77 Down: 30 To Go, but I feel like I've lost it...



  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 338 Member
    I too, am losing steam. My weight loss has been slowing...I only lost 2 pounds in May...and that was with careful logging, food planning, and exercise. Not seeing results while working hard sure doesn't help my motivation to keep doing it. I decided that I am going to focus more on fitness. I can't control when my body will decide to lose another pound, but I CAN work out harder and more often. My YMCA is having a "12 week transformation" challenge that starts next week. The winner gets free membership and personal training sessions. Since I am competitive and need a goal and want to start exercising more, I am going there to enter tomorrow! This should take me through the summer.

    Good luck!! Your issue sounds more like a plateau than a motivational thing. I hope you move through it and kill it in your challenge!!
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me. I decided to plan a vacation that i've always wanted to go on, here's the catch. If i dont lose the weight, or the majority of the weight I have left, I dont get to go. Better believe the motivation is back.
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    BUMP I am in the EXACT same situation... I only have about 40lbs left and I am maintaining now and can't seem to get back on track! I am anxious to read all comments!
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    I'm in the exact same place. I feel like I stay on track all week, but then the weekends ruin everything. I'm not as strict as I was, and no one I hang out with is worried about weight, so they eat/drink what they want... and then I do, too. Hoping this thread can help me get motivated again.
  • pigote
    pigote Posts: 615 Member
    Yup, right there with you on this. I'm at goal and have been with a 5 pound range for 6 months. I'm exercising 5-6 days a week and still loving that. BUT, My eating has turned to s^%t! I eat well at breakfast and lunch but dinner is iffy, and from 8 to 10 pm mosty days has turned in to a chocolate eating extravaganza. I don't know what the heck is wrong with me.
    I hope we both get it together!
  • NBSfit
    NBSfit Posts: 44 Member
    You aren't tracking regularly, but on the days you are tracking, it seems as though you are eating very little food for your size and activity level, which absolutely brings on cravings that are nigh impossible to deny.

    More than likely, you need to eat more food. Food to fuel you day and your workouts. Eating less isn't the answer in your situation. I know it's scary, but it's true. I understand because I've been there. http://nbsfit.com/nutrition/weight-loss-isnt-always-about-eating-less-and-exercising-more/
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    You know, I felt that way when I reached my pre-pregnancy weight which was about 25 pounds from my goal weight. I started having "healthy" chips (by the bagful), a "few" chocolate chips, etc and while I wasn't gaining, I sure wasn't losing anymore either.

    I had to backup and regroup to figure out what I really wanted and that was to be strong and healthy. I'm not allowed to buy the items I can't control myself with. I still binge on occasion, but I've set a goal for myself that I will be within 100 calories of goal on the weekends and changed up my workout. My food scale is my best friend, and I no longer eyeball ANYTHING portion wise.

    Bottom line, you have to decide that you're (still) worth more than where you got comfortable.

    Good is the enemy of great!
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    I have been there... And this is how I got modivated again.

    When you started out, you had a goal, something that you wanted to reach, a way you wanted to look. Maybe it was getting out of the plus sizes, Maybe it was to have the energy that you lack, maybe it was to be able to walk from the car to the office and not need a nap after the walk.

    You hit that goal, even though you are not where you want to be. You no longer have a vision for what you want, were you want to go. SO, when I hit that point, and people were telling me how great I looked and I "backed off". I could ride the rollercoasters, I could keep up with the "young pups" at the gym. I could walk further in a day than I could in a week, I started slipping. Letting stuff in a justifying it.

    SO, I set a new goal, and backed it up with pictures in my mind of where I want to be. I want to turn heads at the pool, in a good way. I want to be the old guy who young guys wish they were. I want to have unlimited energy, and that has become my new drive.

    When you see your destination, you start slowing down and letting things sidetrack you, set a new destination. What do you REALLY want, and what are you willing to do to hit that goal!

    Go for it, and BE HEALTHY. You can do it, and you deserve it!

    Good advise! Thanks :wink:
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    I had lost 50, but the last two weeks have seen me put 5 of that back on (yes, some is water, but some is just from plain ol' not eating well). So, I chatted with one of my MFP friends who is in the same boat and challenged her to reset ourselves and get moving. We have both put our honest weight in today (not left it at the previous five pounds ago weight) and have set a mini-goal of eating less and moving more for two weeks to see if we can start to log some losses. Four pounds is the goal (which should be doable considering we were both moving the wrong way). I am counting on my friends here to hold me accountable by stalking my diary daily and kicking me if I don't close it out in any given day.

    Where I don't know if this will work, it is the method I'm going to try. I need to do something as it was not easy losing this weight, but it sure is easy to regain it!!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Why don't you try just eating at maintenance for a few weeks? 77 pounds is incredible, but you're bound to get burned out being so good constantly. Take a few weeks, eat at maintenance, and then go back to it, full force.
  • duckiec
    duckiec Posts: 241 Member
    I'm on a slope to this. Keeping up the exercise, but feeling burned out on the tracking, and restritcting, and eating the same stuff. I walk in the grocery store and get a bit sad that most of the stuff, I can't/won't have. That I stress over every meal we eat out and then don't want to go.

    I thought for awhile I wasn't eating enough, then after over month of data, my fitbit confirmed. So I started upping calories a little, but found that a lot more often than before, I'm more likely to be like eh whatever I have to up my cals anyway right? and eating even more. Not full on binges, and most of the time, still at a deficit (sometimes, but rarely over fitbit-estimated TDEE) but more than the deficit I've set as a goal. Then again, maybe that's part of the problem... maybe that's too aggressive and that's why I'm burning out. Struggling with it being okay to back off the deficit level and adjusting so maybe it's not so all-encompassing... or just buckling down and getting this (#)$*)($* done. But then I realize I'll never be done... blah. Did not expect this mental block about halfway to goal.
  • thatcrazykat
    thatcrazykat Posts: 73 Member
    I agree that you need to reset your goals. Remember why you started being healthier. Have you reached that target yet? I had been steadily doing great, getting those compliments, needing new clothes, and slacked off for all of May. No gain, but no loss either. I am pissed off at myself for settling for "overweight" after getting out of the obese category. I re-calculated my BMI and am still at risk for heart attack. I started my journey because I wanted to be healthier, have more energy and yes, shop for normal size clothes. I am only half way there so why stop now?

    Reset your goals. Make small weekly goals for yourself in the areas of concern. Log everything and stop allowing yourself "free" days. Make your reward worth the effort to recommit. You had the motivation before, pull it out again and let it give you the strength and determination to continue. You got this!!
  • suzbaru
    suzbaru Posts: 37 Member
    1. Change your ticker tape on MFP.

    You are past the halfway point and yeah it's great to see how far you've come. Although, now you have a new (smaller) goal and it's time to let go of the past (because you aren't going back there again) and move towards your next goal.

    Apps > Ticker > Update starting weight (make it your current) > Update goal weight

    You can change it back at anytime to show how far you've come overall.

    I have been "stuck" recently because I hit my halfway mark, I'm almost into 12's and my husband said I have a small butt again.

    2. Hang up a piece of goal clothing.

    I was getting complacent until I tried on my favorite dress that still doesn't fit. So I washed the dress, put it on a hanger and it sits above my desk. Every time I sit to log exercise/calories or play candy crush it reminds me of my next (ultimate) goal.

    3. Try to stock the fridge with the food you first starting eating when you were "changing your lifestyle" was it yogurt, fruit, veggies? Try going back to them again. Do you still snack on say almonds or has almonds changed to peanut butter?
  • i lost like 80 pounds in one year all by myself, without any coaching or knowledge about nutrition.i just trained and ate well, and it worked very fine. Now on the last 30 pounds i am in the state where my mind is going in hundred directions: whats my BMR, what is my waist to hip ratio, am i overtraining, whats good and bad carbs, whats my caloric deficit? Things that never mattered to me have become so crucial. it´s so frustrating sometimes that i dont know what to do. its like the more i read about losing weight and getting in shape the less i really know.
  • llehman2
    llehman2 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I am very similar to you. started at 208 now i am 146. I started running, and now I am running 1/2 marathons. Lately I have been bored with my exercise routine so I switched it up. Completed a Spartan race this past weekend , I swim. I also treat myself to a bit of pampering. Now that I have reached my first goal, I recalculated and have set new goals. Increase flexibility (yoga), increase strength (low weights). I eat out with. Y family often, and love to treat myself.
    I think that having friends on MFP is awesome, you can keep yourself motivated and help and motivate others. It is great opportunity you have as you have been where they are going. I give myself "specials"... When I achieve a goal or a milestone I do something special for me. Remember this is your journey you decide where you are going and how you are going to get there. You have done so well so far. I congratulate you on your amazing achievement .
  • 2dayirunforme
    2dayirunforme Posts: 171 Member
    What a great idea to start the group. I'm going to join we can all use the extra support and help.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Why don't you try just eating at maintenance for a few weeks? 77 pounds is incredible, but you're bound to get burned out being so good constantly. Take a few weeks, eat at maintenance, and then go back to it, full force.

    i like this idea


    read that^^^
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    I have lost 100 pounds 2 times and 50 pounds 2 times...besides right now..i have gained it all back. Why? Because I thought once you got thin (or fairly thin) you could magically eat anything you wanted! I know now this is forever...I will always have to watch what I eat and always have to work out. That is what you have to get your head around. It isn't a fix for being fat and then you get to do what you want. You have to decide what is more important to you at this point. Only you can decide for yourself. For me...nothing tastes as good as being thin, fit and healthy.
  • perrinjoshua
    perrinjoshua Posts: 286 Member
    I have been there... And this is how I got modivated again.

    When you started out, you had a goal, something that you wanted to reach, a way you wanted to look. Maybe it was getting out of the plus sizes, Maybe it was to have the energy that you lack, maybe it was to be able to walk from the car to the office and not need a nap after the walk.

    You hit that goal, even though you are not where you want to be. You no longer have a vision for what you want, were you want to go. SO, when I hit that point, and people were telling me how great I looked and I "backed off". I could ride the rollercoasters, I could keep up with the "young pups" at the gym. I could walk further in a day than I could in a week, I started slipping. Letting stuff in a justifying it.

    SO, I set a new goal, and backed it up with pictures in my mind of where I want to be. I want to turn heads at the pool, in a good way. I want to be the old guy who young guys wish they were. I want to have unlimited energy, and that has become my new drive.

    When you see your destination, you start slowing down and letting things sidetrack you, set a new destination. What do you REALLY want, and what are you willing to do to hit that goal!

    Go for it, and BE HEALTHY. You can do it, and you deserve it!

    I'm pretty sure you've hit the nail on the head here. A new vision of where I'm going is definitely in order.

    Thank you for your heartfelt reply, and congrats on your success. My friend request is in the mail : )
    I absolutely agree with this.
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    I am feeling the same. Not feeling that I am in quite as good of shape, but happy with myself and I know I can always improve but lately it has been a struggle. Need to know others opinions on this.