Trying to lose the first pound

mia0004 Posts: 3 Member
hey everyone! I am a 26 year old mom, and my son is now 10 weeks old. I am trying to lose the 30 pounds I gained while pregnant but I'm having a hard time! The numbers keep hovering around the same! I am
Not breastfeeding (I didn't produce enough milk) and I am starting to be more active than I was even before I was pregnant. I'm eating about 1200 calories a day (fitness pal says that's the magic number to eat to lose about 1 pound a week) however I'm not seeing number changes. Do you guys have any tips on what could be the issue? I'm not expecting crazy weight loss super fast but I feel that after 4 weeks of really getting into this I should see at least some kind of change!
Thanks :)


  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring your portions? That can make a significant difference in your logging. You say you are 'more active'. Do you know how many calories a day you are burning?

    If you open your diary, people will be able to give you more specific advice.

    Also if you haven't already, check out some posts here:

    I especially recommend the sexypants post. It really outlines things easily and clearly.
  • kyrannosaurus
    kyrannosaurus Posts: 350 Member
    - How long have you been logging?
    - do you weigh everything on a food scale?
    - do you create your own recipes using the recipe builder for any home cooked meals you make?

    If you open your diary it'd be easier to give advice.