Weird question....



  • jojo4everjq839
    jojo4everjq839 Posts: 35 Member
    FoxyLifter wrote: »
    I burp a few times while I exercise. I've got to be careful so I don't throw up. If I burp at the wrong moment, my snack may end up on my shirt. :|

    Happens to me sometimes gotta hold it in as best as possible haha glad I workout at home cause I would be a mess at the gym.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    You need a gi dr. You may have gerd or gastroparesis. Best to exercise on empty.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    I try to keep my diet pretty simple: Egg & cheese omelettes for breakfast, beef/pork/chicken/fish & vegetables (raw or steamed) for lunch and dinner. I like to grill the meats weather permitting. Salad dressings tend to be ranch and Ceasar as they're usually low in carbs.
    hermann341 wrote: »
    I'm on a reduced carb diet and rarely get heartburn.

    I'm not on a reduced carb diet and I also rarely get heartburn. I don't think carbs really have anything to do with it.

    Have you tried going to the doctors, jojo? Throwing up that much doesn't sound normal. How much are you working out? You might be doing too much too soon.

    It may not be the carbs so much as that I tend to over eat when I eat a lot of carbs. Lo-carb keeps me satisfied longer and reduces unwanted snacking.

  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    hermann341 wrote: »
    I'm on a reduced carb diet and rarely get heartburn.

    Hmm...may help..what are good foods that don't have so many carbs?

    I try to keep my diet pretty simple: Egg & cheese omelettes for breakfast, vegetables (raw or steamed) and protein (beef/pork/chicken/fish) for lunch and dinner. I like to grill the meats weather permitting. Salad dressings tend to be ranch and Ceasar as they're usually low in carbs.