calorie questions

So I've read all the basic help post but I couldn't find one that answered my questions.
First off I set my weight loss at .5 lbs/wk because I'm 20-25 lbs from my goal weight and read that was what to set it at if you have less than 50 lbs to lose. I am 5'4" and I picked seditary because I have a broken foot and am a sahm.I do light yoga/pilataes and lift weight but not like I used to pre injury so I don't usually count it. They gave me 1600 and some change for calories. Is that right? It seems like a lot. I don't always hit my number, is it bad to eat under the amount given?

Second question, I'm breastfeeding, but my son is almost 2, so is it still using enough calories to track it?

Sorry if these are stupid questions, thanks in advance for any and all help :)


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm 5.4 and losing .5 pounds per week at lightly active and they give me the same.

    What is your current weight?

    ETA: 1600 is not that much food. If you're not using a food scale it's possible you're meeting the goal on the days you think you are under. You have to be very precise with a small deficit.