Plateaued big time! Help!!

In the last 6 weeks I had a weigh in and measurements done. Nothing shifted. No cms went up or down. All measurements stayed the same. If anything my weight went up 1 kilo.. In which I believe is because I have increased my weights in weight sessions.. and have built more muscle in arms and legs.. so what is the best way to jump start my metabolism and move this weight again? Please help.


  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    this just means you're not eating fewer calories than you burn. can't see your food diary, but are you weighing solids and measuring liquids?
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    You need to provide more information about what you've been doing so far. There is no way to "jump start" your metabolism, there is a calorie deficit or not. If you are eating at a deficit you lose weight, if you are eating at a surplus you do not. Do you weigh your food? How much do you weigh/how much are you trying to lose? How many calories are you eating? Are you adding back exercise calories?
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Also, you are not building muscle in a calorie deficit. It takes many months of intense lifting and not be in a deficit to gain muscle.
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    If you have stuck to the same workout routine, try something different that your body hasn't done before, that might help with the plateau.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Most of the time ( not always) but most of the time it is a logging issue.
    So eating more calories than you think

    do you weigh all your food on a scale? So not using any cups spoons or serving sizes.

    When you are eating in deficit you dont gain muscle ( except for some noob gains)

    But like i said most of the time you stall/plateau or stop losing weight because you are not in deficit ( anymore)

    opening your diary will help to find any errors too.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    If it's been 6 weeks of no change, then you're not eating a deficit.

    Make sure you are logging accurately and consistently (we can't tell since your diary isn't open). Weigh your foods with a food scale.

    There's no way to "jump start" your metabolism. You just need to ensure you are eating less calories than you burn daily.
  • ardster
    ardster Posts: 8 Member
    I started losing weight in 2014 weighing in at 120kgs. I since then have been doing the Metabolic Precision Program the last 2 years and have lost 20kgs doing Hiit and weight sessions (upper and lower) 4 times a week and light intense exercise in between. I eat 6 healthy small meals a day full of protein, plant foods and omega 3 fats. I drink 2 litres of water a day.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    ardster wrote: »
    I started losing weight in 2014 weighing in at 120kgs. I since then have been doing the Metabolic Precision Program the last 2 years and have lost 20kgs doing Hiit and weight sessions (upper and lower) 4 times a week and light intense exercise in between. I eat 6 healthy small meals a day full of protein, plant foods and omega 3 fats. I drink 2 litres of water a day.
    Okkayyy.... but are you logging your foods and ensuring your are eating less calories than you burn? All that stuff is good, but it means squat if you're not in a deficit, in terms of weight loss.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    ardster wrote: »
    I started losing weight in 2014 weighing in at 120kgs. I since then have been doing the Metabolic Precision Program the last 2 years and have lost 20kgs doing Hiit and weight sessions (upper and lower) 4 times a week and light intense exercise in between. I eat 6 healthy small meals a day full of protein, plant foods and omega 3 fats. I drink 2 litres of water a day.

    but do you weigh your food on a food scale?

    When you start losing weight your deficit is bigger so it doesn't come that accurate...the more you lose the more accurate you have to be.
  • ardster
    ardster Posts: 8 Member
    I have only just started using MFP again so you wouldn't see much of my food diary entries. But I have unblocked it for you to see where I'm going wrong maybe? I'm still trying to work all this out on here, because in the program I'm doing, you don't count calories.. so I'm a little confused haha
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    looked at your diary..i think you use a lot the same always 100 gram of something..Do you use cups and spoons?

    I think you eat more than you think, also you have some high calorie amounts there. 1800, 1900 over 2000.

    Look at this video
    This is an example of only oats and peanut butter that causes you hundreds of calories inaccurate logging
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    ardster wrote: »
    I have only just started using MFP again so you wouldn't see much of my food diary entries. But I have unblocked it for you to see where I'm going wrong maybe? I'm still trying to work all this out on here, because in the program I'm doing, you don't count calories.. so I'm a little confused haha

    aha oke well but if you eat like that all the is pretty high and i think inaccurate
    So some miscalculations and a small deficit and you wiped your weight loss out without knowing it.
  • ardster
    ardster Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for clearing this for me. I now understand.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    ardster wrote: »
    Thanks for clearing this for me. I now understand.

    yvw...and dont let it get your down you lost already and you are on the right way..just tighten up :)
    I am sure you are gonna make it!

  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    ardster wrote: »
    I have only just started using MFP again so you wouldn't see much of my food diary entries. But I have unblocked it for you to see where I'm going wrong maybe? I'm still trying to work all this out on here, because in the program I'm doing, you don't count calories.. so I'm a little confused haha

    This is the problem then. Start counting your calories and meeting your calorie goal (which has your deficit built in), and you'll see some change :)