Help! Not sure what I'm doing wrong!



  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    i have almost lost 100 pounds in 9 months
    I weigh EVERYTHING!

    Also the pre-cut serving size 46 gram and 210 calorie cheesecake...which wasn't 46 gram at all but more...and well 43 calories more!

    Weighing your food is simple. Put your plate on the scale and use tara to get back to zero. Put your food item on..write down the grams. use tara again to zero out..put next item on..and write down...etc etc.

    Believe me, not losing weight is a matter or not having a deficit.
  • sunnyazgirl
    sunnyazgirl Posts: 271 Member
    Caitwn wrote: »
    I have been losing rapidly until I came to a sudden stop about 6 weeks ago. I lost 90 pounds in 10 months, and that included a cruise and vacation 12 nights long. I have been diligent all along with weighing and measuring. I will stop measuring and just weigh from now on. I am eating 1200 calories, am 62 years old and am 5'3". I still weigh 200 pounds so I am nowhere near goal. Walking, using the treadmill and now starting weights. Frustrating.

    It sounds like you've put a lot of effort into trying to do the right things, so you've got this! Being very careful about weighing food should help quite a bit. I am your height and age and am losing at a nice steady 3/4 -1 pound per week rate (which is right for the amount I have to lose - you can safely lose a bit faster). Based on your starting weight, it's great that 90 pounds are gone - I bet you are really feeling the difference and your body is thanking you!! But more than 2 pounds a week is not a rate of loss that you can realistically maintain. 1 to 1.5 pounds a week would probably be more like it for the moment (I didn't plug the numbers in, so someone correct me if I'm wrong, please).

    A 6-week plateau is frustrating but definitely not unheard of. If you tighten up your weighing and logging, at 1200 calories, with some exercise and eating back part but not all of your exercise burn, you should definitely see the weight loss kick in again.

    If you are just now starting with weights, you may see a little water weight increase on the scales. This is normal and temporary, so don't let it get you down.

    Thank you for the reply. I feel a little better today. Monday is my weigh day (I usually only weigh once or twice a week) and I lost 3 pounds! I am now below 200 pounds for the first time in over 30 years!!!

    Yesterday I just put it in the hands of the Lord. I read the advice here and I did a few thngs afterthinking and praying about what you all told me. I did change my numbers to losing 1 1/2 pounds a week instead of 2 pounds a week. I began to weigh everything. I compared a few things to what I was doing before and a few things were off more than realized. I never did use rounded measuring amounts. I always leveled off measuring cups and spoons, but there were still a few things off from what the package said a cup would weigh. I ate back some of my exercse calories.

    Yesterday was a big day as we had lunch with my Mom in her rehab facility (I am sure it was cooked healthy, but no scale) and I had company here for dinner. I was able to weigh it all and control the portions and selections, but still more calories than I normally eat. I even had a bit of dessert with real whipped cream! I thought for sure the scale would be up, even though I stayed within my calories (with exercise calories included) but I wasn't. So it was a victory! Thanks again.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I'm not a pro at this in the least but your intake seems excessive to me if you truly want to lose weight. I'm at 239 and my BMR is 1752 cal/day. To lose 2 lbs a week I need to go down to 1052 cal/day. Also, don't eat what you're burning. On the 4th of July I supposedly burned 1095 but only took in 1080. You don't eat back any of those burned calories until you want to maintain or gain.
    Also, with crossfit you're building tons of muscle and definition. So for every 2 lbs of fat you might take off you're replacing with another 2 lbs of muscle. So is your goal to be fit or lose right now? Pick one. If not just one,if you want both right now then you'd be better off looking at your measurements.
    I just about went out of my mind this past week without any weight loss in spite of a daily average calorie intake of under 1000 and increased exercise. Finally a little over a pound comes off and I redid my measurements from just a week ago and I lost 8 total inches. Only one pound but 8 inches is amazing!! I assume that means I exchanged a few pounds of fat for some muscle. Makes a huge difference to look at all angles.
    Good Luck!!

    youre giving a lot of bad advice, there

    You might be right but I'm just repeating what my doctors and dieticians have told me!

    Your doctors and dietician told you to eat below your BMR and not eat exercise calories back? And that you can replace fat with muscle?

    Yes they said I can eat below BMR
    Yes said do NOT eat exercise calories back
    No did not say you replace fat with muscle. But with exercise you build muscle and burn fat. They are not interchangeable.

    I agree it's probably not good advice to tell others to eat below their BMR. If you're being monitored by a doctor and you're obese, it's probably not going to do any longterm harm. But eating below BMR _CAN_ do long term harm to people who are not obese and not getting supervised by a doctor/clinician.

    Grats on your weightloss.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I'm not a pro at this in the least but your intake seems excessive to me if you truly want to lose weight. I'm at 239 and my BMR is 1752 cal/day. To lose 2 lbs a week I need to go down to 1052 cal/day. Also, don't eat what you're burning. On the 4th of July I supposedly burned 1095 but only took in 1080. You don't eat back any of those burned calories until you want to maintain or gain.
    Also, with crossfit you're building tons of muscle and definition. So for every 2 lbs of fat you might take off you're replacing with another 2 lbs of muscle. So is your goal to be fit or lose right now? Pick one. If not just one,if you want both right now then you'd be better off looking at your measurements.
    I just about went out of my mind this past week without any weight loss in spite of a daily average calorie intake of under 1000 and increased exercise. Finally a little over a pound comes off and I redid my measurements from just a week ago and I lost 8 total inches. Only one pound but 8 inches is amazing!! I assume that means I exchanged a few pounds of fat for some muscle. Makes a huge difference to look at all angles.
    Good Luck!!

    youre giving a lot of bad advice, there

    You might be right but I'm just repeating what my doctors and dieticians have told me!

    Your doctors and dietician told you to eat below your BMR and not eat exercise calories back? And that you can replace fat with muscle?

    Yes they said I can eat below BMR
    Yes said do NOT eat exercise calories back
    No did not say you replace fat with muscle. But with exercise you build muscle and burn fat. They are not interchangeable.

    That is not exactly true. Typically when it comes to fat loss and muscle gains, you need to pick one or the other. Some obese beginners can have luck building a tiny bit of muscle in a deficit or maintenance, but really to gain any considerable muscle mass you need to lift/resistance train on a progressive overload program and eat at a calorie surplus.

    When you are eating as low as you are just losing muscle mass along with fat. Period.