How to decide a good goal weight?



  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    It wasn't until I set up my mfp profile that I realized I didn't have a goal weight. I just pulled a number out of my butt because it required a number.

    I still don't really have one. I'll quit when I hit one of two points:

    -When it gets so hard that it becomes a struggle I no longer wish to keep up
    -When I am thin enough for me

    Whatever the number is, it is.

    Doctor thinks 15-20 more pounds would do it, but I'm thinking 30-35. Have to see. :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    bcalvanese wrote: »
    Bshmerlie wrote: »
    I honestly don't see this journey stopping when I actually reach my goal weight. I'm 45 years old and I started out at 254 pounds. If I can manage to get down to 129 pounds in the next year or two I'm sure it would take several more years to tone and firm my body like I'm looking for. That's why I'm not considering this a diet. This is going to be a slow transformation into a healthier and better looking me.

    No reason you cant do both at the same time now, and have it all done in the next year or two...:)

    Agreed. The more LBM you save now while running some sort of resistance program, the happier you will be with your body as you near your goal weight-and the less muscle you will have to REBUILD.
  • PinkDeerBoy
    PinkDeerBoy Posts: 89 Member
    edited July 2015
    My goal right now is to lose 25 to get to my previous weight. After that, I might still look to lose about 10 or so more pounds.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited July 2015


    Weight is meaningless.

    Decide on a "Goal Look And Feel", instead.

    Keep losing until you look and feel like you wanted to look and feel.

    That can happen at almost any weight, right?

    One could be, say (just to throw out a number) 180, muscle bound and cut - if you're into such .. OR .. that same 180 could be skinny-ish with belly flab that looks like the third trimester of quadruplets. Both 180 - the same weight(skinny fat) ... ÒŔ ... anywhere in between . The same number.

    Weight is meaningless.
  • natboosh69
    natboosh69 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2015
    I put 140 because it's in the middle of my healthy weight range, but really I'll just go off how I look and feel when I get closer. If I end up happy at 150 I'll switch to maintenance, if not I'll keep losing. Oh and yes to strength training now rather than waiting 'til goal :)
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    edited July 2015
    Bshmerlie, do you believe those weights at I went and looked at some, and I thought about 50% of the people are full of it, they look like they weigh a lot more than they are saying they do, and about 50% are being honest. :) If you look like a plus size but say you wear a size 6 ( I saw quite a few of those) then something is not right. Muscular is one thing, but that is not what I am talking about.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    In college I lost a bunch of weight (really just 6lbs) but I fell in love with running and lifting so my body changed tremendously. That is my real goal weight, but I wasn't really done at that time. I just remember wearing a size 12 in childrens' sizes (I'm short) and the cost of kids' clothes is much less!
  • DuckReconMajor
    DuckReconMajor Posts: 434 Member
    During my last weight loss attempt I got down to 190 and thought "wow. one day i'd like to be 20 lb lighter than this", so i picked 170.

    Turns out 22 bmi for 6'1" male is ~166 so i think i picked ok
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member


    Weight is meaningless.

    Decide on a "Goal Look And Feel", instead.

    Keep losing until you look and feel like you wanted to look and feel.

    That can happen at almost any weight, right?

    One could be, say (just to throw out a number) 180, muscle bound and cut - if you're into such .. OR .. that same 180 could be skinny-ish with belly flab that looks like the third trimester of quadruplets. Both 180 - the same weight(skinny fat) ... ÒŔ ... anywhere in between . The same number.

    Weight is meaningless.

    Getting to a healthy weight is not meaningless.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    bcalvanese wrote: »
    Bshmerlie wrote: »
    I honestly don't see this journey stopping when I actually reach my goal weight. I'm 45 years old and I started out at 254 pounds. If I can manage to get down to 129 pounds in the next year or two I'm sure it would take several more years to tone and firm my body like I'm looking for. That's why I'm not considering this a diet. This is going to be a slow transformation into a healthier and better looking me.

    No reason you cant do both at the same time now, and have it all done in the next year or two...:)

    I am doing both right now but I'm also being realistic. I was a weight lifter and runner in college so I'm very well aware of what it's going to take to get the lean body I'm looking for. But I'm 45 now and I'm thinking I'm gonna have an excess skin thing going on in the pooch area for quite awhile after I loose the weight. Who knows maybe not. I'm just looking at the droopy thing happening as I'm losing weight and is the skin gonna shape up so quickly?....who knows. Only time will tell. If I do reach my goal weight and after another 4-5 years of focused exercise and I still can't manage to correct the excess sag I may consider a tummy tuck...if it bugs me that much. Maybe it won't by that point. But a lot of this also has to do with genetics and how our skin responds. And by looking at my mom in her Sixties I might need some surgical help in that particular area.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    ChrissyM93 wrote: »
    Hey guys. So i have been on this weight loss journey for a while. I started weighing 230lbs and now im down to 167lbs. When i first started this journey my goal weight was 160lbs because i remember being that weighht and liking it and i have some friends who are around that weight and they looked good. But, now that I am almost 160lbs I still am not satified. How do y'all decide what should be your goal weight and when did you notice the most changes in your stomach and arms? By fhe way I am 5'4" and i beleieve i am supposed to weight between 120 to 145lbs (correct me if I'm wrong).

    First, I would absolutely choose a HEALTHY weight. So 145 would be my top.

    Second, I'd be looking at losing until I got under 30% body fat, 35" belly circumference, and .8 waist/hip ratio.

    After that, it's up to you.

    I'm 5'6" at 137 now and too heavy for a recomp. Won't recomp until I'm below 130. I like having a flat belly (happens vertically at around 132lbs for me, horizontally at around 125-128) and legs that don't chafe when I walk (sub-130).
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited July 2015


    Weight is meaningless.

    Decide on a "Goal Look And Feel", instead.

    Keep losing until you look and feel like you wanted to look and feel.

    That can happen at almost any weight, right?

    One could be, say (just to throw out a number) 180, muscle bound and cut - if you're into such .. OR .. that same 180 could be skinny-ish with belly flab that looks like the third trimester of quadruplets. Both 180 - the same weight(skinny fat) ... ÒŔ ... anywhere in between . The same number.

    Weight is meaningless.

    Not a chance that a woman who is 5'4" wouldn't look and be obese at 180lbs. 5'4" female competitive bodybuilders who heavily use steroids (not talking bikini division, here) clock in around 150lbs.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited July 2015
    Bshmerlie, do you believe those weights at I went and looked at some, and I thought about 50% of the people are full of it, they look like they weigh a lot more than they are saying they do, and about 50% are being honest. :) If you look like a plus size but say you wear a size 6 ( I saw quite a few of those) then something is not right. Muscular is one thing, but that is not what I am talking about.

    With size inflation now, size is completely meaningless. I'm wearing 4s now. I'm quite noticeably chubby still.

    And before you go, "Oh, you just don't see your body the way it is"--by actual MEASUREMENTS, I should be in a 12.

    If you go by dress patterns (where the sizing hasn't changed since the 50s or 60s), I think I'm like a 16 or 18.

    Size inflation has been on a runaway train for a long while!
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    ChrissyM93 wrote: »
    Hey guys. So i have been on this weight loss journey for a while. I started weighing 230lbs and now im down to 167lbs. When i first started this journey my goal weight was 160lbs because i remember being that weighht and liking it and i have some friends who are around that weight and they looked good. But, now that I am almost 160lbs I still am not satified. How do y'all decide what should be your goal weight and when did you notice the most changes in your stomach and arms? By fhe way I am 5'4" and i beleieve i am supposed to weight between 120 to 145lbs (correct me if I'm wrong).

    Friend me.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I picked the middle of the healthy BMI. Never going to get there, but heck, if anything I'm less likely to gain weight back while I keep trying (been 3-5 lbs away for 2 years).
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I googled the ideal BMI for my height. There are a few different methods..but they are similar. So, I looked at that and know the ranges of my ideal also tells you ranges for not overweight..overweight..and obese. My first goal is to get to "not overweight" then I'm going for the high end of my ideal weight and go from there. It is good to know what the medical community sanctions as the range for your healthy weight.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    I'm aiming for the top end of normal BMI. Once there, I'll decide if I want to go lower. There are actually some advantages with carrying a bit of fat, so I may just stay around that top end. It'll be so much lighter than where I am now, and allow me to be so much more active, that I don't think I'll care very much. The only thing I'm determined about is getting out of "obese", as it's affecting insurance premiums. Almost there!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I am F, 5'6" and my HW was 256. I chose a goal weight of 150, which would put me at the high-end of a normal BMI.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited October 2016
    Don't make some arbitrary number your goal...I focused more on BF% and the way I looked.