27f - UK - 30lbs to loose and in need of friends!

Hi there!

My name is Anne-Marie, I'm 27 and live in England.

Over the last years my weight has slowly but surely been creeping upwards and I am now at a point where it seriously affects me. While I am not obese I feel uncomfortable. I dread family meetings because I only get to see them once or twice a year and can't help but think they must notice I've gained more weight.

Two months ago my amazing boyfriend proposed and we're getting married next year in August which gives 13 months to get in shape! :)

I am looking for friends to support and inspire each other and to share a laugh every now and then :)

Please feel free to say "hi", add me or just drop a message here - I look forward to meeting you!



  • abigailknowles39
    abigailknowles39 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi anne-marie (great name)
    Youl do your goal in 13 months. Congratulations on your engagment you must be so happy. I'm abbie and so far lost 12lbs still along way to go for me lol
  • blueberrymohn
    blueberrymohn Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Abbie! You should be proud, 12lbs is a lot! I think it's about 5x 1L cartons of milk, so definitely something to be proud of!

    And thank you for you wishes, I'm super excited!
    RAFREGROB Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I'm Rob. Also UK, East Anglia. I've got 30lbs to lose too after getting a new job and forced into hotels and eating out far too much. I only started last week and haven't weighed in yet. I could do with a weight loss partner with similar goals, if you fancy a bit of competition let me know!
  • blueberrymohn
    blueberrymohn Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Rob,

    I started last week too and have about 35lbs to loose so we seem to have very similar goals :)
  • msteele11
    msteele11 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi...I'm Maria. I'm just starting out too. Congratulations on the wedding Ann Marie...and to you Abbie for losing 12 pounds!
    I'm in a similar situation. My daughter is getting married in September so I am trying to lose at least 10 pounds by then...hopefully 20 or whatever is safest in that length of time. My goal is 2 pounds a week over the next 8 weeks and that should get me close to where I want to be. We can do this! I'm going to do my best to keep logging every bite because I know this works. Good luck! Maria
  • blueberrymohn
    blueberrymohn Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you :) Events like weddings or other large gatherings are always a great motivator, aren't they? I just booked the ferry and in September my fiance and I are going to Germany to see family and friends. Would be great to drop a few pounds by then ;)
  • welshchick666
    welshchick666 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi I'm lesley-anne, got over 40 lb to lose