluff or internet memes. Give the man a chance and spend some time working through his articles.

    The other side of the ratio is to increase muscle mass. This is generally done by eating an excess of calories and some form of "lifting". As others have said, you don't have to lift heavy but you still have to stress your muscles somehow. Volume can be as useful as heavy weight. Think about a hardcore bicycle enthusiast - they get calves of steel through sheer repetition rather than standing toes on a 2x4 with 100 pounds of barbell on their shoulders and raising up and down.

    The thing is, the closer you are to your ideal body composition (that ratio) the hard it is to change. Like I mentioned above, you may well be at an advanced stage of fitness where you have to go beyond the fundamentals. I like the site I mentioned above for a hardcore education. Give it a try and see what you learn.