I am a returner!

MrDiiorio Posts: 12 Member
edited July 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello MFP community,

I'm Mike (Or MrDiiorio), massive over-eater.
Been using MFP for about a month and logging everything, it's working and all is well!
I have previously use MFP, but didn't really utilise it properly.

I'm in the 1,800 calories/day club with the aim to lose 1lb/week.
I am also a runner and a nurse.

Friendly conversations, advice (both ways) or randomness always welcome!


  • shazland
    shazland Posts: 63 Member
    Hi Mike,
    I'm a returner too :-). Lost about a stone before Xmas using MFP but things started to slide again so I'm back on!!
    Feel free to add me. Looking for friends on here for encouragement :-)
  • MrDiiorio
    MrDiiorio Posts: 12 Member
    I should also add I'm from London :) Thanks Shaz, will do!
  • britnicole5
    britnicole5 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey Mike, I'm also a returner. Feel free to add for support/encouragement :)