caffeine while pregnant

this is my third pregnancy and this time around I am loving ice coffee. currently because I have heard caffeine in large amounts is not good while pregnant I only drink 1 To 2 bottled Starbucks frappuccinos or 1 medium iced coffee from McDonalds a day. I have noticed if I don't get my coffee fix I end up with A headache that lasts all day. is there anyone who can offer advice or personal experience with caffeine during your pregnancy? please only serious replies thanks in advance.


  • rjan91
    rjan91 Posts: 194 Member
    I drank coffee during my pregnancies and limited intake to 1-2 per day. My children are all healthy and happy. I say enjoy your coffee in moderation!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I have 3 kids and have drank coffee in each pregnancy. When not pregnant I drink a lot of coffee and I just couldn't cut it out. I didn't drink it in my first trimester as I felt nauseous, but after that I limited myself to one a day most days, then switched to decaf. Occasionally I'd have two a day.

    I also get a headache if I don't drink coffee. I went on a school trip to London on Mon (I'm a teacher) and didn't have my usual morning coffee as I didn't want to need the loo on the coach lol, and didn't get a coffee until lunch time, and my head was aching!
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    If you are worried about caffeine intake, You can make your own iced coffe using decaf or use half caffeinated coffe and half decaf. If you go to Starbucks you can order the same.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,287 Member
    starbucks mochas were one of the few things I could keep down when pregnant. Had one or two a day. With all four babies, who are all perfect. Theres way worse things than caffeine.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Talk to you ob/gyn about specific amounts recommended, but I went half caf when I was pregnant. I was limited to 10oz of caffeinated coffee a day per my doctor, so I got 20oz of half caf.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited July 2015
    Caffeine withdrawal in newborns is a thing.

    Do with that information what you will.

    Theres way worse things than caffeine.

    There's way worse things than crack, too, but I don't see too many people saying its ok to suck a pipe for 9 months.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    And i really hope that you also discuss with your doctor the supplements you are talking about in the other thread.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Caffeine withdrawal in newborns is a thing.

    Do with that information what you will.

    Theres way worse things than caffeine.

    There's way worse things than crack, too, but I don't see too many people saying its ok to suck a pipe for 9 months.

    that got deep pretty fast ._.

    OP stop drinking that much caffeine. Go see your doctor.
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    And i really hope that you also discuss with your doctor the supplements you are talking about in the other thread.

    well just fyi, that was when I was on my weight loss journey, I don't take anything while pregnant and I stopped taking supplements after I achieved my weight loss goal. If you must know. Oh how I love when people try to go above and beyond what you are asking for help with. It's so hard to post helpful advice for others without someone having to put the 2 cents in....

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    The headaches will eventually get better if you cut out the caffeine.

    I opted to limit my caffeine to one drink per day as per current recommendations.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    you post on a public forum a question because you are concerned for your unborn. I read about your supplement intake in another thread ( which i didn't give any opinion or "my 2 cents" in at all) So when you are concerned about caffeine i just point out to think about supplements too.

    that's all

    We are pretty defensive isn't it?
  • rushbabe0214
    rushbabe0214 Posts: 105 Member
    I'd speak to your OB/Gyn for their recommendation.

    I went half decaf when pregnant and limiting myself to 1 to 2 cups per day.
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    Yea because if I needed advice about that I would have asked, I hate when the forum is filled with useless and irrelevant responses. I replied to a ladies question about supplements in HER FORUM and you assumed I was taking supplements and went out of the way to find A FORUM OF MINE and talk about it here which has nothing to do with supplements. And to go even deeper you only commented about supplements in a forum about coffee, and didn't even offer any advice with that. So excuse me for being defensive, have a good one.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited July 2015
    no the advice is already to your doctor! simple
    Just reminded you about the supplements to ask too.

    And you have a good one too.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    I have 3 kids and have drank coffee in each pregnancy. When not pregnant I drink a lot of coffee and I just couldn't cut it out. I didn't drink it in my first trimester as I felt nauseous, but after that I limited myself to one a day most days, then switched to decaf. Occasionally I'd have two a day.

    I also get a headache if I don't drink coffee. I went on a school trip to London on Mon (I'm a teacher) and didn't have my usual morning coffee as I didn't want to need the loo on the coach lol, and didn't get a coffee until lunch time, and my head was aching!

    This was pretty much me, and I switched to light coffee so I could feel like I wasn't cutting too much of my volume out.

    My kids are fine, and they were great sleepers right off the bat.
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    Thanks to all with legitimate replies. I was asking for personal experiences and if all forum replies were only to "consult a doctor" there would be no point for a forum. All I am asking for, if anyone chooses to reply to my question is basically did you have any issues with pregnancy or baby from caffiene, real personal experiences, please no negativity...let's stick to the topic please, thanks in advance.
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    I have 3 kids and have drank coffee in each pregnancy. When not pregnant I drink a lot of coffee and I just couldn't cut it out. I didn't drink it in my first trimester as I felt nauseous, but after that I limited myself to one a day most days, then switched to decaf. Occasionally I'd have two a day.

    I also get a headache if I don't drink coffee. I went on a school trip to London on Mon (I'm a teacher) and didn't have my usual morning coffee as I didn't want to need the loo on the coach lol, and didn't get a coffee until lunch time, and my head was aching!

    This was pretty much me, and I switched to light coffee so I could feel like I wasn't cutting too much of my volume out.

    My kids are fine, and they were great sleepers right off the bat.


  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    I'd speak to your OB/Gyn for their recommendation.

    I went half decaf when pregnant and limiting myself to 1 to 2 cups per day.


  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    The headaches will eventually get better if you cut out the caffeine.

    I opted to limit my caffeine to one drink per day as per current recommendations.

    Thanks, I guess I'll be keeping it to my 1 to 2 glasses too
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    Talk to you ob/gyn about specific amounts recommended, but I went half caf when I was pregnant. I was limited to 10oz of caffeinated coffee a day per my doctor, so I got 20oz of half caf.

    Thanks, I wonder if I cut the caffiene or switch to decaf if I will still have headaches. I think it's the caffiene withdrawal that gives me the headaches.