Eating and Still Hungry

caitlin15 Posts: 28
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey Everyone!

I've been eating smaller portions and healthier choices for about two weeks now. I also have been doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred too. I eat breakfast then a few hours later a snack then lunch then a snack then dinner. I'm not eating empty carbs either! Yet I never feel full and get hungry quick.

Please tell me why and give advice on how to overcome!

THanks! :D


  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    I'll be interested to hear the answer, because I've been feeling the same way. No amount of water takes away the hunger either. :(
  • bellastella86
    bellastella86 Posts: 25 Member
    Are you drinking lots of water? That helps me. Also make sure you're getting healthy fats and lots of fiber. Both will help you feel full for longer. I noticed when I switched from fat free milk to 1% milk on my cereal I would stay full for nearly an hour longer - no bad for the 15 calories or so it adds (1/2 cup).
  • I would say it would have to be what kind of foods your eating, I dont think you shoud be feeling full all the time, but if your hungry try looking food that are more filling . Look at this list of food its from WW I hope it helps.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    If I'm hungry, the first thing I do is to drink a cup of tea (or water). I tend to mistake thirst for hunger. If I'm still hungry after that, then I'll have a decent snack. However, I've been focusing on getting more fiber in the morning and in my day in general, and that really helps. Fiber keeps you full longer so you end up snacking less. I go from breakfast to lunch on just a packet of fiber oatmeal, and I usually get from lunch to dinner without a snack too. I have a few cups of herbal tea a day, so that helps, but my snacking has been cut back quite a bit with more fiber in my diet.
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    Try Kashi Go Lean. This saves me every day! It is filling, full of protein and fiber!

    I felt hungry last night also and I ate just about every calorie I had and met my quota's for prtein, fiber and carbs. So I went to bed early. Now only if I could do that during work hours :laugh:
  • mamitc01
    mamitc01 Posts: 43
    Yes, the type of foods make a big difference. You've omitted empty calories, which is great, but as others have posted, high fiber and protein foods are what help you feel full longer. I'm not hungry for hours when I have either of my breakfast options:

    1 scrambled egg w/ sauteed spinach and 1/2 serving of carrots
    1 piece of whole grain toast
    (If I know I'm going to have a busy/active morning, I'll add another piece of toast and some cheese to make a little breakfast sandwich)


    1/2c oatmeal w/ milk, almond milk, soy, whatever you have
    mix with fresh berries/other fruit
    sprinkle with cinnamon
    (1/2 tsp brown sugar, if you like)

    greek yogurt is also a great addition or snack, as it has up to 20 grams of protein per cup!
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    well ignoring a feeling of hunger will never work, unless of course you are sleeping. when you feel hungry but its not your usual eating time, there are several steps to take. step one is drink up, just in case you are mistaking thirst for hunger. next get on mfp and log your exercise- you might actually need to eat some more food. if you're out of calories for the day, have some fresh veggies or even fruit. its okay if you're a little over, you can make up for it later. then reevaluate the actual nutrition you consumed for the day. often times, eating all low/no fat foods can leave you unsatisfied. same thing with low intakes of fiber and protein.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Are you getting enough fiber and protein? Could you make your diary public? If you're doing the shred, you may have to increase your calories. What are they set at? Stuff that helps me:

    - At least one serving of nuts per day
    - 1 or 2 healthy fats (olive oil, natural peanut butter, avocado, almonds, etc.)
    - Meeting my protein goal
    - Meeting or exceeding my fiber goal
    - Eating fruits and string cheese for snacks
    - Also, as everyone has said, LOTS of water. My personal daily minimum goal is 120 oz.
  • kwallen90
    kwallen90 Posts: 23 Member
    I agree with gymnast. I try to log in everything I'll eat for the day in the morning as well as the calories I will burn during my sessions. That way I know what I'll have left and if I'm eating enough. I also agree that eating high fiber foods will keep you full. I used to be hungry all the time eating 6 small meals , too, but I switched to better food choices. My snacks used to be things like pop corn or jello because I was craving carbs/sugar but when I switched it to fruit, veggies or a organic granola bar I sometimes now don't even be hungry at lunch time because I'm still full from breakfast and my morning snack. Also, the idea of drinking a cup of tea is good, too. That has helped me in the beginning of my weight loss journey. If nothing else works just do some good ol' fashion visualization and imagine what you'd look like if you gave in to your cravings and what you'd look like if you didn't! :-)
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    It's all speculation unless when know how and what you eat. You should open your diary. I eat 5-6 meals a day. I never go more than 3 hrs with out eating.

    I get full and by time I feel hungry again it is time for another meal, Check out my diary if you want an Idea of how I eat every day.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    If your diet is otherwise in order, it might just be psychological hunger.
    If you have eaten like crap most of your life, you might not feel the real physical hunger but you're subconsciously craving for the food and (or) amounts that you're used to.
    If it is that, it seems to go away with just sticking to your diet and keeping regular eating habits. You kinda learn to recognize the real hunger and separate it from the psychological.
    I used to have this problem and I ate way too much just because food tasted so good. Well.. I still have that weakness if I give in.. ;p

    I gradually got used to the smaller portions and nowadays I do get full with them.
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