Hi - I'm Stephanie from Colorado. I'm here and serious about losing 40 pounds...for starters.

I've ignored it and/or have been in various states of denial. Well, no longer. Carrying around all the excess weight is taking its toll on my joints and my overall well-being. I have set myself some micro-goals and a HUGE goal of losing 40 pounds. Once I reach that weight, I will decide whether to keep losing. It's been so long since my weight has been down that far, I'll have to see what it's like when I get there!

I have used MyFitnessPal app for a long time, but haven't been as serious as I needed to be to get the weight off. Well, now I am ready and appreciate any support I can get. I don't have many vices. I don't smoke, I hardly drink, I don't use drugs...food is my biggest, if not only vice, so, this is EXTREMELY hard for me! Also, I grew up in Texas and Texans LOVE food!


  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    Love "micro-goals" as you put it. I had a lot more to lose than you in the beginning and I think one of the reasons I kept failing was because it was too overwhelming. Micro-goals helped give me little accomplishments along the way so I could celebrate the little victories. I still have a few to go, but my next one is only 11 lbs away!

    I live in MO, although I was in CO from birth until Sept '14. You're living in one of the leanest states in the US for a reason (knocked down to 2nd or 3rd place last year)! Lots of trails, places to find low-calorie, healthy food, and some great mountain air. I'm jealous!
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Well hello serious Stephanie from Colorado! I'm slacker lenny from Colorado:)
  • LCappon
    LCappon Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Stephanie,
    I wouldn't get too hung up on that 40 number. That is a lot and while you can do it, that amount can quickly feel overwhelming. I've lost 90 pounds in the last year using essentially just myfitnesspal and walking just trying to lose a few pounds a month. The way I stay on track is by not really making myself feel like I can't have something. I'm in Texas, so I understand what you mean-- my main problem is Mexican food- namely queso. But by using myfitnesspal every time I eat, I've learned what calories are in different items and I make smarter choices most of the time--- but I still eat the queso, just less of it! Good luck to you. By going this route to lose weight I am actually kind of embarrassed that I've been overweight my whole life-- while it hasnt been no work, it is a hell of a lot easier than I ever knew. Just do what you know you can keep up with forever, don't set impossible life standards and stick with what the smaller goals you do set and you will achieve your goals.
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    friend request sent.. i am also from colorado..
  • Lizzles4Shizzles
    Lizzles4Shizzles Posts: 122 Member
    edited July 2015
    sacolunga wrote: »
    I've ignored it and/or have been in various states of denial. Well, no longer. Carrying around all the excess weight is taking its toll on my joints and my overall well-being. I have set myself some micro-goals and a HUGE goal of losing 40 pounds. Once I reach that weight, I will decide whether to keep losing. It's been so long since my weight has been down that far, I'll have to see what it's like when I get there!

    I have used MyFitnessPal app for a long time, but haven't been as serious as I needed to be to get the weight off. Well, now I am ready and appreciate any support I can get. I don't have many vices. I don't smoke, I hardly drink, I don't use drugs...food is my biggest, if not only vice, so, this is EXTREMELY hard for me! Also, I grew up in Texas and Texans LOVE food!

    Grew up right above you in Oklahoma, and I can attest to that! Same in my home state! So much so, that our "state meal" consists of chicken fried steak, fried okra, apple pie and (surprisingly) about 8 other things that I can't even remember! It's so easy to fall into overeating when you're raised in that culture, although you may have escaped it some, being in Colorado now. I'm still in Oklahoma and still surrounded by chicken fried steak & fried okra! haha Feel free to add me if you'd like - I have about 100lbs to lose altogether.
  • panda4153
    panda4153 Posts: 417 Member
    Hello Stephanie, I am Angie from Colorado :)
  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    Hey Stephanie, I'm on "the other side of town", but I applaud your new sense of commitment.

    I couldn't help but notice that you seem to be new(er) to posting on the community forums, some I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that you've also not read much here ?? If that's the case, may I suggest some reading that may help you really get some good results?

    One of my all-time favorite threads is well-presented and maintained by @usmcmp --> http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1161603/so-you-want-a-nice-stomach While the thread seems to be focused only on "nice tummys", it really does drive to the core of how MFP can get/keep you moving until you're where you wanna be.

    Since you've been using the app for a while, some of this thread, http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants , may seem a little redundant, but again, it looks at how life and this app fit together to get you to where you're gonna be happy.

    There's a list of "Helpful Posts" which may help to expand your knowledge and/or comfort with stuff on : http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10177910/most-helpful-posts-general-diet-and-weight-loss-help-must-reads This is actually maintained by MFP Moderators, and is being used as as a way to reduce the number of "sticky" threads at the top of each forum -- Several of the links are helpful, but the two above served me very well as I was gettin' my act together.

    Another thought... There's a user-group here for those of us that may be older/wiser than others... http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/104713-fifty-plus-or-so-support-group These guys are very supportive and many are inspirational in a context that applies to "us".

    Well, that all seems quite boring an pompous now, doesn't it? Hopefully all that's of some help, if I can ever help, shoot me a message or a friend request and I'll do what I can to get you where your going!

  • sacolunga
    sacolunga Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi! Thank you all for replying. I'm new to this part of myfitnesspal. I figured that this type of support is what I need to make my weight loss successful this time. I know I'm not the only one faced with the struggles of weight loss. I'm an old pro at Facebook, so I'll have to get used to the way this thing works. I find myself looking for the 'Like' button! :smiley: