Wanted - Motivational and Supportive Friends

Hey guys!

My name is Ayla and I'm 24 years old. I'm looking to lose around 25 pounds and could really use some supportive and motivational friends. I have fallen off the wagon SO many times, and I'm getting sick of it. I need to do this for myself and nobody else. Feel free to add me, so we can start motivating each other and reaching our goals!

Hope to hear from you guys soon!
Ayla Lee


  • AnitaCRice
    AnitaCRice Posts: 114 Member
    I'm right there with you. I'm 34 and need to lose about 40 lbs, honestly. My weight goes up and down all the time, and I really struggle with falling off the wagon as well.
  • raellehousek
    raellehousek Posts: 9 Member
    Same here I've lost 27lbs and have only 20 more to go but these last few are a struggle!
  • pam338
    pam338 Posts: 8 Member
  • tterreble
    tterreble Posts: 112 Member
    I definitely understand that feeling, the skid marks are still on my wagon ;) I'm just having trouble staying motivated to keep at it and fill out my diary because there is no feeling of accountability without MFP friends.
    Anyone feel free to add me, if you want to team up!*
  • Brina_NY
    Brina_NY Posts: 2 Member
    Same here! I need to lose roughly 30lbs and my motivation has dropped significantly. Feel free to add me!

    Tterreble, I sent you a request!
  • missjrowe
    missjrowe Posts: 2 Member
    Me too! Feel free to add me girls. I am 25 and piled on about three stone over last few years and not feeling great BUT wanting to get back to feeling good. Did my first exercise for ages today...a beyonce work out youtube video haha and loved it!! Although I looked awful doing it haI feel great xx
  • Mr_Stabbems
    Mr_Stabbems Posts: 4,771 Member
  • NancMoss
    NancMoss Posts: 90 Member
    Im looking to lose about 60+lbs. Motivation sure goes long ways....

    Lets do this!
  • iamabeetle
    iamabeetle Posts: 52 Member
    Hey :) I have a lot more than that to lose but feel free to add me :) I like to think I'm quite inspiring and motivational. I've lost 132lb so far and have another 220lb to go so I'm in this for the long haul!

    I'm on Facebook and Instagram as well - www.facebook.com/movingforwardlookingforward and Instagram is movingforwardlookingforward

    You can do this!
  • coastaltwist143
    coastaltwist143 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey guys!

    My name is Ayla and I'm 24 years old. I'm looking to lose around 25 pounds and could really use some supportive and motivational friends. I have fallen off the wagon SO many times, and I'm getting sick of it. I need to do this for myself and nobody else. Feel free to add me, so we can start motivating each other and reaching our goals!

    Hope to hear from you guys soon!
    Ayla Lee

    Hi Ayla - I'm right there with you. Perpetual yo-yo fitness. One year I'm feeling awesome and fit, another year I'm 30lbs overweight.
    My head is in the game this time. I quit smoking in 2010 and realized this is similar. I was always quitting, but one time it stuck because I really wanted it out of my life and was tired of talking about it. That's how I feel about my weight. I'm ready!