Simple but Complicated



  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited July 2015
    sapplebana wrote: »
    A few interesting questions. I know I always ask interesting bs on the forums here lol but it's just the way I think. Thanks in advance to all who can be bothered helping!

    I'll start off bad and finish on a good note ;)

    1. I've noticed since 2013 I've only lost weight on a holiday (when I don't have a fridge at home and when I walk around and keep myself busy on holiday), however I've tried over 20 times to lose weight at home and gain at least 0.5kg each time I fail (and that collectively adds up). People say calling it a diet is bad or saying you want to lose weight means you're going to fail because you think about it too much, but I don't get it? I WANT to lose weight? Of course I'm going to think about it, of course it's a diet, lifestyle, whatever. So is there any help with this? I can't lose weight unless I'm not at home. (General query no specific question). Does this happen to others? Trying to lose a small amount and end up gaining every time you fail and end up + 5kg after 6 months.

    2. I need help with calorie counting here on MFP. I don't cook every meal myself at home, I can't ask every member that makes something to count all the ingredients they make and write them down just so I can eat around 2 spoon fulls to try and write the calories. I can't go to every friends or family's house and bring a scale to weigh things, etc, etc. How do you count calories, the world doesn't care for people who count calories and making them care will never happen. Does everybody bring a food scale to every place they go to? (legitimate question).

    3. How do you stay motivated to lose weight? I go to sleep dying and stomach completely empty (reached my calorie goals and calculated 99% CORRECTLY). I go 2 days fine and then start losing energy, playing worse in sports because I don't have the food but can't eat more because my calorie count will exceed it's limit (Already losing a very small amount per week). I guess I just have to push myself every single day right, 3 months of pain every day is it the same for everyone else? Because it's a mental and physically tough challenge.

    4. I don't understand why people tell me some skinny guys have an increased metabolism and can burn and lose weight whereas some others can't and will struggle. I always used to think that two 180cm, 85kg men with the EXACT same lifestyle, muscle, variables, etc would have different metabolic rates genetically? One guy's genes don't allow him to lose weight easily while the other struggles to gain weight. But it seems everybody on earth is EXACTLY the same based on these calorie counters. Can it be I struggle because I just genetically cannot lose weight no matter how big my calorie deficit is? (I lost 6kg five years ago unintentionally just by changing lifestyle and diet and was like WOW I lost weight haha, but feel like I've reached a genetic plateau now).

    5. I have an interesting question, if you were stuck on an island with an unlimited supply of drinking water but had to pick one type of food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be? Is there a food out there that has a good supply of all nutrients, vitamins, etc and contains a good balance of carbs, protein, fats, etc? I just asked myself this the other day while I was in the shower lol and can't find an answer.

    Long questions, but don't require long answers. Feel free to answer any of the five you don't have to answer all. This post is a little bit of frustration into my keyboard (broke 4 so far by the end of typing this), so hopefully I just get a little bit easy discussing this with others).

    Thanks again.

    1. If you respond to and like a greater amount of activity (burning it off), then burn more off at home. Be more active generally to increase your NEAT (non exercise activity). Do you help out with housework? Mow the lawn? Do that if you're not. Walk instead of taking the car or transit for short distances. Exercise more; exercise harder.

    2. Yeah, we do weigh/measure and enter ingredients for recipes. After a good bit of practice doing that, you are a little better equipped to make more accurate visual estimations when you go to a friend's house or to a restaurant. It's learning to connect what you see and feel with that number (1/2 cup or 200 grams or what have you). It takes a lot of repetition to really learn that and overcome our bias for underestimating food portions. Weigh/measure ingredients for the meals you cook, and ask whoever else is cooking for the recipe so you can enter it in. It's worth doing this because odds are you guys are mostly rotating the same meals, they'll come up again.

    3. I also hate being hungry. I usually shoot for a small deficit (-.5 lbs a week, or 10% less than TDEE), have most of my calories in meals vs snacks (this isn't helpful for everyone though) and choose foods that keep me fuller longer (emphasis: protein). Review your macros. Note that a smaller deficit for intake means you have to do more activity. Right now I am not able to do as much activity as before and yeah a larger intake deficit sucks, as far as I can tell. My response to that is to look at food choices more carefully. Not perfect with that; work in progress.

    Oh for motivation, though. I don't like the feeling of being overweight more than I dislike counting calories. I want to look good (vanity). I have joint problems and now highish cholesterol so want to stay light.

    4. I am not touching that with a ten-foot pole on MFP other than to say yeah of course there are differences between individual people.

    5. Not really, you need a balance of nutrients, no one food is going to do it. I guess some people are trying out Soylent, which is I guess an attempt to create a nutritionally complete food source (there is also Ensure). I have no idea about any of that.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited July 2015
    But it sounds like you just really hate the idea of counting calories, you feel like it's an intrusion on your life, etc. If you feel that way, you can lose weight without counting, but it means you have to make cautious choices in other ways (food choices and portions).

    There is no getting around having to be careful one way or another. You are just going to have to make some changes that may be uncomfortable for you if you want to lose weight.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    sapplebana wrote: »
    Wow I didn't think people would turn on me and ridicule for a few questions... Where are the smiles for some people? I'm obviously not pissed off I've taken quite a humorous approach (or at least tried to be positive and joyful rather than depressed like most others are).
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Lots of talking about/thinking about/planning/asking questions is entertaining and even seductive, because all of that makes us feel 'busy' with our hopes and plans. There comes a time when you simply have to take action. If you know why you're not losing weight, nobody but you can help you get started with the 'take action' part.

    Because a few hours on the computer for one night means I'm not doing anything... Seriously? I spend every minute of the day trying and focusing on not eating too much, etc, etc.

    Bshmerlie wrote: »
    I stopped taking you seriously when I read this. You will lose weight when you seriously want to. Until then continue being overweight and enjoy your pity party. Not wanting to share your height, weight, goals or other required stats to answer your questions seriously is rediculous. My advise to you would simply be to just get serious about losing weight or just stay fat and stop complain about it.

    I didn't ask to provide stats, I asked questions which some have constructively answered and thanks to those who have.

    And who said I was fat? I'm quite fit actually, spend 4 hours a day training but I can't control my diet. I need to lose around 5kg for sport.

    My questions are there, if you're arrogant enough to ridicule me then go ahead. I really am not offended, just surprised haha

    That's a lot of working out, if you had a food scale you could probably shave a couple of hours off.

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    2. Why does what other people think or care about matter? Do what you need to do for YOU.

    3. There are a couple of things that you could try. Distribute your calories more evenly throughout the day. Drink more water. Include more fiber, fat and protein while maintaining the same calorie other words, reduce sugar/carb intake.

    4. Life is not fair.

    5. Could I pick two foods? Blueberries and shrimp.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member
    sapplebana wrote: »
    I spend every minute of the day trying and focusing on not eating too much, etc, etc.

    That might be a large part of your problem right there. Stop focusing on food and start focusing on other things. Go for long walks, take up another sport, take up a hobby, start a night class ...