Craziest thing you've ever done



  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    :# my lips are sealed!
    Well, now that I know that there is something to know, I want to know it.
  • ashley1215
    ashley1215 Posts: 2,199 Member
    :# my lips are sealed!
    Well, now that I know that there is something to know, I want to know it.

    I'm with Mel B)
  • rowantb
    rowantb Posts: 85 Member
    Krompskont wrote: »

    Thailand would've been my second guess. Haha.

    That predictable hey lol

    Going back to Amsterdam, the first time I went they had double booked our room in the hostel. The receptionist had been partaking heavily when we arrived and gave us a free stay if we slept the first night in the lobby/ breakfast hall. We agreed and our first night got a bit out of hand.

    When I woke up I could see feet in front of me and it turns out I was asleep underneath a breakfast table that people were eating at. So as casually as one could in that scenario I just slowly appeared from under the table and joined them for breakfast haha I panicked but thankfully they seemed fine with it
  • Inalienable_Property_of_www
    Mrj183 wrote: »

    woah.....and here i was gonna say i once picked up a hitchhiker who ended up buying me breakfast.

    That reminds me.. I once got into a car of a completely wasted person (I was with a group of friends, otherwise I'm not in a habit of getting into strangers' cars) I live on a large cliff.. overlooking beach.. if that *kitten* had lost control of the car, we'd all be dead. He'd had two bottles of vodka.. I should've known, it was St. John's Eve (aka big holiday in Estonia and some other countries.)

  • maytehsp0rksbewithy0u
    maytehsp0rksbewithy0u Posts: 26 Member
    I won't say the very craziest...

    But a close second is moving 700 miles away to be with my then boyfriend who I met online and who I'd only been "dating" for 6 months and had spent only about 2 weeks total in person with. We broke up after 5 years of living together but I'm still living in the same area.
  • Inalienable_Property_of_www
    Inalienable_Property_of_www Posts: 192 Member
    edited July 2015
    rowantb wrote: »
    Krompskont wrote: »

    Thailand would've been my second guess. Haha.

    That predictable hey lol

    Going back to Amsterdam, the first time I went they had double booked our room in the hostel. The receptionist had been partaking heavily when we arrived and gave us a free stay if we slept the first night in the lobby/ breakfast hall. We agreed and our first night got a bit out of hand.

    When I woke up I could see feet in front of me and it turns out I was asleep underneath a breakfast table that people were eating at. So as casually as one could in that scenario I just slowly appeared from under the table and joined them for breakfast haha I panicked but thankfully they seemed fine with it

    Haha, hostel people are awesome.. super laid back and don't have very high expectations, so a random person emerging from under the table probably wouldn't raise that many eyebrows.

    My friends got lost in Amsterdam somewhere in red light district and a coke dealer approached them offering them his merchandise.. my friends declined (they were sixteen.. although not all that innocent.) Guy put some on his finger and basically forced it in their mouth.. when they still tried to decline, he pulled a knife and basically told them, they'd already taken some of his coke, so they have to buy the rest.. That's how they ended up doing coke for the first time. Apparently it wasn't very enjoyable.

    The second time they went to Amsterdam they also ended up in a weird sex hostel.
  • rowantb
    rowantb Posts: 85 Member
    Wow that's not alright!! Yeah the red light can be a dodgy area at the best of times!
  • Inalienable_Property_of_www
    Inalienable_Property_of_www Posts: 192 Member
    edited July 2015
    rowantb wrote: »
    Wow that's not alright!! Yeah the red light can be a dodgy area at the best of times!

    Haha, honestly, I don't think they really cared. Considering that is how most of their trips end up like, probably because they pick such typical british lad holiday spots. Same guy got his *kitten* badly tattooed while drunk in Magaluf and slept with a prostitute in Amsterdam (for the first time in his life, he was too nervous to do it like a normal person, with y'know, a regular girl.. or guy or something.)

  • rowantb
    rowantb Posts: 85 Member
    Krompskont wrote: »
    rowantb wrote: »
    Wow that's not alright!! Yeah the red light can be a dodgy area at the best of times!

    Haha, honestly, I don't think they really cared. Considering that is how most of their trips end up like, probably because they pick such typical british lad holiday spots. Same guy got his *kitten* badly tattooed while drunk in Magaluf and slept with a prostitute in Amsterdam (for the first time in his life, he was too nervous to do it like a normal person, with y'know, a regular girl.. or guy or something.)

    Oh dear lol

    That reminded me of a festival where I was way too drunk and ended up getting a tattoo done on a bus there... Have never done the prostitute one though! Although me and a friend stumbled across a 'lady of the night' being mugged down an alley that lead to our hostel in Bangkok and we chased the attacker off and bought her a drink lol
  • RNGRZulu
    RNGRZulu Posts: 3,964 Member
    Swam across the Panama Canal
  • Mr_Stabbems
    Mr_Stabbems Posts: 4,771 Member
    Trying to think of a few more,

    i've broken into a few places (no ones house, im not creepy or a thief)
    Whilst in a (questionably owned) car, the driver hit a police car in traffic...that was fun.
    I've been over 150mph on a motorcycle through traffic (not heavy obviously)
    Been taken to an was a lot less romantic that you might think.
  • ashley1215
    ashley1215 Posts: 2,199 Member
    RNGRZulu wrote: »
    Swam across the Panama Canal
    How far was it? Omg I would drown
  • RNGRZulu
    RNGRZulu Posts: 3,964 Member
    Not too far. Just trying to avoid being seen was the hard part.

    Getting across the Chagres River was another story. The river flows into the Atlantic. Second most shark infested waters in the world.

    But it was either deal with the sharks at the mouth of the river or deal with pythons and caymans in the river.
  • ashley1215
    ashley1215 Posts: 2,199 Member
    RNGRZulu wrote: »
    Not too far. Just trying to avoid being seen was the hard part.

    Getting across the Chagres River was another story. The river flows into the Atlantic. Second most shark infested waters in the world.

    But it was either deal with the sharks at the mouth of the river or deal with pythons and caymans in the river.

    Holy sh**t that's crazy. I love it.