Support needed

MrsELR Posts: 3 Member
I'm 33 and from the westmidlands(UK) and need to lose 2 stone. I've 1 disabled partner, 2 kids under 12, 2 jobs 3 cats 2 rabbits and 6 fish so forgive me if I tell you I have no to fit exercise into my normal routine. I do walk as and when possible and try to swim every weekend.
I would love some others to givvy me along when I get fed up.


  • tripydevo
    tripydevo Posts: 12 Member
    Add me if you would like. I've been in fitness for a while now and I have lots of advice to share.

    I've lost 65 pounds in the last 6 months and I'm currently working to add some muscle mass now. Anyone else who wants some advice or support feel free to add me!