Getting Healthy --vs-- Losing Weight

If you're here to "lose weight," you will likely fail.

You can lose half your body weight by using a chainsaw to hack-off your legs. That doesn't mean you'd be healthier nor look better in a Speedo.

Focus on being healthier. Period.

Eat Better
Stop worrying about how many calories are in the latest ChemicalNutriCrap Bar. Eat a carrot. Focus on whole, natural fruits, veggies and meat (if you eat meat).

Drink Water
Stop worrying about how many glasses some random person on the Internet told you to drink today. Just drink it. It's good for you. Your body is comprised of 65% water. Not Diet Coke. Not Red Bull. Water.

You know what else comprises 65% of your body? Nothing. Drink it.

Stop worrying about WHAT to do, and go friggin' do it. Find activities you ENJOY doing. If you have to "make" yourself workout, you'll stop doing it. If you enjoy doing it, you'll keep doing it, and burn calories in the process, without even realizing you're doing it.

Quit Looking for Absolution
It doesn't matter if your BMI is the square root of PI, with a sub-context variable of poop... If you get winded from simply lifting your morning latte', it's time to focus on your health, not math.

You'll know you've "made it," when you're basking in all of the awesomeness that is you.



  • Sorry for the typos. ;)
  • DCruz83
    DCruz83 Posts: 99
    Well thanks for that, if anything it totally made me laugh! Doesn't make it any less true though!
  • Don't laugh too hard. Many people on this site are mortally offended by sarcasm and expansive senses of humor.
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    this is probably exactly how I would write it! - you are at your goal when you are awesome!
    I wish the ticker on this site could be more goal orientated NOT in relation to weight. I am happy to stay this weight but instead reduce bf%, for example.
  • Exactly. MFP needs an "Awesomeness Ticker."
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    Eh, I'm shallow. Priority #1 is to look better. Getting healthier is the added bonus. I don't seem to be failing yet. Different things work for different people.
  • Eh, I'm shallow. Priority #1 is to look better. Getting healthier is the added bonus. I don't seem to be failing yet. Different things work for different people.
    I would argue that your sentiment is backwards. If you get healthier, you'll look (and feel) much better.
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    I love this!
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    Eh, I'm shallow. Priority #1 is to look better. Getting healthier is the added bonus. I don't seem to be failing yet. Different things work for different people.
    I would argue that your sentiment is backwards. If you get healthier, you'll look (and feel) much better.

    That's a matter of opinion. I think I should use whichever motivation gets me the results I want most effectively. It's more socially acceptable for people to say they're doing this "for health," but look at all the, "look at me, look at how hot my body is" pictures on here. If people cared about health and not looks, wouldn't they be posting, say, the results of their cholesterol test instead?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Eh, I'm shallow. Priority #1 is to look better. Getting healthier is the added bonus. I don't seem to be failing yet. Different things work for different people.
    I would argue that your sentiment is backwards. If you get healthier, you'll look (and feel) much better.

    That's a matter of opinion. I think I should use whichever motivation gets me the results I want most effectively. It's more socially acceptable for people to say they're doing this "for health," but look at all the, "look at me, look at how hot my body is" pictures on here. If people cared about health and not looks, wouldn't they be posting, say, the results of their cholesterol test instead?

    Alison girl i am with you. my priority is 100% to look better. hell yes, and getting healthier is tagging along for the ride. and so far so good. I am liking the results so i will keep it up.
  • That's a matter of opinion. I think I should use whichever motivation gets me the results I want most effectively. It's more socially acceptable for people to say they're doing this "for health," but look at all the, "look at me, look at how hot my body is" pictures on here. If people cared about health and not looks, wouldn't they be posting, say, the results of their cholesterol test instead?
    Hence... the original premise of the post.

    That's also like saying, "Lots of people drive over the speed limit... so it must be ok." Be sure to tell the state trooper that. :wink:

    However, let's take your argument at face-value...

    Why aren't the federal government, doctors, insurance companies, providers and nutritionists worried about a "national lack of hotness," however they all currently list obesity, diabetes and heart-disease as the leading "epidemics?"

    **typo fix**
  • Eh, I'm shallow. Priority #1 is to look better. Getting healthier is the added bonus. I don't seem to be failing yet. Different things work for different people.
    I would argue that your sentiment is backwards. If you get healthier, you'll look (and feel) much better.

    That's a matter of opinion. I think I should use whichever motivation gets me the results I want most effectively. It's more socially acceptable for people to say they're doing this "for health," but look at all the, "look at me, look at how hot my body is" pictures on here. If people cared about health and not looks, wouldn't they be posting, say, the results of their cholesterol test instead?

    Alison girl i am with you. my priority is 100% to look better. hell yes, and getting healthier is tagging along for the ride. and so far so good. I am liking the results so i will keep it up.

    This started out for me the same, but has since switched to health. I want both and Im gonna get both! :)
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    Eh, I'm shallow. Priority #1 is to look better. Getting healthier is the added bonus. I don't seem to be failing yet. Different things work for different people.
    I would argue that your sentiment is backwards. If you get healthier, you'll look (and feel) much better.

    That's a matter of opinion. I think I should use whichever motivation gets me the results I want most effectively. It's more socially acceptable for people to say they're doing this "for health," but look at all the, "look at me, look at how hot my body is" pictures on here. If people cared about health and not looks, wouldn't they be posting, say, the results of their cholesterol test instead?

    Alison girl i am with you. my priority is 100% to look better. hell yes, and getting healthier is tagging along for the ride. and so far so good. I am liking the results so i will keep it up.

    This started out for me the same, but has since switched to health. I want both and Im gonna get both! :)

    Yeah I am doing it for both :) more health and fitness - with that comes the hotness factor.