Burning calories by breastfeeding

I'm on the fence about breastfeeding, I had a difficult time breastfeeding my first two children and now I am pregnant for the third time and contemplating breastfeeding this time. of course breastfeeding in itself is a challenge and they always say to keep trying because it is so beneficial for the baby but previously I just gave up and went to formula. because of my successful weight loss prior to my pregnancy I want to get back to my pre baby body as fast And as healthy as possible. this question is for those who have had two pregnancies one where they did breastfeed and one where they did not breastfeed and saw a significanT difference in weight loss because they do say you can burn a lot of calories a day just breaStfeeding. Of course this would be in conjuction with diet and exercise. Please on serious and relevant replies. Thanks to all in advance.


  • Imadorkable
    Imadorkable Posts: 415 Member
    I have only had one baby and I am exclusively breastfeeding. If you can do it. I work full time as a nurse and it is a pain to find times to pump. I am tracking my food and eating when hungry in order to keep my supply up. I gained 40lbs from the pregnancy. I had Ollie in April and I am now currently 3 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. All I did was breastfeed. Plus, studies show that women who breastfeed past six months have a higher weight loss than those who formula feed. It also helps shrink you uterus back to size quicker. Also, not to mention the benefits your baby will receive. Breastfeed babies might be less fussy because it is easier to digest. They will get passive immunity to diseases while being breastfed. If you are sick your baby will receive antibodies for that illness via breast milk. It lowers your baby's risk of getting asthma or allergies. Overall, it is better for you and the baby.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I have 2 kids. My oldest is nearing 7 and my youngest is almost 6 months old. My first daughter I breastfed and pumped for 5-6 months but had to switch to formula after my supply dwindled due to Bell's Palsy. My 2nd daughter I've been able to breastfeed the entire time so far with no problems.

    My first child I didn't track my calories or anything like that. I continued to gain. My second I did track and I've lost all of my baby weight (by 17 weeks pp) and am 6 lbs under my prepregnancy weight.

    The thing is, with breastfeeding, weight loss is NOT supposed to be a fast, quick or easy thing to do. You have to watch your calorie intake and hydration, and ensure you're eating enough to sustain your supply. You're looking at 1800+ calories WITHOUT exercise. If you're exercising, it's going to be more. Depending on your height and weight, it's going to be more. With breastfeeding, you need a SMALL deficit. We're talking like 250 calories/day kind of deficit. Don't expect weight loss after baby to be fast. You also shouldn't begin cutting calories until after your first post-partum check. Your body still needs time to heal and cutting calories too soon can hinder that process. AND let's face it, baby's needs are more important than your needs. You can always lose weight later after weaning. Also, some women don't lose weight at all until after they've weaned.

    There's ALOT of factors going on with post-partum weight loss that people don't even think about. Make sure you have your OB's all-clear before heavy exercising too.
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Let's start with what difficulties you experienced with breastfeeding the first two times? Did you consult a lactation consultant at the time? It really is best for your baby if you can successfully nurse him/her.
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    The whole latching on thing was what I had difficulty with. I am aware breastfeeding is beneficial for the baby and that what's best for baby is more important than mom's vanity reasons, but I truly am just curious about the calorie burn that they say happens while breastfeeding. Wondering if it's true or not. Nothing more, im sorry, I also want to reiterate my plan is still to diet and exercise the proper and recommended way and time to clear anything up for those who want to touch on that too.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    The whole latching on thing was what I had difficulty with. I am aware breastfeeding is beneficial for the baby and that what's best for baby is more important than mom's vanity reasons, but I truly am just curious about the calorie burn that they say happens while breastfeeding. Wondering if it's true or not. Nothing more, im sorry, I also want to reiterate my plan is still to diet and exercise the proper and recommended way and time to clear anything up for those who want to touch on that too.

    Your pediatrician should know a lactation consultant that you can see. I think there's a LC at the hospital too if you have issues.

    TBH, the first few weeks are painful hell. My nipples were cracked and bleeding. I was globbing on the Lanisoh. Push through it. You might want to try different nursing positions too. I find that I nurse better with a football hold. And talk to the consultant.

    The calorie burn... yes there is some. Generally speaking it's 3-500 calories. Depends on how much and how often baby is eating.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    I didn't breastfeed my first, but I exclusively pumped for her. I had issues with latching and not really knowing what I was doing. I didn't even try to lose weight and I lost too much weight - I got down to 109 pounds, which I hadn't been since I was a kid. 120/122 was my pre-pregnancy weight.

    With my 2nd and 3rd kids I breast fed and pumped. I lost weight both times though I never got at low as 109 - I hovered around 115 until I weaned them. I ate whatever, whenever and still lost weight and I never had supply issues.

    I sure miss it sometimes :) -the eating whatever/whenever part

    I think women are all different - I have several friends who never lost weight while breastfeeding.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    Breastfeeding for Quicker weight loss is really not a good reason to breast feed. You may or may not be one of those women who lose weight while breastfeeding, but regardless you will have to eat 300-500 more calories to healthfully sustain your milk supply. You have to make the decision for your baby, not on how much faster you possibly might lose the weight.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    edited July 2015
    janjunie wrote: »
    Breastfeeding for Quicker weight loss is really not a good reason to breast feed. You may or may not be one of those women who lose weight while breastfeeding, but regardless you will have to eat 300-500 more calories to healthfully sustain your milk supply. You have to make the decision for your baby, not on how much faster you possibly might lose the weight.

  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    I didn't breastfeed my first, but I exclusively pumped for her. I had issues with latching and not really knowing what I was doing. I didn't even try to lose weight and I lost too much weight - I got down to 109 pounds, which I hadn't been since I was a kid. 120/122 was my pre-pregnancy weight.

    With my 2nd and 3rd kids I breast fed and pumped. I lost weight both times though I never got at low as 109 - I hovered around 115 until I weaned them. I ate whatever, whenever and still lost weight and I never had supply issues.

    I sure miss it sometimes :) -the eating whatever/whenever part

    I think women are all different - I have several friends who never lost weight while breastfeeding.

    Thanks this was more of a response I was looking for. I don't know how much I need to reiterate to others or new posters but I know all the "What's best..." "it's about the baby...", etc, I was just curious about the calorie burn part and the comparison between those who have actually breastfed once and didn't breast feed another time. Thanks again for your very relevant response of your personal experience.
  • akisom
    akisom Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2015
    l will just tell you that I am currently nursing baby #2. With my first, I really didn't lose weight until almost a year into nursing, but then I lost about 15 lbs. Best of luck with your growing family!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    I didn't breastfeed my first, but I exclusively pumped for her. I had issues with latching and not really knowing what I was doing. I didn't even try to lose weight and I lost too much weight - I got down to 109 pounds, which I hadn't been since I was a kid. 120/122 was my pre-pregnancy weight.

    With my 2nd and 3rd kids I breast fed and pumped. I lost weight both times though I never got at low as 109 - I hovered around 115 until I weaned them. I ate whatever, whenever and still lost weight and I never had supply issues.

    I sure miss it sometimes :) -the eating whatever/whenever part

    I think women are all different - I have several friends who never lost weight while breastfeeding.

    Thanks this was more of a response I was looking for. I don't know how much I need to reiterate to others or new posters but I know all the "What's best..." "it's about the baby...", etc, I was just curious about the calorie burn part and the comparison between those who have actually breastfed once and didn't breast feed another time. Thanks again for your very relevant response of your personal experience.

    Unfortunately when you ask a question on a forum you open yourself up to all types of responses. You can't control that. It might make it easier for you to just accept that instead of getting so upset.

    Breastfeeding burns calories. Period. That does not necessarily translate to weight loss for a whole host of reasons.

    Eat less than you burn and you will lose weight, breastfeeding or not. Breastfeeding can help you burn more calories but some people experience an increased appetite which offsets the extra calories. Some do not.
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    Thank you, you are right, I can't help but get angry at the ignorance lol I keep telling myself to just ignore it and let it go, but it's just In my nature I guess lol. I really am gonna just ignore the craziness from here on out otherwise I will be going back and forth all day. Thanks for your response.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Thank you, you are right, I can't help but get angry at the ignorance lol I keep telling myself to just ignore it and let it go, but it's just In my nature I guess lol. I really am gonna just ignore the craziness from here on out otherwise I will be going back and forth all day. Thanks for your response.
    Every time someone doesn't agree with you, or tell you the answer you want to hear, you consider that ignorance?
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    akisom wrote: »
    l will just tell you that I am currently nursing baby #2. With my first, I really didn't lose weight until almost a year into nursing, but then I lost about 15 lbs. Best of luck with your growing family!

  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited July 2015
    OP this the 4th thread I read of yours today. Why are you worried about weight loss, pills, wraps, etc.....right now you need to be making sure you are eating good and getting enough nutrition for yourself and the baby you are carrying, weight loss should be put to the side until after birth.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I haven't really seen any ignorance displayed in this thread, but a number of well-meaning and informative responses from knowledgeable mothers.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member

    Thank you, you are right, I can't help but get angry at the ignorance lol I keep telling myself to just ignore it and let it go, but it's just In my nature I guess lol. I really am gonna just ignore the craziness from here on out otherwise I will be going back and forth all day. Thanks for your response.

    Don't beat yourself up too much. We all say dumb stuff on the forums from time to time.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    Thank you, you are right, I can't help but get angry at the ignorance lol I keep telling myself to just ignore it and let it go, but it's just In my nature I guess lol. I really am gonna just ignore the craziness from here on out otherwise I will be going back and forth all day. Thanks for your response.

    Huh?? There is nothing ignorant or crazy about what I wrote. I am breastfeeding my 3rd kid, just stating the facts. I know nothing about your other posts, but from what was written by a previous poster maybe there are other issues going on?!
    May be time to speak to your doctor, you seem to have an intense fear of not being able to lose weight fast enough....or at all.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Alluminati wrote: »
    Thank you, you are right, I can't help but get angry at the ignorance lol I keep telling myself to just ignore it and let it go, but it's just In my nature I guess lol. I really am gonna just ignore the craziness from here on out otherwise I will be going back and forth all day. Thanks for your response.

    Don't beat yourself up too much. We all say dumb stuff on the forums from time to time.
