starving best friend..

Hello my fellow MFP'S I need some advice, any would be greatly appreciated. My best friend recently started a new job working nights 4 days out of the week. She has always struggled with her weight and has developed some eating habits that cause me to worry. Im not even sure how to go about this touchy subject with her though.

She will only eat when shes starving consuming a little over 600 calories daily (im estimating from the food shes told me shes ate). Then the next day or so after she will eat anything she wants until shes completely stuffed and complaining that her stomache hurts. I know this is unhealthy. Someone told her something about only eating when shes hungry but I think shes taking it to the extreme. Surely she knows that she is messing her metabolism up? I dont know what to tell her. She thinks shes doing such a wonderful job but surely she knows this is very unhealthy.


  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    Honestly, I don't think she realizes that at all. If she did she wouldn't be treating her body that way. I know it's probably a sensitive subject with her but maybe suggest that she join the site? Like.."oh I just joined this awesome website for weight loss and I love it! I need more friends on there you should join with me so I'm not alone!" ...Then maybe seeing the info on here or asking for advice she'll see the truth about what she's doing.
  • thenebean9
    thenebean9 Posts: 216
    sounds like a rough situation. unfortunately so many people think that if you don't eat, you will lose weight. perhaps find a few articles online about the best way to lose weight and be healthy and share them with her? if she's not on MFP, maybe share that option with her as well. eating is a good thing, it's just eating the right stuff and the right portions that help you lose weight :) i hope you can get through to her and she changes her ways! good luck! :)
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I agree that you might suggest she joins this site. I know I've learned more from MFP about healthy weight loss than anywhere else! But if she doesn't join/change her ways it would be best to bring it up to her. Heopfully she will join, learn a lot and love this site as much as everyone else does!