Mommy working on getting Gains need peeps! :)

Heyy :) I'm a mommy of a 9 month old, getting married in 3 months, lost 103 lbs in a year b4 I got prego, starting Round 2 of becoming healthy! Looking for peeps that lift as I'm trying to replace fat with muscle instead of just loosing! HMU :)


  • che1229
    che1229 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I have a 7 month old and just started lifting again. We can do this and muscle is KEY to sucess. I prefer lifting because you burn more and put on more muscle which helps burn fat. IT'S TOUGH BUT WORTH IT. Trying to loose 80lbs total this time. 30 by December. I lost 50 years ago so i know its possible. Totally motivated to make a real change. Add me!
  • drok_Photo
    drok_Photo Posts: 10 Member
    im just an average joe trying to put in a little extra on top of ordinary because when you put in that extra effort you become extraordinary. Let's journey together! All are welcome. also drok_Photo on Instagram