57 yrs old 5'8.5" 70 lbs to lose looking for support

MN1013 Posts: 5 Member
I have been logging for 14 days now. Current weight 222, would like to be 150 +/-. I have put on 40-50 lbs in the past 3 yrs. Had a car accident with bad knee & ankle injury. Just now starting to walk for excercise. I'm trying to do once around our block 1.25 miles with a very steep hill every day. I carry 2 2lb hand weights and do arm excercises as I'm walking. I'm doing a 1200 cal. daily. I feel like I should be losing faster.

I think I should do some weights or body weight exercises, where to begin?? It's still very hard for me to get down on my knee. Once I'm down, takes some effort to get up. Want to regain strength in my knee.

Looking for friends with ideas on the best way to achieve my goal. Thank you in advance. MN1013