Just HATING my pear shape :( How to change it!?

I would add pictures on here but don't know how...maybe someone can enlighten me?
Anyhow I have read an abundance of material on being a pear and changing it and tried everything workout wise so am at a loss :(
I am a classic pear..slim but nonetheless a pear :( Also unfortunately I am very short waisted/ torsoed so that makes my bottom half look even bigger and wider in comparison :(
I am about 32" B (though my cup is a decent size at a c/d) 27" W 34" H with a butt around measurement of about 36"
I weigh about 127lbs at 5'6"

I workout like mad; ballet galore, Insanity workout for about a week now so that is new, weight training for upper body and hiking.
Nothing ever really changes. I guess my hip bones are not going to get narrower but I would hope that my butt and thighs could reduce somewhat?
I can put pics up if someone can show me how.
I think I look fine from side but terrible straight on :(
PLEASE help!


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    If you're a pear, you'll likely always be a pear, sorry. Why not weight training for your lower half? Squats will perk your bum up. If you're not eating at a surplus, it won't add muscle there, but it will lift it up and give it a nicer shape.
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    My bum is actually very perky..that is not the issue. From the side, my body profile looks good; slim and fit.
    It's from the front, I hate how I look... like I am a triangle...narrow on top and moving outward as I go down :(
    I do squats but I was warned that they can make the muscles bigger...I want to lean my lower half down. A lot of weight training for my lower body is not recommended for ballet dancers as you want a lean look not a bigger muscular look.
    I eat very well and exercise a lot ...so annoying! :'(
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    You can't change your body shape. I am also 5 6" and weigh 125 lb. I can't change my body type so I try to focus on my best assets (my calves and biceps). Love who you are (you look great) and dress to show off your favorite assets. It can make a world of difference.
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    Thanks....I know I should love the shape I have...I am getting married soon and you know how it is..I want to be beautiful :)
    I really envy evenly proportioned people...though I suppose that the perfect hour glass shape is rare enough ;)
  • ArtLover26207
    Love your body. Embrace your body. Focus on what you love about it and forget about what you hate or want to change. Its the only one you are going to have so fuel it, live it, love it.
    Look at articles on how to correctly dress your body shape, and what tricks can be made to balance out your hips. I consider myself a pear and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love this shape, and love my body.
  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    thatonegirlwiththestuff Posts: 1,171 Member
    I too am somewhat of a pear shape and have noticed a lot of improvement with heavy weight lifting. Like really, really, heavy weights. Lunges holding 50 lbs in dumbbells, leg pressing 280+ lbs, etc. It's brutal and hard, but I swear it has done more to change my body in 2 short months than an entire year of lifting light weights/cardio. When I lost weight I lost it first from my boobs, then my waist, then my arms and calves. I am only 130 lbs at 5'8'' and still have a butt and thighs. But since incorporating heavy lifting 2.5 months ago, my thighs have really slimmed down. I think for me, lowering my bf% a little more may get me where I want to be, but as far as ''changing'' my body shape, well that's genetics. If I were you, I would really try out the heavy lifting thing. I am not sure where you heard squats make you bigger, but the more I lift, the smaller I get.
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    Well, I get info from dancers and dance instructors. Their profession is their body and minute changes to it so I figure they know what they are talking about. I love the dancer look; long and lean rather than the gymnastic or body builder look..but guess I can only get what I can get ;)
    I never lose in my boobs though I might like to!!!! ...just arms, neck and face which looks awful :(
    And no matter what I try I never have super firm legs! So maybe I DO need to try heavier lifting for lower body....it can't hurt to try... well maybe it can ;) It sounds like it might! :)
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    I wouldn't avoid lower body training, especially if you're a dancer. Weight training for the lower body torches a lot of calories as they're the largest muscles in the body and most of the movements are compund movements (using more than one muscle at a time) which gives you a larger calorie burn than doing something with an isolation. On top of the toning and calorie benefits of lower body training, the most important benefit is injury prevention and bone density building. Especially if you're a dancer, having strong muscles will keep you dancing longer.

    As for your shape, I'm a pear as well. I've found that weight training has made all the difference in where my fat is stored and how I carry it. The funny thing is that most women who have no curves would kill for them.

    The best part about being a pear shape? It's the best place to carry your extra fat, apple shapes have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    I wouldn't avoid lower body training, especially if you're a dancer. Weight training for the lower body torches a lot of calories as they're the largest muscles in the body and most of the movements are compund movements (using more than one muscle at a time) which gives you a larger calorie burn than doing something with an isolation. On top of the toning and calorie benefits of lower body training, the most important benefit is injury prevention and bone density building. Especially if you're a dancer, having strong muscles will keep you dancing longer.

    As for your shape, I'm a pear as well. I've found that weight training has made all the difference in where my fat is stored and how I carry it. The funny thing is that most women who have no curves would kill for them.

    The best part about being a pear shape? It's the best place to carry your extra fat, apple shapes have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

    Good advice.... The Insanity workout is great for lower body work... do you know it?? You use your own weight as resistance. I feel it in my lower body...
    But I shoudl maybe also try the machines for my lower body?
    You are right about the pear being the healthiest shape..I read that :)
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    nevermind. I read the thread. WoT.
  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    thatonegirlwiththestuff Posts: 1,171 Member
    Well, I get info from dancers and dance instructors. Their profession is their body and minute changes to it so I figure they know what they are talking about. I love the dancer look; long and lean rather than the gymnastic or body builder look..but guess I can only get what I can get ;)
    I never lose in my boobs though I might like to!!!! ...just arms, neck and face which looks awful :(
    And no matter what I try I never have super firm legs! So maybe I DO need to try heavier lifting for lower body....it can't hurt to try... well maybe it can ;) It sounds like it might! :)

    I also love the long, graceful, statuesque look, and while that is my ideal scenario, I can tell you that having worked out for over a year and still having jiggle and seeing minimal results, I was out of options. So, I tried out the heavy lifting and this is the only thing that has slimmed my thighs down. Yes, they are more muscular, but they look a whole lot better than they did!
    You are so lucky not to have lost your boobs! I just had to buy mine back!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You can't change bone structure. You could get breast implants, I suppose.
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    Well, I get info from dancers and dance instructors. Their profession is their body and minute changes to it so I figure they know what they are talking about. I love the dancer look; long and lean rather than the gymnastic or body builder look..but guess I can only get what I can get ;)
    I never lose in my boobs though I might like to!!!! ...just arms, neck and face which looks awful :(
    And no matter what I try I never have super firm legs! So maybe I DO need to try heavier lifting for lower body....it can't hurt to try... well maybe it can ;) It sounds like it might! :)

    I also love the long, graceful, statuesque look, and while that is my ideal scenario, I can tell you that having worked out for over a year and still having jiggle and seeing minimal results, I was out of options. So, I tried out the heavy lifting and this is the only thing that has slimmed my thighs down. Yes, they are more muscular, but they look a whole lot better than they did!
    You are so lucky not to have lost your boobs! I just had to buy mine back!

    Haha! You are funny! Ok. Will try it! :)
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    You can't change bone structure. You could get breast implants, I suppose.
    I don't think you read my thread ...I have quite big boob cup size(C/ D)...and actually don't even particularly like a booby look!
    My issue is with my small back, shoulders and bigger hips/ thighs.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You said you're a 32B. B would be your cup size. How are you a C/D if you're a B?

    I'm confused.

    Either way, bone structure is bone structure.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    For what it's worth, I love being a pear shape! I think it's shapely and sexy :) a nice plus is when I gain weight, it hits my upper bodylast and I never lose my waist. So even though I'm overweight, I really don't look it. Now yeah my lower body is bigger and I'm looking forward to slimming down, But I would not want to lose those curves altogether.

    There are pros and cons to all the body shapes. I hope that you learn to love what you're working with!
  • Caitychuu
    Caitychuu Posts: 33 Member
    No one ever likes their body shape. I'm an hourglass shape and I hate it. I wish I was pear shape! I think it's beautiful.
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    You said you're a 32B. B would be your cup size. How are you a C/D if you're a B?

    I'm confused.

    Either way, bone structure is bone structure.
    Nope I said I am a 32 BUST The B was for Bust..afterward I said that my cup size was C/D ;)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    No one ever likes their body shape. I'm an hourglass shape and I hate it. I wish I was pear shape! I think it's beautiful.
    I'm an hourglass and I love my body shape. I just want it to be a little smaller.
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    You said you're a 32B. B would be your cup size. How are you a C/D if you're a B?

    I'm confused.

    Either way, bone structure is bone structure.
    Nope I said I am a 32 BUST The B was for Bust..afterward I said that my cup size was C/D ;)