Back & Looking to Lose the last 47lbs

Hello, everyone. My name is Sean, and I'm looking to lose the last 47lbs to reach my goal.

I started on this site in June of last year at 400lbs and by December, I had reached 300lbs. Since December, I stepped away from MFP and tried losing the other 75lbs on my own, while still losing some of it, I was not losing nearly as fast as I had been while using MFP.

So here I am, back again and looking to lose the last 47lbs to reach my goal. My goal weight is 225lbs and I'm currently at 271.6lbs.

One of the key components of my success on here was the daily motivation I received through friends I had made on MFP, so with that in mind, if anyone has similar goals, or wants another friend to help motivate one another... send me a request.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post and best of luck to everyone on reaching their goals.