scale help!

Okay, so o weigh in once a week. I have two taylor bathroom scales at home, but both are so wonky they could put me at 171 one moment and 179 the next.
so I've been using the one at work, I work in a nursing home, but today I stepped on it and it said 176, I got off and a second later it said 174, and again I did it and got 177. And after that it said 175 a couple times in a row. I have no idea what weight I should say I am and decide if I lost anything this week...
what weight would you take?

Also I want to get a better scale, one that I can be sure is accurate. Since I dont trust the one at work and I want to be sure I'm making some progress. Any suggestions for a good scale??


  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I think they're all about the same. Sometimes the way you stand on a scale will bring different results of a couple of pounds. The middle is the most accurate, if you stand back on the scale it will go down a couple of pounds, especially on those doctor office scales.

    Anyway, good luck with this!
  • pineapple_peach10
    pineapple_peach10 Posts: 239 Member
    Hi. You need to pick a spot on the floor or single tile and place the scale there. Step on and get reading, then step off. Let scale turn off fully then step on again. This should calibrate the scale.

    Take that second reading as it is most likely the most accurate.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Also be sure you are weighing on a bare floor- for some reason on carpeting a lot of scales are inaccurate.
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    I've owned this scale for two years and it's been great so far - very accurate and it measures BF%, too:
  • ediewharton
    ediewharton Posts: 23 Member
    My scale sucks. It is an old fashioned analog scale but I did buy it recently. I have found that if I get on it slowly and then off slowly, it tends to be more reliable. With that said, whileI am not sure how much I believe the actual number it gives me, I do believe that my weight is going down as I see a general progression downward and ultimately that is what I really want.
  • kerijane88
    kerijane88 Posts: 9 Member
    I pop to my local pharmacy once a week and pay 5-pence to use the scale which measure height, weight and body fat %. I find this keeps me motivated and I look forward to the weigh in each week.
  • Dariasen
    Dariasen Posts: 145 Member
    I have to keep my scale on a single tile in my bathroom. The floors in my old house are so skewed that moving the scale 1 ft to the left can result in a 6lb difference.
    Some times depending on how much I fidget (ie...yelling at the dogs to get out of the bathroom, or reminding the child to knock before entering) the scale can give me a way off number. If it seems out of the normal fluxuaction range I will try again.