My activity tracker is adding extra exercise every morning....

kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
Every morning when I sync my misfit flash to see my sleep tracking, and then open myfitnesspal to add my morning glass of water, I see 260 calories taken off in the "exercise" section. I have not exercised, because I just woke up and got a glass of water, so there is no way I have actually burned those calories. Does anyone else's activity tracker do something similar?

Any thoughts on how to either make them go away, or how to make my calorie count not change for the food diary? I would like to keep using the tracker, but this baseline "calories burned" worries me a little.


  • AMaverickRenegade
    AMaverickRenegade Posts: 12 Member
    Do you have negative calories enabled?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,925 Member
    Sounds like you are getting a negative calorie adjustment, I.e. you are starting the day with LESS food than you would otherwise.

    That's because during the night when you slept you did not keep up to the activity level you've set yourself up as in MFP.

    As you move during the day, you will either catch up or not!

    If you are getting a POSITIVE adjustmebt , either your misfit is erroneously counting activity while you're asleep (what is your step count?), or misfit and mfp have a serious disagreement as to what your base TDEE is, with misfit believing it is more than what mfp does.

    How much weight are you setup to lose each week, and how much have you been losing? How long?
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    I have negative adjustments enabled, and it's counting the 260 as a positive I believe, as though I had exercised, and then adding the asterisk "you have earned 260 calories from exercise" on my food diary.

    It seems to me as though it's counting activity while I'm sleeping, or they disagree on that "base TDEE" thing. I do not know what a TDEE is, would you be able to elaborate on that point?

    I have only been using myfitnesspal and the misfit for around 20 days, and I have yet to weigh myself (I'm set for a doctor's appointment this week, so I'll use that as my "starting" weight, right now it's based off of a scale at my gym). I chose the 1.5lb/week setting for myfitnesspal, but I have a number of days where I've been over my calorie limit, so I don't expect to have lost weight yet.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,925 Member
    edited July 2015
    Double check that there isn't a little negative sign in front of that adjustment as it is common to have such in the mornings.

    Technically "disagree about your TDEE" was an incorrect statement, if what you say is true they are actually disagreeing about your BMR (base metabolic rate), not TDEE.

    Mfp guesses as to what you will burn during the day by using a formula and plugging in your stats.

    Thus, when you connect an all day activity tracker it sort of defers to what the activity tracker believes your caloric burn to be because, you know, your tracker is actually tracking you!

    I've never heard of what you describe (click on the little i in the exercise adjustment to get detailed information on what mfp is basing the adjustment on), because normally morning adjustments are negative ones

    The reason you would have a valid positive one is because tou were up moving around after midnight. Otherwise you need to check and see if your misfit is recording steps while you sleep and whether you have entered your stats correctly with them.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Maybe you're sleep walking. :)
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    Yep, I checked just now and there's no little negative sign. I checked the little "i" and this is what it said:

    "This is how we calculate your calorie adjustment:
    Misfit Wearables Calories Burned Full Day Projection
    (Based on 787 calories burned as of 6:17 am) 2265

    MyFitnessPal Calories Burned

    Misfit Wearables Calorie Adjustment
    262 "

    It definitely reads as though I'm sleepwalking, doesn't it! I don't sleepwalk, but I may toss and turn a lot. If I was moving a lot, though, I would expect the sleep tracker to read me as "awake". Last night it recorded me as having 9h34m of sleep, with 8min awake around 1am, 3h38min light sleep, and 5h56min deep sleep.
  • SunnyPacheco
    SunnyPacheco Posts: 142 Member
    Maybe it will adjust itself by the end of the day? I have a Polar watch and I sometimes don't go to bed till 2 or 3am and it will give me extra calories because I've been "active" past midnight, but by the time I wake up those will go away. It assumes you will continue whatever your current activity level is throughout the day and bases your projected calorie burn on that, but if you have a long inactive period or your activity decreases it should recalibrate.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,925 Member
    kae612 wrote: »
    Yep, I checked just now and there's no little negative sign. I checked the little "i" and this is what it said:
    "This is how we calculate your calorie adjustment:
    Misfit Wearables Calories Burned Full Day Projection
    (Based on 787 calories burned as of 6:17 am) 2265
    MyFitnessPal Calories Burned
    Misfit Wearables Calorie Adjustment
    262 "
    It definitely reads as though I'm sleepwalking, doesn't it! I don't sleepwalk, but I may toss and turn a lot. If I was moving a lot, though, I would expect the sleep tracker to read me as "awake". Last night it recorded me as having 9h34m of sleep, with 8min awake around 1am, 3h38min light sleep, and 5h56min deep sleep.

    Well, does your morning step count indicate that you are getting credit for tossing and turning?
    (tossing and turning would burn calories too!)

    So, this morning, Misfit reported that you had burned 787Cal between 00:00 and 6:17.

    Then MFP added the amount of calories it assumes you will spend during the rest of the day based on the activity level you've selected. According to MFP this would be 1478Cal between 6:17 and 23:59

    Based on this, MFP concludes that you will burn 2265 (1478+787) calories till the end of the day.

    Your activity setting in MFP (where you are probably setup as sedentary while you probably aren't), without any outside input, would have had you burn 2003 calories between 00:00 and 23:59

    Thus, Misfit indicated that in the period between 00:00 and 6:17 you spent 262 Calories more than what your activity level, as setup in MFP, would have predicted that you would spend.

    Now: either misfit recorded steps because of your tossing and turning throughout the night, or, possibly, but unlikely, Misfit thinks that you spend more calories in a day than MFP thinks.

    This could be a configuration issue (your height, weight, sex are wrong in either the one app or the other), or a philosophical disagreement ;-)

    Check your settings. Check your steps as of 6:17am (did you have 200 or 2000?) and keep on going.

    In spite of my own fitbit not being able to counts steps more accurately than a drunken sailor, it seems that in general the calorie count it gives out is correct!
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    edited July 2015
    I checked that this morning, and it tells me I have 88 steps, 9 points, and 733 calories on the misfit app. I have walked to the bathroom, but other than that I just woke up.

    I double checked the height/weight/sex thing, and they both have the exact same data.

    Again, after doing nothing but walking to the bathroom this morning, misfit has
    "Calories Remaining: 1250 (goal) - 0 (food) + 261 (exercise) = 1,511 remaining. :neutral:
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    I'm thinking that it seems to be something like that MFP has a certain idea of the calories I should be eating every day to burn my goal number of calories and stay in a deficit. Misfit however is tracking the number of calories I expend and can eat.

    I think there's a miscommunication of sorts, because Misfit is tracking calories burned before I've moved a muscle and MFP is adding it to the "exercise" log. My MFP goal is 1250 calories, but even on sedentary days it adds around 300 calories "from exercise" while on the Misfit app it shows there's been NO exercise. *facepalm*

    I've decided I'd better not wear it except when I'm going out and walking around, or working out. If I'm sitting around the house, it's encouraging me to eat more than I should be eating to stay in a deficit, I think. If 1250 calories is my goal to have a deficit, but I'm actually eating 1600 or so because Misfit is telling MFP I've burned calories, but MFP understands that as "exercise" - I may actually be eating my deficit!

    I'm really new to all this, so let me know if my suspicion sounds reasonable.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    are the timezones set up correctly in both apps and on the device?