Redeeming Myself

Starting high school, I decided to do a really really unhealthy diet consisiting of 3 granola bars a day. One for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I was around 145 pounds then. In the span of a month and a half, I lost 15 pounds by doing absolutely nothing and just eating those bars three times a day. When school started, I got distracted and temptations hit me like a truck and of course, gained all my weight back and then some.

Throughout my years in high school I continued to diet and would lose around 10 pounds until I just drop the whole diet thing out of lack of results.

The lightest I ever ever been in high school was 128 pounds and that was freshman year.

Now I'm 18 and currently weigh 162 pounds. I just started my diet Monday/Tuesday and want to work towards 128 pounds. My first goal weight is 145 pounds though.

I failed dieting around 6 times and I found the problem: I get so impatient. I expected to see more results and was disappointed. I made it a diet, not a lifestyle.

So now, entering college, I want a lifestyle change. I'm going to be eating healthier and avoiding juices/sodas/alcohol at any cost. I'll be there exercising at least 30 mins a day by doing cardio (jogging in total 10 mins at 5.0 mph and fast pace walking at like 3.0-3.5 mph). The pictures1jfwto92kng3.jpg
displayed is me now, I'll be posting my progress so keep a look out.